
Chapter 27

“I hear you just moved to this neighborhood,” Max mumbled through his food. “Ralphie and Maurice have been singing your praises about what you did for Talia.”

“That night was just luck. I was in the right place at the right time,” Cam smiled, humbly as she shook her head. “Luckily, I was able to do something.”

“I would have just killed them,” mumbled the man who sat next to her. This one was Will, if Cam remembered the names correctly. He was a big man, Cam observed. Not fat, just big. He could have been a lineman in the NFL. The others, Alan and Max, were smaller men. Not as small as Ralphie but Will made them look smaller. He made everyone look smaller

“Yes. Very bravely keeping others safe.” Sonya’s statement cut through to Cam who looked down at the table, slightly embarrassed by the attention.

“Where did you learn to fight like that?” Alan asked.

“Around.” Cam side-stepped the real answer. “My last job required I know how to defend myself.”