
Ruler Of The Abyss

He was an addict, loser and gambler, he had turned his back on his family. That was his life on Earth. After dying he corrected his ways and set out to be a hero through training and courage rather then being an ordinary villager or a useless drunk he wanted to do something with his life. He ended up dying at the hands of his fellow humans. He decided that if he was reborn then he wouldn’t be kind, clearly that didn’t go well. “If the world doesn’t want me to be good then I’ll be the ruler of shadows.” He was an addict, loser and gambler, he had turned his back on his family. That was his life on Earth. After dying he corrected his ways and set out to be a hero through training and courage rather then being an ordinary villager or a useless drunk he wanted to do something with his life. He ended up dying at the hands of his fellow humans. He decided that if he was reborn then he wouldn’t be kind, clearly that didn’t go well. “If the world doesn’t want me to be good then I’ll turn my back in the world.”

Allfather47 · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

I’m a…

Vita hears a faint and dulled sound of a drum, bum bum, bum bum. As if he were in water and someone were playing a drum.

Vita mumbled "In the end, all worlds that I have been in are ruled by money not power. If you have it you can do whatever you want; if not you can only end up in one of the gears of society, accumulating money till the moment you die. No matter the power you have you will never be able to have the respect of a nation or world, only with money can you gain favour and their power."

Abadon said "What a pitiful way of living. Forced by the rules of humans to work in order to accumulate pieces of metal used as currency which have value only thanks to the same rules you are obeying. True freedom is only achievable by gathering enough money. Is there even value on living a life like this?"

"No there truly isn't, me and you, a hero and demon have the same views. How laughable, what do you say to finding our own place to rule and rely on only our power not wealth family. Just us that way nobody can let us down"

Abadon snickered "yes a truly a likely pairing well my young hero let us get to cultivating"

Vita realised the start ness of his words as they were still trapped in that worm darkness. The darkness surrounding him started to affect his mood, the only thing keeping him sane was the warm feeling in his body and the need to grow stronger.

It was at that point that light appeared in the world of darkness, which seemed to get bigger as time passed by.

All of sudden, some kind of compression pushed him from the cramped space he was in towards the light. It seemed to be a slow and painful process of which he felt the pressure. After some time, the world of darkness became a world of light so bright that his eyes hurt. He started hearing some cheers and voices speaking an foreign and strange language.

After his eyes readjusted he say a stone room like the ones found in all castles from his two previous lives he often wondered why Mobey had used metal like I'm his first life as that was a much better material after all he was a forger so he knew all of the truly wondrous and simply astonishing effects of metal even through his past life where he was a hero he made many treasures that assisted him and saved his life more times then he would care to admit.

Now that he could finally see what was around him he looked around and saw a middle-aged fat man was looking at him with a look of worry as if afraid of his fate, lightly touching his own chest. The strange thing was that her hand seemed to cover his entire body.

"Abadon what's happening is this a giant"

Abadon laughed "please. If this was a giant then it wouldn't even see you this is just simply and adult human and you appear to be a baby, and judging by that person who seems sweaty and tired you have a very attractive mother"

Vita couldn't move his eyes yet and only felt the large man placing him on the bed and smacking his butt.

"Fuck you why are you hitting me when I'm just a baby!"

All that was heard was a pain filled cry and with that cry he managed to move his eyes to look all the people in the face and to his dismay everyone was smiling looking relaxed.

Now he could move be seen to be alive he was brought it the mother on an old fashioned bed,who beamed down at him with her palette beautiful face.

"It's a boy my lady, and seemingly curious one by the way he keeps on looking around" a young woman to the side chimed.

The person holding him, which vita assumed to be his mother from the situation and Abadons previous taunting, opened her shirt for him to breast feed.

"Abadon you damned demon help me out of this situation I thought that you said we could start training and getting stronger! At this rate it'll take years before I can do anything!"

Luckily nobody knew what he was saying they all thought that he was crying for food.

Abadon said teasingly "don't be such a baby my young hero"

Vita suddenly became sullen which bemused all others as surely being fed was what the newborn wanted otherwise why would it cry in its mothers arms.

Before he could say, or rather scream anything in his defence, a liquid poured down inside of his mouth and he lost himself in the dizziness of his first meal in so long.

A charming female voice sounded from above "I will name you Vita of house Ainsworth" her emerald green eyes sparkled, her thin eyebrows the same colour as her long ginger hair flowed all around as she looked dishevelled yet her face lost none of its beauty when she smiled.

'At least Abadon didn't lie about my mother and my name is that same, that'll make things easy for me, at least I hope that's still my name'

At that moment a large man with short black hair and a red face came over looking tired yet adoringly at Vita. He had to assume that this was his father otherwise he wouldn't be allowed in given what his mother was currently exposed.

Abadon could no longer contain his laughter "hahahaha. Oh wow you have no chance of going in noticed your mother is stunning and your father is handsome, how good luck. I'm going to call you pretty boy from now on, I hope that you have no complaints"

Fortunately it seemed that only he could hear Abadons voice otherwise that'd cause some awkward situations.

Vita was stunned into silenced and eventually managed to string a sentance together "I'm…pretty boy?"