
Chapter 55

“What about your friends and…” Cam started.

“I don’t even want to think about it. I just want to get us out of here,” Nick cut in. His determination seemed to have returned. “Come on. At least we didn’t park the car close enough to have it blocked by all that pandemonium. And I don’t think anyone’s even going to notice us.” He stopped as he saw Cam rub her wrist. “Are you okay?”

“This damned handcuff is about to cut my hand off.” She looked down at blood that was beginning to seep from the raw line where the handcuff had dug into her flesh.

Nick dug into his pockets but couldn’t seem to find anything in his waterlogged clothing. “I’m sorry,” he apologized, “I think I lost the key.”

Cam felt in the pockets of her own jacket but only found a very waterlogged pack of cigarettes, which she tossed back into the water.

“That’s all right. There’s another key at the house. Let’s just get out of here.” Nick added, almost as an apology.