
Royally Screwed

AuthorSaraOmar77 · วัยรุ่น
85 Chs

Chapter 7: Catching Up

Through the mix of the crowd, Sebastian and Leonardo found me standing by myself, lost in thought and practically scared out of my wits. The latter was lost on them, however, as they couldn't sense just how fast my core was trembling with fear.

'Come with us. We need to talk away from the crowd', Leonardo said and led the way back into the estate. 

We followed the duke into the ballroom where there wasn't a party goer insight. I wasn't sure if us being alone was a good idea. You know what they say, the ears have walls.

'What's up?', I decided to ask, but examined our surroundings carefully, looking for any signs that someone might be eavesdropping on our conversation.

I never thought in a million years that I would end up being this paranoid.