
Chapter 15

Michael’s laugh was her response. “I do not have time to cook. I have been busy working on a proposal for the Commissioner General.”

“Is this about your ideas for classes for the wives and children?” Michael had spoken of her wish to create a program to teach self-defense to the dependents of the constables. She was the lead martial arts instructor for the whole country. At first, it was just sparring with her brothers, who were also part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Then she began to advance in belt. When she earned a third level black belt and it became apparent that they could not beat her, it drew the attention of the head of the district, and he asked her to teach her skills to the other officers. From there, it blossomed into an intra-district assignment, then intra-Provence, and she’d garnered praise from many of the top echelon of the RCMP. Now she could almost write her own job description.