
Chapter 69

Her mind was racing with the loose ends of the business. There had to be a way to recover from all this.

* * * *

“Control,” Cam whispered into the phone. She’d gotten to a phone as soon as she’d left Sonya sitting in Nick’s room. “Have Dickey arrest Officer Steve Krakowki of the BPD immediately. Make up something to keep him on ice. I’ll explain as soon as I can. I have been ordered to kill him.”

“Is he the mole?”

“Yes.” Cam hung up the phone before anyone walked in and saw her on the phone. Short and precise, the way she’d been told to call. Please, Maggie, she thought, please have Richard get him out of there before it’s too late

She couldn’t think of anything else to do. She had to go along with Sonya’s orders.

* * * *

Cam had found an empty room along an adjacent corridor just outside of the ICU that would be empty until a new patient was admitted later in the day. They shouldn’t need it for more than an hour. It had just been cleaned and readied.