
Rubrum Lunae

“Fate has something planned for you…” The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely…among the victims,a boy whose existence was completely erased… After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International High School, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World, decided to investigate what happened on that fateful night… A new adventure begins as Alejandro meets the mysterious transfer student who resembles that boy who disappeared…he returns to the place he once called home with a simple mission: Assassinate the one who killed his father. Join the two boys as they uncover the secrets of Borderland… Presenting a new and improved project taken by inspiration of my past projects “The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher” and “Crimson Moon” with a new story and new characters... THANK YOU AND ENJOY… What to expect: A Long Story with Real World Settings in Modern Times, with realistic historical event references and unique cultures and traditions loathed around the world… A slow start and plot development that will escalate with every chapter… Character driven plot and Character development… Slice of Life with School settings and Romance… Mystery and Horror in some cases… with Mythological creatures and many legends that many of the readers haven’t heard before as they are from across the world Debate between Good and Evil… Unique Powers and Abilities with Action pack scenarios similar to manga/anime style attacks Note: This is a new and improved story of a project that I’ve been working on for several years. This is a long story with great characters, and incredible settings. Please enjoy the story, feedback is always welcome as long as it’s not offensive or just wanting to attack the author…I am a novice who writes for the readers to have fun…

Crimson_MZ · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Vol. 3- Chapter 1.5: The Level Of The Sombras

Sun City International Highschool

It's past noon and the Organization Periods are taking place. At the HISTOREA Club room, a hotblooded conversation takes place between Alejandro and Carlos.

Alejandro and Carlos glare at each other with hatred as Alejandro screams:


-TCH- Carlos pushes him back and says; "YELLOW!"



"DAMN IT!" Alejandro points at the magazine; "Damn it, I'm telling you that the Pink Space Ranger is the hottest!"

"Don't be stupid Alejandro, the Yellow Space Ranger has bigger boobs, she is hotter!"

Alejandro and Carlos have an argument over who is the hottest Space Ranger. Uriel reads a book on a desk while Chelsea writes on the board. Carlos Valverde and Chelsea Lockhart joined the HISTOREA Club as part of the alliance agreement.

"URIEL!" Alejandro looks at Uriel and asks; "Which is hotter, pink or yellow?"

"I don't care…" Uriel continues to read his book.

"What the hell man, when we were young, you used to say that the Pink was hotter."

Uriel feels embarrassed and continues reading; "I don't remember…"

Carlos grabs the magazine and says:

"Come, the yellow is way hotter, remember that…"

"Are you stupid?"

"No, you're stupid…"

"No you…"

Carlos and Alejandro begin to push each other. Carlos grabs the magazine and throws it at Alejandro.


Tiwa opens the door; "Hey guys, sorry I'm late…"


The magazine hits Tiwa's face. "UH-OH" Carlos and Alejandro look at Tiwa as she gets furious. Tiwa looks at both of them and makes a fist;"YOU TWO, ARE GOING TO PAY!"


Tiwa hits both of them with force; "Don't ever do that again…"

"We're sorry…" Carlos and Alejandro apologize to Tiwa as they rub their cheeks. Tiwa sighs with her eyes close:

"I can't believe that you were arguing over the hottest ranger. I mean how stupid can you be…"

Carlos and Alejandro stand in the corner with a cone that says "Donkey" on their heads. Chelsea stops writing:

"Okay...now that that's settled, let's move on to our topic, and that's the mysterious girl that appeared before us…"

On the board there is a diagram that has the word; "Mystery Girl" on top and below her "Kage" (Shadows).

"We know that the Chupacabras attack was planned and El Muerto was behind it...however, the Kage that appeared on the bottom floor was probably her doing."

"You're correct...I felt her presence the night of the attack…" Uriel recalls when he first encountered that girl.

"Speaking of that night...I can't believe you took down a Level 2 Sombra all by yourself…" Chelsea expresses her excitement.

"Level 2?" Tiwa asks Chelsea. 

"You don't know about the types of Sombras?" Chelsea clears her throat and puts her glasses on with a confident face, she begins to explain:

"Now then, it's time for Professor Chelsea to give her lecture…"

"Here we go again…" Carlos rolls his eyes. Chelsea writes on the board as she explains:

"Okay, first, we from Yggdrasil classified the Kage or Sombras in different categories; the first are the Level 1 Kage which are the giant monsters you often see. These types of Kage are not seen by the human eye, they barely have conscience and live on instinct alone. In this region, the Level 1 Kage are Alebrijes who were corrupted by human malice. These Kage can't withstand the Sun or sometimes Full Moon"

"Interesting...very interesting…"Alejandro takes notes from his notebook.

Chelsea writes on the board Level 1 and then writes Level 2 on top and circles it; "The next are the Level 2 Kage, these types of Kage are more powerful. The Chupacabras was a Level 2 Kage that was strong enough that everyone could see it. They have conscience, they can speak and are strong enough to use mana. However, they can't withstand the sun either."

Uriel remembers when the Chupacabras attacked him by using sound waves. Alejandro takes notes, Chelsea writes Level 3 on top and continues to explain:

"Okay, now the next Level is the third. These types of Kage can be stronger, they can take human form, have human intelligence and can withstand cloudy days. They attack people in plain day, they have large amounts of mana and are able to use it to their advantage."

"Level 3 Sombras?" Tiwa and Alejandro scratch their heads. Chelsea nods in agreement; "These monsters are hybrids from a human and a monster...you don´t see them here very often...but in Japan and other Asian countries...they are commonly known are Yokai…"

"Oh I know that...they are powerful spirits that appear in Japanese folklore, am I right?" Alejandro replies with excitement. Chelsea nods in agreement; "You are correct...you geek…"

"I love manga afterall…" Alejandro feels cocky, with Carlos shaking his head; "That's not something to be proud of…"

Uriel stands up and asks:

"Okay, now what are the other two levels?"

"Wait, there are five?" Alejandro asks, surprised. Chelsea chuckles; "So you already knew about them?"

"Of course, but I know that there are stronger Levels"

"You are correct, Level 4 and Level 5 are the strongest and they are considered legends. You see the first two levels are dealt for agents who are Branches and Upper Trunks. Level 2 are dealt with by the Lower Trunks or Roots, that's why Senpai was in charge of the Chupacabras. The Level 3 are dealt with by Roots. The higher levels are even more dangerous."

"Hey, and what is Level 4?" Alejandro asks nervously. Chelsea makes a sinister smile:

"Level 4 are Sombras that ar basically human beings...they are smart and strong...even stronger than a Root agent...and Level 5….well...Uriel himself knows what they are…."

Alejandro and Tiwa look at Uriel who sighs with his eyes closed; "For now, let's focus on the girl, we have come to the conclusion that she is a Shadowtamer."

" Shadow Tamer?"

Chelsea nods in agreement; "That's right, she is able to control the Kage at will, we often call those people Shadowtamers…"

"She must possess an enormous amount of mana if she can do that.." Carlos comments as he stands up; "Shadowtamers are rare...you could say that before her...they were considered extinct…"

"Extinct?" Alejandro looks confused.

"I see...so we must find that girl and stop her right?" Tiwa asks Uriel, Uriel nods in agreement:

"Indeed, she is a problem and we will find her…"


"Hello, is anyone here?" Victoria opens the door, she and Marjorie enter the room. Marjorie looks around surprised at the changes that the room suffered:

"Wow, this room looks incredible...I didn't recognize it…"

"Of course you didn't because I was the one who made the change…jealous?" Tiwa showa cocky expression thinking:

"That's right feel jealous, you witch"

"No, actually, I love it…"Marjorie makes a sincere smile. Carlos and Alejandro think:

"She's so cute…"

Uriel stands up and asks; "So, what does the Student Council want with us?"

Victoria looks at the door; "We came here to discuss what happened the other night…"

Everyone is speechless, Victoria continues to speak:

"As much as I hate to say, I must say Thank you for saving us the other night. Alejandro, you looked cool…"

Victoria looks away, Alejandro blushes. 

"Thank you for saving us…"

"You're welcome…" Alejandro replies feeling important. Uriel looks at them and asks:

"That's not all to it, right? What is your real reason?"

"We want to know what's going on...Uriel, why were you on a date with Ms. Miyazono, are you two dating?"

Carlos who was drinking water spits creating a rainbow, he gets mad and screams:


Chelsea covers his mouth; "Let him speak…"

Marjorie gets closer to Uriel.


"Well, answer us..."

Uriel sighs with his eyes closed; "No, we are not…"

Marjorie feels relieved. Victoria looks at all them acting suspicious:

"Are you guys part of a secret group or something? Because the thing we saw was a monster plus all of the creatures that were flying around looked suspicious and yet you guys handled it like if you already knew about them, and Alejandro's hand…"

"So she could see the Kage? This is bad, if she keeps asking questions…"Chelsea begins to gather mana on her hand. Marjorie notices weird and a takes a step back. Victoria asks impatiently:


"What do we do?"Tiwa and Alejandro get nervous, both of them looking at Uriel. Uriel with a calm fashion disappears from the girls' sight:

"Where did he…"

"I'm sorry, but that is information that you must forget…" Uriel says as he appears behind them, he puts his hand on both of their heads and chants:

"Memoria Perdida" (Lost Memory)

Uriel releases mana, the girls' eyes turn hollow and slowly close. After an instant, Marjorie and Victoria open their eyes, they look confused, Uriel continues to speak:

"Now then, I would like to thank you for your visit and as you can see, we are doing well. "

"Right? Well then, I guess we are off…" Victoria says as she approaches the door. Marjorie looks at Uriel, Uriel avoids eye contact. Marjorie looks at Alejandro and thinks:

"I guess, you're doing alright…" 

Uriel notices Marjorie´s attitude; "That's odd...did she…"


The Bell rings, ending the school day. The girls leave the room.

"Pheww, now that was close…" Chelsea pretends to swipe her sweat.

Carlos, Tiwa and Alejandro look at Uriel and ask:

"What did you do?"

"I just erased their memories, the memories of what happened that night…"

"Wow, now that is super handy…can you teach it to us?" Alejandro asks with excitement.

"Unfortunately no, this technique is extremely delicate...if I messed up, all of their memories could've been erased…"

Everyone looks at Uriel thinking; "Is this guy a genius or something?"

Everyone leaves the room, towards the hallway.