
Chapter 39

She led Sonya into the compact living room. She looked around at the love-seat sofa, the low particle board coffee table, and the dozen cardboard boxes that filled the room. When Cam locked the door behind them and lowered the blinds in the two windows, Sonya wandered into the small bedroom. As Cam came up behind her, she turned and slowly opened Cam’s leather vest.

“At least you have a large bed,” she said softly, as she pushed the vest back and started to unbutton Cam’s shirt.

As Cam felt Sonya’s hands on her body, the desire that she’d felt in the parking lot began to heat up and Cam drew Sonya to her, their lips meeting tentatively at first, then hungrily. Cam’s tongue explored Sonya’s lips and those lips opened in welcome. Soon their bodies were grinding into each other as Cam reached around to unhook the waistband of Sonya’s short black skirt and let it slide to the floor.