
Operation 'Life or Death' (2)

Alaric already had a team of 300 men to board the behemoth level ship. They were all meant to help crew the ship and the weapons.

It took at least 20 men to effectively use the massive mato cannon sitting on the front of the ship.

Once they were all stationed, Alaric raised his arm and yelled, "we're moving out!"

The mercenary ships lifted into the air, and the thousands of men began marching towards Tulum, towards Ashchid and Stonelich.

Everyone's hearts were racing with a mix of fear and excitement. They had been talking about this day, but now it was finally here. The day the people claimed Ranid for themselves.

Eli was next to Alaric, "no matter what happens, you know we've got your back."

"I do know."

They marched and moved silently for a couple of days until the scent of burnt corpses filled their noses.