
Chapter 4

“I’m exhausted, Maggie,” Cam answered, running her fingers through her short dark hair. “Thank you for this marvelous dinner. You definitely know how to treat a woman. Are you sure you’re not a lesbian?”

“If I were, you’d be the first to know, darling.” Maggie smiled at her. She placed glasses in front of each of them: Cam’s scotch and spring water; and hers, vodka and tonic. Then she sank down into the chair across the table from Cam. “The doctor says you’re fit again for another year. How do you feel about that?”

“Is that a personal question or the beginning of a professional evaluation?” Cam retorted

“Ah! Starting to answer questions with questions again.” Maggie chuckled. “Yes, you’re ready to go back to work.”

“I’ve been ready for months. I don’t know what the problem was,” Cam groused.

“We just wanted to be sure that there are no lasting effects from your last injuries. I still worry about you, you know.”