
I Ate Women With My Boner!

"Yes, I haven't had a chance to test out this Enslavement Rubik's Cube as yet. Now is the perfect opportunity." I used Big Red's daughter as my guinea pig. By placing my left palm against her cleavage, it created a direct connection to the Rubik's System. Without me using general force, her chest began to slowly open.

"Ah! What are you doing to me!?" I could tell by her hectic scream that she was in pain from the cavity forming in her chest. I ignored her cries and watched the procedure unfold.

"Hmm, fascinating. So this is what it looks like to open somebody's chest with finesse." It was a beautiful display of gore and harmony. Razi's fleshy casing and rib caged came asunder symmetrically; in perfect alignment. I viewed her heart and lungs operating in tandem.