
Royal Beast


Katho_Mim · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs



We go back to a time where the human kingdom began a new. During these years, any peasant could become a king. But only a select few actually had remarkable…Magical Power. These people would soon be known as royals. But unlike the dimension most of you know of, this timeline had one more house of royals. The name of this household was Akuma….

We skip to our present day. "ASTA!! GET YOUR ASS UP!!" said a man named Raiden. The boy that he was talking to, woke from his eternal slumber to get ready. What is happening, you might ask? The reason why today is important is because this will be the boy`s debut.

You see in this world, every year those that have reached the coming age of 15 will receive a grimoire. What is a Grimoire you might ask? It is A book that allows the user to have access to spells that bring out their full magical potential.

The boy named Asta, went as fast as possible to put some clothes on. He then yells to his father Raiden that he is ready. Asta is more nervous than ever. In this world it is common for people to have magic, even if it is weak. Asta on the other hand has never awakened his own magic. So, his family is worried. But why? The reason they are worried is because Asta is supposed to be the successor to the Akuma household.

Though unlike his family, Asta never cared as he tried his best to break his limits. He worked himself to near death time and time again to get physically stronger than anyone possible. He tried every herb, and medicine possible to increase magical power. Asta was confident that he could get a spell book!

Asta along with his father runs out of the door of their quarters but before they can leave the mansion they are stopped in their tracks. Asta`s mother told them to sit their asses down and eat before leaving. So, reluctantly the two men sat down and ate breakfast that the mother of the house made. Even if they were mad and anxious originally, it all went away as it was replaced by the sweet taste of buttery pancakes.

But once they finished, they ran like the flash out of the door, as the mother named Nori just sat there shaking her head and sighing. "Oh, what am I going to do with these boys"

After 10 Minutes of pure hyper speed the men reached the tower where Asta would be getting a spell book. His father Raiden put a hand on Asta`s shoulder as he said, "Go get em my little beast". Asta smiled and hugged his dad as he then walked into the tower.

Once in the tower Asta saw as it looked like a huge library of Spell books, the shelves reached from the ground to ceiling. Though this thinking did not last long as a girl actually ran up to Asta and hugged him. Who was this? A Girl with Orange and green eyes, oh it is Mimosa Vermillion! Asta hugs back, as this girl was one of his close friends. Though this embrace didn`t last long as another friend came along in the form of a girl with white hair and purple eyes walks. This girl was Noelle Silva. Asta lets go of Mimosa as he walks up and hugs Noelle, she blushes and hugs back while calling him an idiot but this is just her way of saying, it is nice to see you.

The trio talks while waiting for the ceremony to start. Mimosa starts off by saying "I hope I get a good spell book as I want to join the Golden Dawn" Asta smiles and replies, "Stop worrying Mimosa you`ll get a good spell book ok" Mimosa smiles at this with a bit of a blush and then Noelle speaks up, as she was getting a bit jealous. "Asta if you had to pick, what squad do you think I`ll be good in" Asta thinks long and hard as he then replies. "I feel as if you would be a good fit in the coral peacocks" Noelle lifted an eyebrow as she curiously asked, as to why that squad specifically. Asta replies saying. "Well since there are a lot of professionals on that team, they can probably help you control your magic power. Not only that but I heard they weren't uptight and are actually pretty chill." Noelle turns away accepting these explanations but in her head it was a different story. In truth she thought that any squad with him would be good enough.

But as said the conversation didn`t continue on as the man's voice rang out to the crowd of teens. He cleared his throat and began speaking. "You have all grown, evolved, but this isn`t a dead end. No. This is the spark that will set ablaze your path to greatness. All of you have the potential to become the next wizard king!" The crowd of Teens roared out in excitement as all of them were pumped to get their spell books.

Real quick Side Note, I refer to the grimoire as a spell book because the text to speech bot doesn`t know how to Grimoire correctly. But back to the story at hand.

Like a light switch the spell books in the tower began to fly off the shelves and into the air. The books went into their new owners' hands one by one. Mimosa and Noelle got 3 leaf clovers on the spell books. For those out there that don`t know what that is, let me explain. The number of leaves on a clover represents a symbol or what others might consider power that the book contains.

When people get a spell book with 1 or 2 leaves, they have low magical potential and all around are not strong. Though in most cases, exceptional mages usually get a spell book with 3 leaf clovers. This represents Hope, Faith, and Love. Lastly with extraordinary cases being a 4-leaf clover. This spell book represents luck, and these spell books are for prodigy like mages.

As everyone around Asta got their spell books, he stood there with his arms reaching out…Waiting for himself to get a spell book…But it never came. Others around him started chuckling and soon it turned into full blown laughter. Asta stood there with his arms out still wishing for a book to fly into his hands. He doesn`t even care if it is a 1 leaf clover, he just wants a spell book. The longer he stood there the harder the crowd of nobles laughed.

Noelle and Mimosa saw this were ready to step in but Asta then got back up and pounded his chest saying, "EVEN WITHOUT MAGIC, I WILL STILL BECOME THE WIZARD KING!!". As he said this, someone in the crowd blurted out, "they don`t let people without magic become a magic knight let alone the Wizard King". As this was said the crowd busted out laughing again, it sounded almost hysterical. He just got up and with a smile said in a low voice, well I will find a way. As Asta walked past Mimosa and Noelle, he wore a brave smile, but he actually just wanted to break down and bawl his eyes out.

Noelle started to follow Asta as he walked out of the tower. She saw Asta as he sat down in an alleyway and cried. Noelle walked up to Asta and spoke up. "Hey Asta". Asta looked at Noelle with tears streaming down his face as she continued. "Don`t cry, I am pretty sure you will get a spell book soon, maybe it was just this library being a defect". Asta, still sniffling replies "It is ok Noelle I am not sad, just frustrated because I can not join you and Mimosa this year." Noelle knew that he was lying and decided to just hug him as he cried. This only lasted a minute as Mimosa appeared and joined in and made it a group hug. This embrace lasted for a few minutes until Asta realized he was hugging two girls. He got embarrassed and got himself out of the group hug. He then spoke up. "Don`t worry you two, I will still be a Magic Knight". Once he said these two girls just laughed and said. "Well you better be, we will wait for you alright". Asta then ran off screaming his lungs out. "I WILL BE THE WIZARD KING!" Mimosa and Noelle looked at one another as they chuckled to themselves.

After some neck breaking speeds from Asta, he made it home. In truth Asta may have been able to keep a straight face in front of his friends but he does not know if he can do the same for his family. You see, usually any other royal household would have disowned Asta for not having any magical abilities. But Raiden did not want to leave Asta alone, so he went against the elders of the house's wishes. What makes it worse is that Raiden believed that Asta would get a spell book and even helped pay off so many medicines that could help him unlock his magic. Not only that but Raiden also purchased trainers to help Asta get even physically powerful. So, what makes Asta even more nervous is his inner guilt. But why does he feel guilt might you ask? It is because Asta is not the only young member of the household, he actually has 1 older sister and 2 older cousins that are male. But how does this make him guilty? It is because these three individuals have the magical power and potential to become great leaders to the Akuma household, yet he is the one that still holds the title as the successor of the household.

Asta opens the gates of the mansion and walks into the garden, he is immediately met with cold stares from the maids and butlers, all but one. This maid was named Rebbaca Scarlet. Her family has been working for the household for years, and often are confused for actual family. Rebbeca ran up to Asta with a wide grin on her face, "Asta, did you get it did you get it!". Though got her answer when she saw the look on Asta`s face. It was the look of sadness and regret. She slaps Asta on the back and tells him to shake it off, his dad won`t be that mad. Asta genuinely smiled at this and kept walking but in truth Rebbeca was worried for Asta.

Asta continues to walk to his fathers quarters, when he gets there he is greeted with open arms by Raiden. Asta looked down in shame as he could not bring himself to look his father in the eyes. Raiden notices this and sighs, he then begins to speak. "Asta I know that look, tell me what happened". Asta began to shed tears as he bit his lip and tightened his grip, he then spoke up. "Dad I am Sorry, I am so sorry. You believed in me, but I failed you". Raiden quickly pieced things together from Asta crying to not seeing him carrying a spell book.

Raiden just closes his eyes knowing what he must do. He speaks up. "Asta, I did not want to do this but you left me no choice". Asta looked down and closed his eyes expecting the worst as his father got up from his chair. But it never came, instead his father said. "What are you doing standing there, come on, follow me". Asta opens his eyes surprised that he is not dead yet, he starts to walk and follow behind his father. In his mind he is thinking of what will happen. Raiden goes up the stairs and does something unexpected, he pulls a lever that looks like a torch. Then the walls open up and reveal a secret passage. Now Asta is even more nervous as he thinks his dad will lock him up in a dungeon.

The two continued in complete silence until Raiden spoke up. "Asta I never wanted to do this as I see this being more dangerous than it is worth". Asta paid attention as he knew his father never considered many things dangerous. Raiden continued to speak. "What I am about to show you is something your mom left behind before she was killed". Now Asta was confused as he thought his mother died in an accident.

Raiden then said, "The story I told you was fake, the truth is your mother died at the hands of the spade kingdom's demon named Lucifer." Asta`s eyes opened wide in surprise as he heard of demons existing but for it to be the cause of his mothers death, well to say the least it was mind boggling. Asta then spoke up, "Well what about, how you met my mom is that still the same, you told me she was a noble woman you loved." Raiden looked down in shame as he said, "That is also a lie, I met your mother because she saved my life. You see you had 2 uncles other than your aunt before". Now Asta really is surprised since he never heard of him having another family member but he did not think of this too long as Raiden continued. "Your uncles and I were at war constantly for the seat of successor, this is because your Grandpa said that whoever can beat the other two can be the true successor. So, during our many battles, your two uncles played dirty and paid someone to tamper with my drink, making my body weaken as they jumped me and beat me half to death. They then left my near lifeless body in some random forest as they thought I would be dead. I really did think I was going to die until your mother saved my life." Asta asked his dad why his uncles wanted to kill him, Raiden responded with a fist whacking Asta on the head. "Idiot I literally just said that your uncles wanted to kill me because they wanted the successor seat for themselves".

Asta just rubs the back of his head and with a cringe face says "That does not make sense, they would have to fight each other right after ''. Raiden just smiles weakley at this and says "Well my boy, it looks like two great minds think alike" As this was said Raiden stopped at a door, it did not have rust, nor any chipped wood. The door looked brand spanking new and maintained care of. "Asta what I am about to show you, was the gift your mother sent me for you, hehe it is like she knew you would not have magic."

Asta twitches in excitement as he is wondering what this gift could be. Raiden sweats at this reaction but prepares himself as he then opens the door. When doing so, a pillow flying at high speeds hit his face. "What the hell do you want Raiden! I thought I told you to knock before opening the door!". A mysterious voice yelled this out, Raiden sighs and turns to Asta. He points at the origin of the current yelling he then speaks up, "Well Asta, say hello to your adopted older brother, Liebe the anti magic demon". Liebe looks up and sees Asta, and like a blast from the past he mutters out "Licite?" Who is Licite? Well I am pretty sure you could have guessed it, Licite is the birth mother of Asta. And Liebe is the demon she protected.

Raiden speaks up by saying "You see Asta, you older brother here can help you with your no Magic Problem" Asta`s eyes opens in great surprise as he looks to Liebe in awe. Liebe like this attention and then say "Well little brother, shall we begin?"

This is the end of Episode 1 of Royal Beast.