
The Power Of Death

Inian and Burt had traveled to Weton, just outside of Irigia. Inian wasn't allowed to go inside Irigia, so he and Burt waited for the automatons right next door.

Burt spoke to Inian, "You know that the Queen doesn't mean it personally. It's true that the whole kingdom would be in an uproar if you were let back into the kingdom after what happened in the Ranid Kingdom."

"I know...I just really want to see Janae. But she's sick and can't come to see me. It makes me want to see her even more."

Burt nodded, "I can understand that. Well, once we defeat the remaining descendants, then we'll head back and see her."

Inian half-smiled and looked glanced around to see a sizeable armored vehicle moving towards them with a smaller vehicle behind it.

Burt stood up, "there they are. Those are our automatons."

Inian stood up as well, and a man hopped out of the vehicle, "Hello Burt!" He called out, "I have these automatons for you. I wish you the best of luck on your mission."

The man walked around to the smaller vehicle, and the soldiers drove away, leaving the armored vehicle with them.

Burt went around back and opened up the back door of the vehicle. Inside, lined up in formation, were one hundred automatons, waiting for their commands.

"That's almost a little bit creepy," Burt commented.

Inian nodded in agreeance, and they closed the back door. They hopped in the vehicle and began to drive North.

Inian said determinedly, "It's going to be a bit of a drive because we are heading to High Rock."

"Oof, that is a bit of a drive. I'm never going to leave you on your own, but I'm honestly rather tired of driving around everywhere. After we slay these last descendants, I plan to settle down in Irigia. Maybe get a wife and have some kids."

Inian looked at Burt with a raised eyebrow, "you would want to settle down? That's funny coming from you. You're one of the most adventurous people that I have ever known."

Burt shrugged, "well, my adventures and the adventures I go on with you are a bit different. I mean, we were just tackling massive titan level monsters a bit ago, and now we are chasing after behemoth level monsters?! Yeah, I'm definitely settling down after this. Anyway, tell me more about the power you have! We didn't really have much of a chance to talk because we needed to run as soon as you woke up from your little dream state earlier."

Inian looked down at his hand, "I think I have something close to the power of death. It was weird; I met with this floating white shadow that I would have the power over death, but that I would also feel the pain of every monster that would die from now on. I haven't felt anything yet, though."

Burt frowned, "that last part is a little scary, do you think it accumulates until you let yourself feel it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm saying that maybe there's something like a timer on it. Like you feel all the pain of every monster that died that week or that month or something like that."

Inian shrugged, "I guess we'll find out...but for now, I'm thinking I'm going to meditate and try to figure out more of this power."

Burt nodded and waved towards his seat, "be my guest."

Inian closed his eyes and tried to remember what he felt when he stretched out his hand and took hold of the Trostan Kingdom's soldiers.

He felt cold but strong and powerful at the same time. It's like he sent a wave out from his body, and it stole the life out of every living being near him.

He didn't want to try anything even close to that with Burt in the vehicle with him, but he still wanted to understand it.

Suddenly, the world around him turned black, and he was back in that place where he met the white shadow, and lo and behold, the shadow was there.

The shadow spoke to Inian, "I see you have already inflicted death upon the world..."

Inian asked it, "what exactly is this power that I have. I felt like I was reaching out and stealing the life straight out of the soldiers around me."

The white shadow sighed, "the power you have is much more terrifying. You aren't just stealing their life, but you are stealing their souls. As long as you are alive, none of the humans or creatures you take from will be able to go to the afterlife."

Inian paled after hearing this, 'that means all those people are still suffering? In me?'

The shadow spoke again before Inian could ask any more questions, "also, I'm afraid it's time for your first payment. Over the past week, 20,492 monsters have died. It is time for you to feel all their pain!"

The shadow faded away, and a slow-burning sensation began in Inian's body. It grew more and more painful until Inian was wracked in pain from his head to his toe.


Burt slammed on the brakes, "Hey Inian! Hey, talk to me!"

Inian was unable to say a single word through his screams. He felt his body being ripped apart, burned, frozen, stabbed, drowning, and every single other kind of death you could imagine.

He felt this pain all day, but couldn't pass out. It was like his new abilities wouldn't allow it.

As soon as night fell, the pain stopped, and Inian felt the sweet relief.

He passed out immediately after and passed out on the ground, fast asleep.

Please leave me some power stones if you enjoy the story! Thank you!

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