
Chapter 24

“I take it that this is another of your fund-raising duties. May I ask,” Cam went on, “why the large amounts of cash? Don’t your constituents use checks?”

Nick looked her squarely in the eyes. “As in any business, there are a lot of transactions under the table.” Then he said firmly, “If there comes a time that you need to know more, you’ll be told. Some of these will be political parties, others will be business, others purely social.”

Cam stared back at him thoughtfully. “Am I to assume that it means you’ll be doing something more than avoiding taxes?”

Nick didn’t move. “Would that bother you?” was his reply.

Cam wet her lips. “As you alluded to a few minutes ago, I really don’t want to go back to prison, especially for something I didn’t know I was doing.”

Nick grinned, looking away. “I don’t think plying prospective clients with gifts is illegal yet.” He shrugged with a smirk. “Does that answer your question?”