

7TH_SIDE · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


The rain continued to pour heavily as the group of men in military attire drove through the dark, deserted streets in their luxurious car. They were being relentlessly pursued by a group of individuals armed with advanced laser weapons, who were intent on getting their hands on a mysterious scripture that the military group possessed.

As they weaved through the streets, the two officers in the back seat of the car returned fire, desperately trying to fend off their attackers. But their efforts were in vain, as the car suddenly collided with a pole and flipped over, throwing the occupants out onto the rain-soaked street.

The driver lay motionless, his body twisted at an unnatural angle. One of the officers groaned in pain, clutching his side as he urged his partner to flee with the scripture. The third man, a determined look on his face, sprinted towards the bridge in the distance, determined to prevent his enemies from getting their hands on the scripture.

But fate was not on his side. As he reached the bridge, he realized it was still under construction and was at an alarmingly high elevation. The group of attackers soon caught up with him, surrounding him with their weapons pointed directly at him.

One of them emerged from the shadows, dressed in a long black coat and hat. "Your mistake will cost you dearly," he said menacingly, brandishing his weapon. But the third man merely smiled, his eyes blazing with defiance.

"Mistake?" he said, his voice ringing out over the sound of the rain. "My greatest mistake was joining this organization in the first place. I'll never let you get your hands on that scripture."

The man in the black coat sneered. "You have no choice," he said. "Hand it over, or die."

The third man chuckled, a manic glint in his eyes. "Die? Nice idea," he said, before hurling himself off the edge of the bridge.

Then the ground rushed up to meet him, and he hit the water with a thunderous splash.

The current was strong, pulling him under and dragging him downstream. He fought against it with all his strength, his lungs burning for air as he struggled to stay afloat.

Through the darkness, he could see the faint glimmer of the scripture, bobbing on the surface of the water just out of reach. He reached out to grab it, but his fingers slipped and he was pulled under again.

His vision was starting to blur, his strength fading fast. He knew that he didn't have much time left. With a final burst of energy, he kicked his legs and propelled himself towards the surface.

He burst through the water, gasping for air as he clutched the scripture to his chest. The sound of his attackers grew fainter, and he knew that he had succeeded. He had saved the scripture from falling into the wrong hands, even if it meant sacrificing his own life in the process.

As he drifted downstream, his body growing cold and numb, he couldn't help but think that he had made the right choice. He had always known that protecting the scripture was his life's mission, and he had fulfilled it to the best of his ability.

With one final breath, he closed his eyes and let the current carry him away, content in the knowledge that he had done everything he could to protect what was most important.

The group of attackers rushed towards the edge of the bridge, peering down into the inky blackness of the river below. But the third man's body was nowhere to be seen. As they searched the rough terrain along the banks of the river, they realized with growing horror that the scripture was nowhere to be found.

Their search continued long into the night, but the scripture remained elusive. As the rain continued to pour down, the group of attackers finally realized that their mission had been a complete and utter failure.

But as they turned to leave, a sense of foreboding washed over them. They couldn't shake the feeling that the third man's sacrifice had set something terrible into motion, something that would haunt them for a long time to come.

Veer slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on the sofa in his living room. He let out a deep sigh and rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of the nightmare that had disturbed his sleep. He glanced around the room and saw everything in its proper place, which gave him a sense of relief. However, when he tried to get up, he fell back down on the sofa, feeling a sharp pain in his left leg.

He had forgotten about the injury he had sustained during his confrontation with Arush and his gang. He hobbled over to the medicine cabinet, bandaged his leg, and tried to push the pain out of his mind. He decided to make himself a cup of tea to start his day off, and as he was heating the water, the doorbell rang.

Veer's heart skipped a beat. He wasn't expecting anyone, and he was still feeling vulnerable from the previous night's events. He hesitated for a moment before making his way to the front door. He peeked through the peephole and saw that it was Riya.

He opened the door and greeted her, trying to hide the nervousness in his voice. He led her into the living room and told her that he was making tea for both of them. As they waited for the water to boil, Riya observed Veer walking with a limp and asked him how he got injured. Veer tried to ignore her question and talk about something else, but Riya stood up angrily and told him that she would leave if he did not tell her about his situation.

Veer sat nervously on the sofa, twiddling his thumbs while Riya sipped on her tea. He didn't know how to start or what to say. He had been keeping everything to himself for so long that he wasn't sure if he could trust anyone with his secrets.

"So, Veer," Riya said, setting her cup down on the coffee table. "You still haven't told me how you got injured."

Veer sighed and rubbed his forehead. "It's a long story, Riya. You won't believe me if I tell you."

"Try me," she said with a small smile.

Finally, Veer gathered the courage to tell Riya everything. He told her about how Arush's gang beat him up, and when he woke up at approximately 2:46 am, he saw in the mirror that not a single scratch was left on his body. He also told her about his worst nightmare, where he was lost in a foggy forest and witnessed brutal rituals being performed by hooded men. He mentioned the chest pain he experienced due to a kind of energy pulse and how he and Rohit saw a mysterious hooded person on the day of Riya's birthday.

As he spoke, Riya listened intently, her eyes widening with each new detail. When he had finished, she sat in silence for a moment, processing everything he had just told her.

"Wow," she finally said. "That's a lot to take in."

Veer nodded, his heart still pounding in his chest. "I know it sounds crazy," he said. "But it's all true. I swear."

Riya looked at him, a mixture of concern and disbelief in her eyes. "I don't know what to say, Veer," she said. "This is all so...strange."

Veer shrugged. "I don't know," he said. "I don't even know if any of this is real. Maybe it was all just a nightmare."

Veer laughed bitterly and told her that these were the things that people would make fun of him for, that they would call him crazy. He had kept everything to himself, afraid of being judged by others.

Riya put a hand on Veer's shoulder and told him that she believed him. She said that she had always known that there was something more to him, something that he was keeping hidden from the world. She encouraged him to share his experiences with her, and promised to stand by him no matter what.

After this all matter suddenly Riya clicks, "O my god, i haven't tell you till now!" "What ??" Veer asks "that I am going in a music concert in prayagraj today with some of our school friends and you'll also join us that's why I have came here", veer tries to say no but riya wouldn't listened him and finnally veer agrees, Riya says "we'll leave on 8:00pm by train and you should be ready till 7:30pm okay??", Veer says "ok mam" in a funny way.

Veer was still in a daze after Riya left. He couldn't believe that he had agreed to go to the concert with Riya.

He decided to call his friend Nanu to inform him and discuss the details of the trip. But the call was busy, so he sent a message instead.

Veer decided to call his friend Rohit and ask him to come along to the concert. Veer could hear Rohit yawning on the other end of the line.

"Hey Rohit, what's up?" Veer asked.

"Nothing much man, just got back home," Rohit replied in a tired voice.

"Listen, I was thinking about going to this music concert in Prayagraj with Riya and some of our school friends. Do you want to come along?"

Rohit let out a big yawn. "To be honest, Veer, I'm too tired to go anywhere right now. I just want to crash on my bed and sleep."

Veer sighed. "Come on man, it'll be fun. We haven't seen each other in a while."

Rohit hesitated. "I don't know, Veer. It's a long journey, and I'm really tired."

Veer thought for a moment. "Okay, no worries. I'll let you sleep. Maybe some other time then."

"Yeah, definitely," Rohit said, sounding relieved. "Have fun though, and send me some pictures or videos if you can."

"Sure thing, man. Take care," Veer said before ending the call.

Veer felt a little disappointed that Rohit wouldn't be joining him, but he shrugged it off. He knew he would still have a good time with Riya and the others.

He decided to take a nap himself, to make sure he was well-rested for the journey. As he lay down on the sofa, he couldn't help but think about his nightmare from the previous night. He wondered if it was just a random dream or if it meant something.

But he quickly pushed those thoughts aside and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Veer was lounging on his couch, his eyes glued to the TV, and his hand constantly reaching for the bowl of chips resting on his stomach. He was in his comfort zone and didn't want to move a muscle.

Suddenly, his phone rang, and he reluctantly lifted it to his ear. It was Riya, asking if he was ready for their music concert trip to Prayagraj. Veer replied lazily, "I'm almost ready, just need to put on some pants," as he continued to munch on his chips.

Riya, knowing Veer's tendency to procrastinate, warned him that they were meeting at the station in just 15 minutes. Veer's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly jumped off the couch, scattering chips everywhere.

In a rush, Veer grabbed his bag and started stuffing it with everything he could think of. He threw in his phone charger, earbuds, a towel, and even a mini fan. He started sweating profusely as he realized that it was already 7:40 pm.

Frantically, Veer put on his clothes and raincoat, locked his doors, and ran outside to hail a taxi.

As he was locking up his house, his phone rang again. It was Riya, asking where he was. Veer, out of breath from all the running, replied, "I'm on my way, don't worry. Just running on the edges of time."

He hailed a taxi and jumped in, telling the driver to step on it. But as luck would have it, the traffic was heavy, and Veer started to worry that he wouldn't make it on time. The thought of missing the train and the concert made him panic, but he was still too lazy to move any faster.

Veer hurried through the rain, clutching his bag as he ran towards the station. It was already 7:55, and he didn't want to miss his train. As he made his way through the crowd, he accidentally collided with a huge man. Veer's backpack fell to the ground, and before he could pick it up, the man had already picked it up and handed it back to him.

"Take it, kid. And don't run in the rain," the man said, his deep voice rumbling like thunder.

As Veer thanked the man and took his backpack, he noticed a strange symbol on the man's hand. It looked ancient and mysterious, and for some reason, it sent shivers down Veer's spine.

Ignoring the strange feeling, Veer rushed towards his friends who were waiting for him on the platform.

When Veer finally found his friends, he was relieved to see that they were all sitting together on the platform, looking relaxed and chatting away. But as he approached them, he noticed that someone was missing.

"Hey, where's Arush?" Veer asked, out of breath.

Riya looked up from her phone and replied, "I hadn't called him."

The train arrived, and everyone boarded, trying to find their seats. Veer's seat was next to the window, and he settled in, gazing out at the rain-drenched landscape. But something caught his eye. The man from before was sitting in the next compartment. Veer's heart started racing as he suddenly clicks that this is the same mysterious symbol that he saw over the top of that ancient temple.

He decided to keep a close eye on the man and follow him if he got off at any of the stops before theirs. He didn't know what he was looking for, but he knew he had to find out more about this symbol and the man who bore it.

As the train chugged along through the countryside, Veer's mind raced with possibilities. Who was this man? What did the symbol mean?

As Nanu safely made his way out of the secret door behind the temple, he was greeted by a group of men dressed in black and white suits. They stood in front of a luxurious car, waiting for him. Nanu, being the mysterious character that he is, didn't even flinch at the sight of these well-dressed men.

Without saying a word, Nanu handed his jacket to one of the men and climbed inside the car. He found himself face to face with a man who looked like a secret agent. His name was Raghav, and he was clearly excited to see Nanu.

"Welcome, welcome, my friend!" Raghav exclaimed, extending his hand for a handshake. But Nanu, being the enigmatic figure that he is, simply stared at him with an unreadable expression.

Undeterred, Raghav tried to break the ice. "So, have you brought what we need?" he asked with a grin.

Nanu finally spoke, his voice deep and mysterious. "Yes, I have," he replied, causing Raghav to grin even wider.

"But how did you manage to get it here?" Raghav asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

Nanu smirked, "It wasn't as difficult as fighting off dark-powered samurai ninjas or risking my life to protect a spherical ball," he replied with a sly grin.

Raghav laughed at the thought, "Well, I was thinking more along the lines of facing ancient mummies with demonic spirits," he said, nodding to himself.

Nanu raised an eyebrow, "I'm not joking right now," he replied sternly.

Raghav chuckled, "Oh come on, don't be so serious," he said, shaking his head.

Nanu remained quiet, lost in his own thoughts. But Raghav was determined to get a reaction out of him.

"Hey, you know what I once faced? Ancient Egyptians like demons, just for a kitchen knife," Raghav said with a chuckle.

Nanu finally looked at him, his eyes full of intrigue. "Let me see," he said, holding out his hand.

Raghav eagerly opened his briefcase and revealed a beautiful, intricately designed knife. "It's cursed, you know," he said with a smirk.

Nanu examined the knife closely, a look of admiration crossing his face. "Nice. I salute your bravery," he said, handing the knife back to Raghav.

As they continued their journey to the airbase, Raghav talked Nanu's ear off, telling him stories of his adventures and misadventures. Nanu, on the other hand, remained mysterious and aloof, leaving Raghav to wonder just who this enigmatic figure really was.

Nanu and Raghav sat in the car, speeding towards the airbase. Raghav was chatty, but Nanu was preoccupied. He knew that something big was about to happen, and he needed to be focused.

As they arrived at Raghav's personal airbase, Nanu noticed the luxurious apartment building that it was perched on top of. Raghav was clearly a man of wealth and power.

Once inside the plane, Nanu took the time to change into his secret agent gear. He checked his weapons and equipment, making sure everything was in place.

"Are you ready for this?" Raghav asked, breaking the silence.

"I was born ready," Nanu replied with a small smirk.

The plane took off, and soon they were soaring above the clouds, en route to Vishakhapatnam's Shivay Institute of Technology.

"So what do you think is going to happen at this meeting?" Raghav asked, trying to make conversation.

Nanu sighed. "I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it's going to be dangerous."

As they arrived at the institute, Nanu's suspicion was confirmed. They made their way to the basement and approached a broken channel. Nanu knew that this was the entrance to the secret base.

He opened the channel, and a retina scanner appeared. Nanu and Raghav both looked into it, and the scanner recognized them. A lift appeared, and they stepped inside.

As the lift descended, Nanu's mind raced with thoughts of what could be waiting for them at the bottom. When the doors opened, he was surprised to see a futuristic-looking base filled with scientists and people in black suits.

Now, from here we are going to take Nanu's character as "Shekhar".

As Shekhar and Raghav made their way through the futuristic base, they couldn't help but feel awestruck at the sheer level of technology and security in place. Everywhere they looked, there were advanced machines and equipment being operated by scientists and researchers in white lab coats.

Shekhar couldn't resist the urge to ask one of the researchers about the impressive gadgets and devices they were using. "Excuse me," he said, approaching a young woman who was tinkering with a machine that looked like something straight out of a sci-fi movie. "What exactly are you working on?"

The researcher smiled at Shekhar and replied, "Oh, this is just a molecular assembler. It's used to create objects from scratch by manipulating individual atoms and molecules. We're hoping to use it to create new materials and substances that could revolutionize various industries."

Shekhar's eyes widened in amazement. "That's incredible!" he exclaimed. "And what about that machine over there?" he asked, pointing to a large contraption that resembled a supercomputer.

"That's our quantum computer," the researcher replied. "It's capable of processing massive amounts of data in a fraction of the time it would take a traditional computer. We're using it to study complex systems and simulate real-world scenarios."

As they continued walking, Shekhar and Raghav couldn't help but notice the strange artifacts and mysterious objects on display throughout the base. There were ancient books, inscribed with symbols and languages they couldn't decipher, and strange weapons that appeared to be cursed or imbued with supernatural powers.

Raghav couldn't resist cracking a joke about the cursed weapons, "I don't think I'll be picking up one of those anytime soon, I don't want to end up cursed or worse."

The researchers laughed nervously and Johnathan, who was leading the way, chimed in, "Don't worry, we have some of the best security measures in place to ensure the safety of both our staff and the objects in our possession."

As they walked, Shekhar and Raghav overheard some researchers discussing a mysterious artifact that had just been acquired. "It's believed to be an ancient relic of great power," one of them said. "We're still trying to decipher its purpose and origins."

Shekhar's curiosity was piqued, "What kind of power are we talking about here?"

The researcher looked hesitant to say more, but Johnathan interjected, "We can't disclose too much information just yet. But I assure you, we have the best minds working on it, and we'll get to the bottom of this mystery."

With that, they continued on their way to the meeting hall, passing through various labs and research facilities along the way. As they approached the meeting hall,

When they finally reached the meeting hall, they were greeted by a room full of people dressed in black and white, all wearing high-tech glasses and earbuds. Nanu and Raghav took their seats among the shadows, the agents from different countries across the world. At the end of the room, sitting in huge chairs were the actual "Nine Unknowns", the people in charge of this organization.

As the meeting began, one of the Nine Unknowns jokingly asked why they were late. Raghav replied with a witty comment, and Nanu couldn't help but smile. The meeting quickly became serious as one of the Nine Unknowns asked Nanu and Raghav about the mission they had just completed. They presented their briefcases and explained everything they had gone through to complete the task.

One of the Nine Unknowns then granted them another mission. They were to travel to Shanghai, Japan, to find out more about the ninjas who had attacked Mr. Shekhar. They were given a scripture to help them, which Mr. Lee would provide. They also had to discover why the ninjas wanted to steal a spherical ball.

As the meeting continued, Raghav interrupted the serious discussion with a reference to a story about a serpent who wanted to become a dragon, but was cursed. The Nine Unknowns quickly shut him down, reminding him that this was not a time for jokes.

Nanu's attention was caught by the spherical ball he had been given. He rolled it around in his hands, examining it closely. As he did, he noticed a pyramid-like structure built around it, which seemed to glow faintly.

One of the Nine Unknowns Continued about the spherical ball that,

"It is said that whoever possesses the artifact will be granted immense power, but at a great cost. The more they use it, the more it will consume them."

Nanu's eyes widened. "That sounds dangerous."

"It is," the Nine Unknowns agreed. "That is why we have kept it under strict security."

Nanu couldn't help but wonder what kind of people would be willing to risk everything for such power. As the meeting ended, Nanu and Raghav made their way out of the hall, their minds buzzing with the new mission and the mystery of the cursed artifact.