
Rubrum Lunae

“Fate has something planned for you…” The Borderland, a desert region located between two countries, two cultures and two rivals; This Region is full of mysteries and rich in“mana” (Natural Energy) a target for powerful individuals. Five Years ago, a tragedy hit the borderland with a massive earthquake and destroyed both cities completely…among the victims,a boy whose existence was completely erased… After witnessing a miracle, Alejandro Sanchez, a regular student at the Sun City International High School, a prestigious school where students from all over the world come to learn with high technology in the Western World, decided to investigate what happened on that fateful night… A new adventure begins as Alejandro meets the mysterious transfer student who resembles that boy who disappeared…he returns to the place he once called home with a simple mission: Assassinate the one who killed his father. Join the two boys as they uncover the secrets of Borderland… Presenting a new and improved project taken by inspiration of my past projects “The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher” and “Crimson Moon” with a new story and new characters... THANK YOU AND ENJOY… What to expect: A Long Story with Real World Settings in Modern Times, with realistic historical event references and unique cultures and traditions loathed around the world… A slow start and plot development that will escalate with every chapter… Character driven plot and Character development… Slice of Life with School settings and Romance… Mystery and Horror in some cases… with Mythological creatures and many legends that many of the readers haven’t heard before as they are from across the world Debate between Good and Evil… Unique Powers and Abilities with Action pack scenarios similar to manga/anime style attacks Note: This is a new and improved story of a project that I’ve been working on for several years. This is a long story with great characters, and incredible settings. Please enjoy the story, feedback is always welcome as long as it’s not offensive or just wanting to attack the author…I am a novice who writes for the readers to have fun…

Crimson_MZ · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Vol. 2 - Chapter 3: Rhythms in Life

October, 4 years ago; Jungle of Jalisco 

At the Jungle deep inside the state of Jalisco…Tapatio…a place where mana flows with great intensity…even more than the Borderland…

At that place, Juan de la Trinidad trained Uriel and his daughter Alexa…


Huge explosions shake the trees deep in the jungle of Jalisco. The animals begin to run away feeling fear.

Trees fall down creating smokescreens. Suddenly, Uriel comes flying out of the smokescreen and crashes into a tree. Juan comes out walking with his sword. 

The sword is the same as Uriel's, the only difference is the hilt that is golden.

Juan shakes his head; "Come on muchacho, focus, I'm wasting my time with you, come on!!!" 

Uriel, who is lying down on a tree branch, gets up breathing heavily and with blood coming out of his forehead.

"Remember this muchacho, "Life is full of Rhythms", you must always hear the rhythms of the things surrounding you. Music is very important for us "Charros" that is why I taught you how to play guitar."

"I know…damn it…but you're just too strong…" Uriel stands up and holds his sword. Juan smiles at him; "Excellent…then let's continue…"

Juan swings his sword and at that moment Uriel begins to hear a sound coming from the sword:

"This sound…it sounded like a string…"


Uriel blocks the attack, however, the attack sends him flying again.

Uriel lies on the ground with a smile; "I did it…"

"I can hear the Rhythm!" Uriel screams as he blocks Juan's attack with his own sword.

Juan nods in agreement; "Good Muchacho, you heard my sword now…remember the sound and try to predict my movements..." 

Juan begins to attack Uriel multiple times. Uriel thinks of the sounds he is hearing.

-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-

"Come on focus, these sounds are guitar chords, yes I got it, now to identify the circle." Uriel thinks to himself as he continues to dodge Juan's attack. Suddenly Uriel blocks one of the attacks and counters it.


"Good Muchacho." Juan takes a few steps back. Uriel breathes heavily with a smile.

-TCH- Alexa walks towards him with a face full of disgust; "That was cheer luck…"

Uriel looks at Alexa; "It wasn't I heard the sequence…"

"Big deal…I can hear sequences as well…" Alexa puffs her cheeks. Juan chuckles:

"Calm down hija…I know you're a genius…how about you give advice to Uriel…"

Alexa sighs with her eyes closed:

"Remember the chord sequences that my daddy taught you in the guitar and apply it into battle, that way you will predict the enemy's movements and find a way to counter attack..."

"I understand…thank you for the advice…"

"I only did it because my father asked me…"Alexa looks away embarrassed.

Juan attacks Uriel one last time; "NOW GET READY!"


Uriel imagines a chord sequence in Juan's movements and begins to counter him until he defeats Juan by getting his sword.

-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-

Juan lowers his sword; "Good Muchacho, now imagine your favorite song on the guitar and turn it into a special technique."

Alexa gives one more advice; Remember that these techniques are only 20% mana and 80% of body strength. That is why you are training your body."

Uriel looks at Alexa: "Thank you." 

Alexa looks away very angry:

  "Shut up, I only did it because you're taking too much time and I also want to train..." 


Uriel sighs with his eyes closed; "You will never change…right Alexa…"

The training continued…until Alexa said it was her turn…


Mission of San Juan, Present…

After the duel ended. Carlos, Chelsea, Jairo, and Shion decided to return home. Rosa stayed to help Carolina by preparing dinner for everyone… 

Uriel and Kasumi also help with the dinner...They were instructed to prepare "mole". The "Mole" consists of chicken bathed in a special chocolate sauce "Mole" and sometimes people from the southern regions of Mexico add spices to make it more delicious. Uriel and Kasumi have a small talk before dinner:

"You are very skilled in preparing rice Ms. Miyazono." Uriel compliments Kasumi as she is stirring the rice.

"You think so, well your mother was the one who taught me how to cook Mexican food." Kasumi replies to Uriel as he stirs the sauce. He turns around and asks:

"Wait, so how long have you known my mother and father?"

"Well around 7 years more or less." Kasumi replies as she begins to serve. She continues to explain: 

"I came here from Japan on an order from my father when I was 12 years old… Your father was a full fledged member of Yydrasill at that time… He became my master, and he helped me learn the culture and language of this area. Your mother also welcomed me to their home…I used to play with their children…"

"I see…that makes sense…but unfortunately…I can't remember…"

"Of course you don't…" Kasumin looks down; "Hey, Uriel, is your family…"

"My father died that day, but my mother and siblings are alive...They are in Tapatio, however, I haven't spoken to them for months now."

"I see, that's a relief…" Kasumi begins to shed a tear as she continues to speak:

"I always regretted not being able to help you that day…I returned to Japan over the holidays and had to stay longer…I was in shock when I learned that everyone disappeared…." 

"Don't worry…nobody predicted what was going to happen…life can change in one minute…"

Kasumi looks at Uriel; "Hey…how come you call yourself…Di Fiore?"

"Because…that's my mother's surname…to be honest…I'm a completely different person from Uriel Vazquez…

"I understand now…"

Uriel turns around to serve the plates and asks;"So… what rank are you from the Yggdrasill organization?"

"Wait…you knew about us?" Kasumi looks surprised, Uriel nods in agreement; "I had an encounter with two of your members a few months ago…"

"I see…" Kasumi looks at the plate and continue to explain:

"Well as Allan said before, we protect people from monsters and evil entities such as the one you encounter. I am an "Elite Root" and the head of this group…making me a leader if you put it in simple words. " Kasumi replies as she begins to serve the rice. Uriel passes the plates with the "Mole" on it and asks:

"So what are these divisions you said before, how many are there?"

"Technically, that is a secret...but since we are going to be allies.. I might as well tell you…" 

"Okay...I thank you for that…"

"Well the first division are the Leaves, those are the beginners, and they are usually teenagers who attend school like Alejandro ... .Then the branches where Carlos and Chelsea belong are more skilled and stronger…they have more experience...."

"I figured as much…they do seem weak…but I also felt strange abilities coming from them…"

Kasumi serves another plate; " Then the Trunks which are divided into the Upper level where Rosa belongs and the Lower level in which Jairo and Shion belong to…Upper levels have years of experience and many of them decide to stay in office work or research…Lower levels are more hands on….they are strong…and they can takes out several Sombras without breaking a sweat…"

Kasumi continues to serve another plate; " After that, we have "Elite Roots" which is my division and we are supposed to be the strongest members…we have trained for years and as you noticed…our mana is strong… There are others who are special such as Allan Carter who is in charge of the American region. In fact there are 12 "special" members…. "

Kasumi looks at the ceiling; Finally we have the "Primary Roots" who are in charge of the whole organization. My father is one of them...they ar the highest rank and the strongest…" Kasumi finishes the explanations as well as serving the plates.

Uriel looks at the mole; "Leaves…Branches…Trunks and Roots…"

Kasumi chuckles; "I know what you're thinking…why do we name our ranks with something so lame as leaves and roots right? When we can have cool norse names…"

"Not at all…I think I get the big picture…"

"Director Inoue…the one in charge of the organizations and the past founders decided to rank us based on their philosophy…"


"We are the tree that keeps this world filled with life…we are the roots that will give the nutrients for the future of mankind…we are the foundation that keeps the world united…we are life and future…we are Yggdrasil…"

Uriel chuckles; "I understand now…it's the foundation…a tree is the strongest in its roots…the lower some tries to tear it off the ground…the stronger the tree is…"

Kasumi looks surprised; "And the stronger the root…the less capable of destroying the tree…how did you know?"

"I told you…I met a couple of your people…but that's a story for another time…'

Kasumi looks at Uriel; "You are filled with mysteries…"

In total they made 30 plates for all the people that live nearby. Uriel sees Kasumi and asks:

"Why did your father send you to this region?"

"Well it's complicated, you see I…" Kasumi was answering the question when she suddenly stops as she has "flashes" of her past consisting of images of blood and fire.

Kasumi shakes as she feels weak. Uriel holds her:

  "I'm sorry that was too personal, please forgive me." 

Kasumi comes to her senses and smiles at Uriel:

  "Don't worry the past is the past right? Besides, you don't remember yours either." 

Uriel chuckles and makes Kasumi blush. As the two smile at each other, Fabiola stands between them with a furious face clearing her throat and says:

"Sister Carolina asked if you were ready, and as I can see you are."

Uriel looks at her; "Indeed, we are"

"Good, I'll start serving the plates." Fabiola smiles with a "red aura" coming out of her. Kasumi only smiles at her as Fabiola thought to herself: 

"Why do you smile at me, you witch"

The two sisters who were outside of the kitchen were whispering; "I think Fabiola is jealous, she must have fallen for Uriel."


Alejandro sits outside looking at the stars, suddenly, Rosa appears to talk to him:

"Hello Alejandro dear...I hope we can have a little chat…"

Alejandro looks at her and nods in agreement. Both of them look at the sky as Rosa begins to speak:

"Alejandro, I must apologize for not telling the truth but it was my mission…"

"You don't need to…"

"I do...you see, 5 years ago when I first met you, I immediately saw you as my child. I never had children because my husband died when we were young. He was an agent who was killed in the line of duty…"

Rosa begins to cry as she continue to speak:

"I accepted to come here in order to forget about my husband and when I met you, I felt as if I could move on. I think of you as my son, and it breaks my heart seeing you angry at me, so please...forgive me…"

Alejandro doesn't say a word and walks forward. He hugs Rosa tightly:

"You know, I never met my parents, my sister is always busy, I haven't seen her in four years and I lost both of my grandparents. Then my friend disappeared from existence. I felt lonely and without hope. However, when I met you… you helped me stand up once again and continue pursuing my friend…even if you were watching from distance…You never left me alone and for that I thank you…"

Alejandro looks at Rosa and smiles:

"Yes, I felt anger for not telling me but I won't stay mad forever, please continue to watch over me, Ms. Gutierrez."

Rosa cries and hugs Alejandro tightly.

"Thank you Alejandro, it seems we both learned from each other…"

"Yeah, now let's go and eat…"

Both of them head to the dining hall and eat.


In the Dining hall, Tiwa sits there feeling left out, Father Clemente sits in front of her:

"So, young child, I know you feel left out, but don't worry, you will play an important role here…"

"Who said I feel that way, in fact I feel fine…" Tiwa looks away blushing.

Father Clemente chuckles and replies:

"Young girl from Ysleta, I know that you and your ancestors will protect this land from Sombras and any other threat…will you continue to aid us?"

"HHmmmpphhh, of course I will…." Tiwa smiles as she feels important once more.

"Dinner is ready…" Sister Carolina informs the others with a big smile; "My, we have a lot of new people at the table...everyone, let's pray for our dinner…"

Everyone eats dinner at the dining hall. After they finished eating, the three sisters and Father Clemente decided to go to bed. In the dining hall, Uriel, Alejandro, Tiwa, Rosa, Kasumi and Sister Carolina have a conversation…

Kasumi stands up:

"Well now that we are going to work together, I will inform you about the situation we are in. The monster we encountered the other night is the legendary "Chupacabras."

Kasumi continues with the explanation; "The Chupacabras is also known as "Ales" and it is a mythical creature that roams around the central and southern part of the American continent. It was created by one of the 5 great witches: Isabella." 

Tiwa and Sister Carolina make a surprised face as they learned about the witch's name:

"Isabella the Witch of Red?"

"That's right... Isabella however, we don't know much about her, only that she lives in Mexico."

Uriel drinks water and comments:

"Please continue with your explanation" 

Kasumi nods and replies:

"That monster is controlled by "El Muerto", the Chupacabras is a type of monster that only attacks animals to feed itself; however when "El Muerto" appeared a couple of months ago, the monster began to attack humans."

"Members of the church have clashed with the beast on multiple occasions…reducing our numbers dramatically…" Father Clemente explains as he looks at Kasumi.

"That explains why it was targeting everyone in sight…" Alejandro thinks out loud.

"So we need to stop this monster as fast as we can...the question is, when will the Chupacabras attack?"

  Tiwa asks Kasumi and she replies:

Sister Carolina begins to explain; "Well the attacks have been happening constantly. At first it was one or two per week. Now the numbers went up to 5-6 people a week ... .although recently…the attacks stopped…its as if…El Muerto is plotting something…"

"I see…that means the attacks will have a specific target…am I correct?" Sister Carolina asks with a worried face.

"You are correct, but the problem is that I don't know at which location." Kasumi replies, making the others feel worried. Uriel closes his eyes to think:

"Very well, starting on Monday, we will begin to investigate who El Muerto is."

Kasumi nods in agreement; "That's a great plan, although it might have something to do with the Lucifugus..."

Uriel gets mad as he knows that Darius is his target; "So you know about them?"

"Of course, Darius Lucifugus is a dangerous man...however, he will not do anything in plain sight in fact...I think…"

Kasumi feels a shiver, she looks at Uriel with his crimson eyes feeling rage; "Hey...Uriel?"

"Enough, Uriel, I think you're feeling a little too excited…" Father Clemente stands up looks at Uriel. Uriel immediately apologizes as he calms down:

"I'm sorry…"

Father Clemente walks towards them; "You guys are forbidden to go near Darius Lucifugus...that man is way too dangerous for you...if you go there, you will be killed…"

"I know that Father, but still…" Uriel looks down feeling enraged. Alejandro sighs and stands up:

"So it had to be him huh...Uriel, if that's the case, then I will investigate Aleister."

"I don't think that's a good idea...Aleister hates you and he will not cooperate…"

Alejandro looks at Uriel with a serious expression; "Trust me on this one pal…"

Uriel sighs and replies; "Very well…."

Kasumi looks at Uriel: "I will investigate Olivia to see if she has something to do with this."

Uriel nods in agreement. Tiwa stands up with excitement:



Uriel walked outside to see the stars:

"Do you mind if I join you?" Kasumi walks outside with him. Uriel and Kasumi stand outside. Kasumi looks at Uriel and aks:

"Hey, Uriel, what did you mean about having a rhythm?"

Uriel extends his finger and slowly moves it down, Kasumi begins to hear guitar strings. Suddenly, musical symbols begin to appear in the air. 

-♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫-

Uriel begins to play the strings as if he was playing a guitar. The musical notes float around the Mission with many colors.

"You see, everyone has a rhythm, even mana is made out of rhythm, what I am playing now is the rhythm of my soul…" Uriel explains to Kasumi as she is astonished by what she is seeing.

"Incredible, I have never seen something like this…" Tiwa says as she and Alejandro walk outside.

"Uriel, you are full of surprises…" Alejandro says with a smile.

"Maria, your son has a pure heart…" Sister Carolina smiles as she looks at Uriel.

"So what do you think, Ms. Miyazono, did I answer your question?"


"It's so beautiful…" Kasumi blushes and turns her head;

"Y-Y-Yes, you answer it…"

Kasumi touches her chest thinking; "What is this sensation? My heart keeps pounding non stop…"

Uriel stops playing as he begins to walk forward:

"You see, that is the rhythm of life...my master taught it to me...and that's how I will live on, by hearing these rhythms…"

Uriel turns to look at Kasumi. She feels pain in her chest, she smiles as she knows what is happening to her:

"I understand...This feeling, it's…."


Father Clemente decided to talk through the phone in his office…

"So then…I take it that you made contact with Yggdrasil…am I right?" The man from the phone asks Father Clemente. Father Clemente smiles:

"Of course…and thanks to Uriel…they have decided to work with us…"

"I see…are you sure it's a good idea? I understand that working with Yggdrasil would bring great benefits but stil…"

"You don't get the big picture here Bishop…" Father Clemente interrupts him:

"Currently…in the last 6 months…we have lost over 50 members of the Church to both the Chupacabras and the Sombras…including Melissa…one of my daughters…"

Father Clemente looks at a photo of Melissa:

"I don't want to lose anymore members…we have lost so much…"

"I agree with you…but the Order hasn't given us permission and you know that they don't like working with pagan cultures…"

Father Clemente sighs with his eyes closed:

"Look Bishop…don't mention this to anyone else…I decided to trust both them and Uriel…we will form an Alliance…and it won't be official…so the higher ups won't have to worry about anything…"

"HAHAHA….I knew that this wouldn't stop you…Clemente…you're so stubborn…"

"Hahaha…look who's talking…you've always been like that as well…"

"Clemente…do you still feel guilty about what happened to Melissa…"

Father Clemente holds the photo, and looks at it with sorrow:

"Of course…and this regret and sorrow will forever be in my heart…"

"You know it wasn't your fault…it was something that needed to happen…"

"I know…but I can't shake this feeling that there might have been another way…there could've been another solution…I mean Melissa…"

"Don't hurt yourself more…it was something that God wanted us to do…"

"With all your respect Bishop…please don't say that God wanted to…" Father Clemente hangs the phone as he puts the picture at his desk. Father Clemente sighs; "This alliance…I know I am doing the right thing…"


Father Clemente turns around and sees Melissa's photo in the ground with a broken frame. He slowly tries to pick it up:

"I'm sorry…my daughter…"


At the girls bedroom…Mariana, Abril and Fabiola have a conversation…

"This sucks…we were left out of this whole plan…" Abril lies on her bed as she moves her feet:

"You know…I think it would be fun for us to cooperate as well…"

"Abril…you're talking too much…of course we were going to be left out…we're just novices here.." Mariana climbs to her bunk bed:

"I feel relieved…I don't want to get involved with such a scary monster…"

"Oh Mariana…you're such a scaredy cat…" Abril laughs at Mariana, Mariana gets mad:

"Oh shut up…you were just as scare as I was…"

"I was not…"

"Yes you were…right Fabiola?" Mariana and Abril look at Fabiola. Fabiola sits on her bed with her knees up and she is hugging them:

"I am really angry…I have the right to be in that meeting…after all…I was the one who lost a sister…"

"Fabiola…" Mariana looks nervous. Abril sighs with her eyes closed; "Fabiola…we understand your feelings…but still…we also lost Melissa as well…and we miss her a lot…but don't you think you're way out of your league?"

"Shut up…I know that…" Fabiola hides her face:

"I know that I'm not strong enough…but still…" Fabiola lift her had, revealing a determined expression:

"I will have my revenge…"

Abril and Mariana look at her with a worried expression upon hearing those words.


During that same evening, on Marjorie's mansion, three girls have a sleepover:

A beautiful girl with orange hair and glasses, she is wearing orange pajamas and eats ice cream with two other girls.

"My first kiss?"The girl stops eating and puts on a gross face as she remembers a chubby boy:

"Well, that's something I don't like to remember but his name was Fernando?"

"Fernando?" The girls that are next to her ask. 

"Yeah, it was when I went to Spain with my dad...But I don't like to talk about it…" The girl trembles, the other two laugh at her:

"Now tell me Marjorie...who was your first kiss? Was it Aleister?"

A beautiful girl with silver hair and blue eyes, she has black pajamas as she blushes putting her pillow covering her face.

"Well no, in fact, it was with someone else?"

"Really? With who?" The girl with the glasses asks excitedly. Marjorie tries to remember but her memory is fuzzy:

"I can't remember, only that he had blue hair….what about you, Angela?"

A girl with black hair and purple eyes who is wearing blue pajamas replies with a shy voice:

"I haven't kissed anyone yet...I am not like you… Victoria…"

"What do you mean by that?" Victoria puffs her cheeks making Marjorie laugh.

"Well, who do you want to have your first kiss with?"

Angela thinks of Alejandro and blushes, she turns away:

"I can't say…"

Victoria sighs, she remembers Marjorie's words and asks:

"Speaking of blue hair. So, like, I think Uriel is a real hottie….Don't you think so Marjorie?"

"Well he is handsome, plus I haven't thanked him properly for saving me the other day…Victoria"

"Aww, I wish it would have been me, I bet he has muscular arms right? Plus, that scar on his face makes him look so wild…" Victoria mentions it with a luxurious tone.

Angela thinks about Uriel; "You know, I heard he is skilled with his guitar and good at sports…"

"Angela, don't tell me you like him too?" Marjorie asks Angela, Angela turns red and looks away; "It's not like that…I just think he's cool…"

"That does it...I decided to make him my boyfriend…" Victoria says with determination.

"What?" Marjorie and Angela look at Victoria surprised.

"Well, I don't think I would have a problem, I mean I'm a hot babe with huge boobs...no one can resist my charms." Victoria makes a smirk as she stretches.


"Hey, that's not fair…" Angela exclaims, puffing her cheeks.

"She's right, we promised that if we liked the same guy, we would compete." Marjorie exclaims to Victoria.

"Hhmmpphh...I recall you already have a boyfriend Marjorie…" Victoria looks at her, Marjroie turns red:

"Yeah but…"

"Then you shouldn't be making the moves with someone if you are already taken…"

Marjorie is left speechless, she lowers her head, Angela stands up saying:

"Marjorie has the same right as us, she is not married to Aleister so there is no harm in trying…"

Marjorie looks at Angela, Marjorie smiles:

"Thank you…"

Victoria sighs with her eyes closed; "Good grief…"

She opens her eyes and puts her hand forward; "Alright, then the code says, we will compete to see who Uriel chooses…"

"We agree…" The two girls put their hands together as a sign of a pact. Angela looks nervous; "I will root for you…"


Victoria's cell phone rings.


"Mi niña (My girl) , I will work late tonight, please stay safe, I will pick you up tomorrow morning…"

"Okay papa, please take care...stay safe…"

Victoria hangs up and she has a worried expression.

"Is your dad going to work? I heard that all of his team died the other night…" Marjorie asks with a worried expression.

"That's right, he said he was saved by a young man...I wonder who it was?"

Victoria changes her expression to a fake smile:

"Well, let's change the subject, and sing some karaoke…"

"Okay…" Marjorie notices her expression.


Marjorie's cell phone rings, she looks at it and opens her eyes wider. She stands up; "I'll be right back…"

"Who is it? Is it Aleister?' Marjorie leaves the room without answering. Victoria looks at door;

"What's with her?"

"Oh nothing…she had an emergency…" Angela replies, Victoria looks at her phone:

"I wonder if Uriel has social media? Sorry I will use my headphones for a bit…"

"No problem…" Angela smiles as she sees Victoria turning around and lying down on the bed.

Angela stands up and heads to the window and sees a figure outside.The figure hs a skeleton mask:

"What's the matter Angela? You look pissed…"

  -TCH- Angela changes her expression as she hits the window:

"I hate to keep pretending…I hate to act like this…when are we going to make our move?"

"Patience..master hasn't inform us of anything yet…You must play your part well…Angela…don't let the master down…"

"I know…" Angela looks down as the man in the window vanishes. Angela feels anger; "Damn it…I hate Victoria so much…I could just…" Angela turns around and slowly gathers purple mana in her hand:

"Maybe if I kill her now…then…" Angela senses someone, she immediately takes out her phone.

"I'm back…I brought some…popcorn" Marjorie looks at Angela; "Is something wrong?"

"Oh no…thank you for asking…" Angela smiles at her. Victoria stands up:


Victoria sings in the karaoke as Angela looks at Marjorie with suspicion:

"This weird sensation…was it Marjorie or someone else? It's weird…I felt cold…but colder than usual…"

Outside the Mansion…in the backyard…there is a frozen figure of a Sombra…and snow falling in that particular area… with footprints that lead to the house...The girls continue to have fun without noticing…


February 4th; Sun City International High School

The next Monday, everything went as planned...Everyone did their normal lives as if nothing happened on Saturday. However, as the last period ended, the Historical Research Association began to investigate… 

Kasumi sits on her desk with her eyes closed, below her papers there is a kanji; "魂" (Soul). Kasumi concentrates; "I've been monitoring Olivia for over two hours…but there hasn't been anything suspicious…"

Kasumi has a small orange bird familiar observing at the corner of Olivia's room; "I guess she doesn't have anything to hide…" Suddenly, her connection with her familiar disappears.

Kasumi opens her eyes and quickly looks at the symbol slowly disappearing; "No…my familiar…"

"Is this what you're looking for?" Kasumi opens her eyes wider as she looks at the door. Olivia stands at the door with her bird familiar in her hand; "You know Ms. Miyazono…spying on others isn't very professional.

Olivia destroys her familiar with ease , Kasumi chuckles; "Well…I guess we're even for the familiar we saw on Saturday…"

"You're probably right…" Olivia chuckles, she walks towards Kasumi; "So…what is it that you seek? Why not ask me directly?"

Kasumi feels nervous; "This is bad…I can feel her blood thirst…she's serious…" Kasumi takes a deep breath and looks at Olivia:

"Tell me…do you have something to do with the Chupacabras?"

"Very interesting…you think I have time to concern myself over a stupid thing like that?"

Kasumi observes her breathing pattern and her eyes; "Judging from her reaction she's telling the truth…"

Olivia smiles; "Kasumi…I know you're trying your best to maintain peace in this region…in fact, you have my support…" Olivia heads towards the door:

"Now listen…if you ever spy on me again…"

Olivia's mana increase, Kasumi looks nervous as she sees Olivia's red eyes:

"I will destroy this school and kill everyone here…so don't do that ever again…"

Olivia closes the door. Kasumi feels relieved; "I guess…spying on her isn't a good idea…also…I've confirmed that she has nothing to do with this…I should tell Uriel…" 


Meanwhile, Alejandro tries to gather information from Aleister…Alejandro hides in a corner:

"Good…I have my distance…I feel like a ninja…" Alejandro moves closer with precaution:

"Now then, if I can just hear what they are talking about…maybe Aleister has something to do with the Chupacabras?"

At that moment, Raul opens the door; "What are you doing?"

"WHOA!" Alejandro falls to the ground. -PPPUUMMM- Alejandro looks up and sees everyone staring at him. Angela blushes; "A-A-Alejandro…what are you doing here?"

"Be careful Aleister, Alejandro might want to hit you again…" Victoria jokes with Aleister. 

"Oh no…I just came here to talk with Aleister…" Alejandro laughs nervously.

Marjorie walks forward; "Alejandro…you are not welcome here…you should leave…"

"Marjorie…" Alejandro looks at Marjorie. Aleister chuckles; "Everyone…please leave…I need to talk to him…"

"Huh?' Victoria gets angry; "But why? I mean we need to…" Victoria gets interrupted by Angela; "Come on…let's go…"

"Very well…" Raul walks calmly outside. Aleister sees Marjorie and kisses her: 

"I'll see you later dear."

  He sees Alejandro who has a serious face and smiles knowing he made him jealous. Aleister closes the door and asks:

"So, what did you want to ask me?"

Alejandro trying to act calm, but he is nervous asks:

"I wanted to ask you...uhhmmm…"

Aleister notices that he is nervous and begins to say:

"Did you want to ask about my father, about my mother, or how well Marjorie kisses?"

Alejandro gets angry; "What did you say?"

"I must say that she is a really good kisser...it's too bad that she chose me and not you…"

"Damn you…" Alejandro is about to walk forward but he stands still thinking:

"Wait, you promised Uriel that you wouldn't lose control…"

Alejandro takes a deep breath and makes a fake smile:

"No, I just wanted to ask about the attacks on Rio Grande City… You know I like supernatural stuff, and since your dad is the mayor of Sun City, perhaps he might know something?"

-TCH- "You're no fun at all…" Aleister walks to the window; "I don't know or care about that...I find those situations trivial…but I can give you advice…" 

Aleister walks towards Alejandro:

"A mouse shouldn't be tempting a serpent…"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm saying that you're way out of your league Alejandro…if you make a false move…you will die…"

Alejandro is left paralyzed as he feels Aleister's aura; "What is this…I feel scared just by looking at him…"

Alejandro takes a few steps back, Aleister chuckles:

"Remember my words…a mouse won't survive in a serpent's lair…"

Alejandro slowly walks outside. Alejandro takes a deep breath and walks slowly away from the student council.


He hits the wall with his left hand:

"Damn it, I can't stand that bastard…"

Aleister sits on his desk as he thinks:

"So, the information was accurate… Alejandro and those idiots from Yggdrasil are maki