
Royal Dragon

Son of the late Hero and dragon queen, Lukas must learn to survive and revive the dragon bloodline

Aplexcity · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

chapter 2 Promise

(Act 1)

"Kids laughing and running"

?: wher- where am I? Hey! Who are you guys?

"Walks up to the three kids and touch the shoulder of the middle one"

?: what is going on here?

"The middle child turns around with blood running down their eyes and a hole where their heart supposed to be"

Juliet: you promise…

"In your shocked state, The other two kids turn around to reveal Julian and Tommy with the same bloody eyes"

All three: you promised!!!

?: Ahh! (Jolts up from bed) Tsk, that dream again, (holds head) it's happening more frequently than usual

??: Jacky! Wake up! It's already 9am (walks into the room) oh- your awake (blushes)

Jacky: Celia? How many times do i have to tell you to stop entering my room without my permission first! (covering chest)

Celia: (pissed) well how about you answer me when i call and you put on a damn shirt!!!

(She yells so loud it can be heard through out the house)

Dominique: oh they are at it again (sigh)

Grandpa: hoho never a dull moment since we found that boy 10 years ago, feels like yesterday haha

(Jacky and Celia still arguing enters the living room)

Dominique: are you two love bird still fighting?

Celia: (blushes then pissed) well we won't have to if you did your job and woke him up in the first place!

"Celia turns her attention to Dominique"

Dominique: *sigh* it ain't my job!

"Both Jacky and Grandpa starts to laugh"

Jacky: (thinks to himself) *so this is my life now huh?*

"It's been 10 years since the incident and Lukas for protection changed his name to Jacky and now lives in a small village on the outskirts of Drakila, they took him in and with his skill with the sword protected the village from beast and small demons"

(Act 2)

"After breakfast"

Jacky: okay am off to work!

Celia: be safe! (As she clears the table)

Dominique: am off too! Not going to let you hog all the glory this time Jacky!

Jacky: got to beat me there first!

"They raced each other to their post"

?: oh look who finally decided to show up!

Dominique: cap- captain Reid, what you doing here?

Reid: well i heard about a demon attack yesterday and our star here Jacky killed it, good job Jacky

Jacky: (while at parade rest) thank you sir!

Reid: (nods) At ease, walk with me both of you

"They walk with the captain"

Reid: the demons are starting to grow again and are attacking small villages, we might need to enlist the aid of adventurers

Jacky: (hesitate) I th- thought you hate adventurers

Reid: i do, still do but this is above us when the demons comes in mass numbers, i need both of y'all to go to the Drakila and acquire their assistance, Dismissed!

Jacky and Dominique: (while saluting) Osu!

"They left and headed to the capital, Drakila!

Arriving on Horseback stopped at the stable and paid to store their horses there"

Jacky: take care of her okay? We will be back soon

Stable boy: no problem!

"They made their way to the guild house"

Dominique: okay Jacky remember no fighting this time around! We don't want a repeat of what happened last time

Jacky: yea yeah, i know i will be good (whisper) unless they start it

Dominique: i heard that! (As he walks through the entrance)

Jacky: Tsk fine! (Follows)

(Act 3)

"They enter the guild house and made their way to the front desk, everyone glaring at them, like they have a bone to pick with them" *approaches the front desk*

Receptionist: hello are you here to regist- oh is you guys again (sigh as she looks at Jacky) don't start anything

Jacky: (pissed) i didn't start it last tim-

Dominique: hey Emily, we are here to submit a request, we need protection from the demons spreading to the boarder (giving her the request form)

Emily: oh surprised your captain agreed to this (takes the form, stamp it and sent it through a tube for approval)

Dominique: your telling us, we are as surprised as you, guess the demons got captain scared to his boot (smirk)

Emily: hehe don't let him hear you say that

"The form came back from the tube with the orders"

Emily: okay look like the form came back approved! Here your form stating you as the owner of the request and the order form that will be going to the request board (hand over documents)

Dominique: thanks love, always a pleasure (take the documents and pasted the request order on the board)

??: ohh, need us to protect you guys from your little demon problem

Jacky: (sigh) no one wants you Drun

Drun: now that no way to talk to potential helpers brat

Dominique: (looks at Jacky) behave! (Looks at Drun) going to help us?

Drun: yeah i was thinking about it but first i need you to go on your knees and beg then i will consider it (evil grin)

Dominique: (smiles) interesting (takes a knee)

Jacky: hey?! What you-

"Dominique uppercuts Drun so hard he went flying into a guild table"

Dominique: (spits) hmph, weak! We don't need you

Goon 1: you will pay for that!

Goon 2: get him boys!

"Five guys rushes at them"

Jacky: just to clarify I didn't start it! (As he round kicks one of them in the face, Knocking him out)

Dominique: whatever let's end this quick (as he grab one and slam him into another table

"They easily knock out the rest of them as they hear a loud shout"

??: who dare fight in my guild house?!

Dominique: Fuc-

Jacky: we are screwed

"The bearded man walks down the stairs pissed"

??: you two again?! (Sigh) i see you don't respect me! Guild leader Asunder!

Dominique: (nervous) of course not Guild leader, we were just testing them to see if they can help with our request, yeah… that it! (Nervous smile)

Asunder: oh really? So you don't mind paying for my tables then? (Menacing stare)

Dominique and Jacky: (nods)

Asunder: (smiles) good, now get out! I will send you your adventurers

Dominique: yes sir! (Grabs Jacky and runs out)

Asunder: (sigh) those boys, such potential wasting it, Emily! Clean up this mess and take the rest of the day off

Emily: yes guild leader!

(Act 4)

"Dominique and Jacky head back to the village"

Jacky: that went better than i thought

Dominique: y- yeah, i wonder who the guild leader will send..

"A loud roar can be heard from above catching the attention of both of them"

Jacky: is that a wyvern?! (Disgusted) mindless creature

Dominique: come on they heading to the village!

"Both rushes over to the village as they saw the wyvern land in the middle of the village"

Captain Reid: i guess you're my adventurers, been awhile, lily, Gamon

Gamon: sup old man, we here to protect your little village (get off his wyvern)

Lily: hey uncle Reid! (Get off her wyvern)

Reid: (pissed) call me old man again, i dare ya and hey lily, seems like you obtain a Platinum class rank, congrats are in session, only if Gamon can stop slacking off

Gamon: hmph, whatever (walk toward the inn)

Lily: *giggle* thanks uncle, going to go sign in at the inn (looks toward Jacky and Dominique running towards them as she walks away) *blushes*

Dominique: captain! Look like they beat us here, Lily and Gamon huh? (Looks at Lily and blushes a bit)

Reid: y'all didn't cause trouble again did ya?

Dominique: *stiff* wh- what us? Trouble… never!

Jacky: ( looks away nervous) …

Reid: well if i remember correctly, Asunder only send those two when y'all mess up

Dominique: uhm look at the time, my shift just ended am going to head back home, cya later captain!

Reid: oh don't worry, you guys will be cleaning all the toilets in the village tomorrow

"Both Dominique and Jacky deeply sighs as they walk back to their home"

"Later that night, Jacky is sitting under the tree in the overlook from the village"

Jacky: *sigh*

Celia: can't sleep either? (She walks up from the village)

Jacky: oh Celia, yeah… keep having the same dream

Celia: from when you lost your friends?

Jacky:… yeah

Celia: i want to say it's not your fault.. but i know that not what you want to hear, instead (hugs him from behind) i will say forgive yourself! You were just a kid! There was nothing you could have done!

Jacky: thanks… (turns around)

"Both eyes locked, slowly drawing closer, breath on breath, lips about to touch" *BOOM*!

Jacky: wha- (pulls away) what was that? (Stands up eyes wide open as he looks at the village on fire) we- we are under attack!