
Chapter 98

In response, she heard a line of expletives. “All right. Does she need a doctor?”

“Probably,” Maggie told him. “Pauly thinks she has a concussion, but she’s still conscious. I don’t know if we want to bring her to a hospital or keep this quiet.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Deems said. “Tell Paul to expect a doctor. Call me from there. I have a meeting that starts in five minutes, but if it’s urgent I’ll have my cell on me. I’ll keep it on so you can call.”

No goodbyes, no thank yous. The line just went dead.

Maggie put her hand on her forehead. A headache was threatening to bloom behind her eyes. Get your ass in gear, girl,she scolded herself. This isn’t a time for indecision.She grabbed her coat out of the closet and looked around at her desk as she put the coat on. There were clients’ files and other paperwork sitting there. She straightened them up and put them inside her desk drawer, which she locked. Then she went out to the outer office.