
Chapter 102

Cam threw her head back wearily. Pauly pulled out a newspaper and handed it to Cam. She reached back slowly and hit the light switch on the lamp next to the bed.

The newspaper’s front-page story told the gruesome story.

“Deputy Police Commissioner Killed in Fiery Auto Explosion.” read the headline.

“One other man, thought to be John J. Weston, originally from Ft. Myers, Florida, also died in the explosion. He was the assistant to City Councilman James Bradford. Authorities are also searching the charred wreckage and surrounding wetlands for a third body. A woman was said to have been seen in the car with the men earlier in the day. Federal agents are investigating the cause of the blast.”

The article went on to laud Palent for his community service and crusade to stop street crime. Cam chuckled. If only they could tell everyone just how involved Palent had been.

Cam set the newspaper down.