
RUDRAANSH- Love which has no desire since birth

A love story of supernatural beings. Ansh- a vishaq (a half-fox half-human) falls in love with Rudraa (a half angel half demon). the story is about how they find out about their true self and their self saving the world from a disastrous catastrophe

Diya_Vekaria · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Chapter 2

When Rudraa turned twenty, her birthday was celebrated majestically but no one knew even Rudraa herself had no idea what is going to happen. In the past twenty years she had not shown any sign of a viqoon not even glimpses of it but this was the night, the night of viqoon. This night was a normal night. The full moon rays blessed by the Almighty but cursed by the devil and the same time. The moon is captured by the rulers of Saturn. Rooh and Keet. Rooh is a demon snake that swallows the sun or the moon hence causing darkness on earth. A never on earth seen eclipse. Keet is the tail of the Demon snake. Them being together comes with a tonnes of problems to the nature but them being individually is no a less problem. Rooh and Keet together can destroy the whole universe. This full moon night they have captured the moon. The moon is at its weakest and darkest form. In simple terms, the moon will not show up. The night when demon and angel have actually become one. Rudraa didn't know what is going to happen with her. Everyone was enjoying the party. Rudraa was feeling uncomfortable during the entire party but she thought to keep that at the back of her mind and enjoy her birthday.

The cake cutting ceremony happened but during this time she was feeling cold like the next moment she will freeze to death. She cut the cake everyone wished and congratulated her. She was still not feeling good so she decided to talk to her mom. She started looking for her mom in the party when suddenly her gaze went to the moon she started to feel colder. Her brother, Raghav noticed her from a far. He saw her face and became worried as her eyes were tearing up. He excused himself from there and came to Rudraa and asked her, "Rudraa, are you okay?"

Rudraa replied, "I am feeling cold. Please call for me mom." Raghav noticed Shayra on a distance and signaled her to come. Shayra was talking to some there business partners, she saw Raghav calling her. She quickly excused herself and went to them. She saw Rudraa and start to worry. Raghav explained to her everything. she called her secretary and told her, " Olivia, tell sir we are wrapping the party in the next fifteen minutes. Rudraa is not feeling well". After nodding to her madam she quickly went to Vikram and informed him. As soon as he heard the words of Olivia. He called his manager, "Fred, wind up the party in the next fifteen minutes". He quickly made an announcement and thanking everyone to come to the party and bidding them farewell.

The party ended at 11:45pm. The guests had left. Rudraa assured her mom that she is fine. She told her to go to her room and rest. Her brothers were not satisfied with that so they dropped her to her room but Rudraa reassured them. They said, "take care, good night" in unison and left.

She first freshened up. She walked out of the bathroom and walked to her bed. As she was about to sleep, a notification popped up from her phone. She sat up and picked her phone. It was a message from her friend, Mahek. " Rudraa, according to a research, all the planets will be aligned on the same orbit as the moon giving the moon a blood red color. Go to the window because it will start changing its color anytime from now". Rudraa was curious cause she had never seen a red moon. First she thought that its just a joke but her curiosity crushed her thoughts and she went to the window.