
Royal Descendants: The Chosen One

Apophis is Lucius greatest enemy, not just Lucius' enemy, Aphophis is also Lucius' father enemy and now, he's about to become the entire Lucius' family's enemy. Lucius has made it his mission to get rid of Apophis and protect his family, but what he doesn't know is that such mission isn't his duty. Let's find out who it is as you journey with me

DaoistEa038S · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 6: Cronos

 'He went after Cronos' Lucas said after a long sigh. 'What do you mean he went after Cronos?' Lucius asked looking surprised and with that, they told him all that happened. Luna was really surprised and scared but she was happy that nothing had happened to her babies, good thing I didn't let them all go was what she thought to herself. 'Do you know where Cronos might have run to?' Lucius asked his guards, 'no sir' they replied in unison. 'You know you can be punished for this?' Lucius asked them and they bowed their head saying 'yes', 'Dad, please, don't get mad at them' Cassandra said, 'it was all our fault if we had listened and stayed put like they asked then none of this would have happened' Claudia said and they all agreed. The King sighed and looked at his children, 'Well, you brought them all here safely and before sundown so I guess you won't be punished he said to the guards then Luna turned to the kids and asked 'What punishment do you think you all deserve for being disobedient and putting the guards in a very difficult situation?' the kids were all stunned by their mother's remark and made to run away, the queen ran after them till they all got into the chateau, the king and the guards smiled till they were out of sight.

 The King was about to say something when suddenly the gate was wide open and Brandon could be seen moving toward the others with an unconscious Cronos on his shoulders, he got to where the king was, dropped Cronos on the floor, and knelt to greet the king with his face down. 'I'm sorry Your Majesty, we didn't intend...' Brandon was still talking when the King cut him short 'It's ok, I heard the whole story. We were actually about to come to search for you before you came in, stand' Lucius said. 'Thank you Your Majesty' Brandon replied shortly, 'take Cronos down to the prison yard, I'll figure out what to do with him' the king said, and with, that he walked away. 

 The guards were doing as instructed when the kids came out and gave them a big hug, the queen and the king saw it and smiled, 'we're very sorry, you almost got in trouble because of us, please don't be mad at us' Claudia said and all them had their lips pouted, the guards smiled at them and assured them that they weren't mad at them.