
Chapter 40

“Your kitchen looks like a swarm of locusts swept through it. I couldn’t even find enough bread to make toast. Coffee’s on, though.” Sonya sank down onto the bed as Cam searched through her dresser for clean socks.

Cam leaned down and kissed Sonya on the cheek. “Thank you. Perhaps we should go out for breakfast. I’m better in a restaurant than in a kitchen at this time of day.”

“Sounds nice but I have work to do today. I need to get home soon,” was the reply.

“Work? On Saturday? What kind of work do you do?” Cam asked.

“I’m an interior designer. I need to have plans ready for a meeting on Monday morning. Hopefully the client will like them enough to pay my retainer fee.”

Cam laughed, looking around her. “I guess this place looks pretty tacky to you, Ms. Interior Designer.”

“Well, a lot could be done with it, if you really tried,” Sonya agreed. “But if you’re not going to stay here all your life, why bother?”

“That’s what I thought. This hasn’t been the year to put down roots.”