
Royal Princess: Doted on by the Mafia King

A man who traveled through time to save his first love has given up everything he had just to help her get her birthright. A Princess who is scared of fighting for that which belongs to her finds someone willing to help her. She however believes nothing comes for free and when he tells her what he wants in return, she finds the deal she is offered reasonable and accepts. She trusts no one and when her walls began to crack open to give way to the handsome man who made himself a terror for her sake, things go south. About the characters: The fashion designer who is a princess and tasked with the mission of getting what belongs to her and saving her people. How long will her walls last high up protecting her? How large will the crack in her walls be and when she faces hardships because of love will she close up her cracks or will those cracks further open? The time traveler who wants her by all means because time is short for him has a fearful reputation so he could be strong for her. How long his patience will last when made to await love for so long and when it runs out, what will it be like? Warning: Slow love Slow vengeance Don't stop reading Enjoy the story and leave a comment Don't expect the love to begin from the first chapter and don't expect a cruel villainess.

temiyemi354 · สมัยใหม่
239 Chs

Carl secret

"I hope he calls you so you don't break Jace's heart for your fun," Rose said.

Anna shrugged off what her sister said because the new Jace she met only few days ago,was not the jovial friendly Jace she knew before and it will make something more than her to break him.

"I really miss you," Anna said hugging Rose tightly with her chin resting on Rose's shoulder. "The house feels bigger than ever before without you and I can't have fun without thinking about you," Anna told her sincerely.

"I will be back soon. If mum succeeds in persuading them to let me return to B city," Rose said rubbing Anna's back. "I miss you too. This hospital room feels like a dungeon most of the time," Rose said softly. She wanted to go back home.

"I feel better knowing you are not having fun while I feel so lonely without you," Anna said with a soft laughter.