
Rose Thorns (A Paradise Box Novel)

True love can never be kept apart, right? A freak accident stole the life of her best friend and almost half of Eden Pereira's memories. No money in the world can rectify that, not even her family's wealth. So what's the next move? A change of scenery, a new school, a new life rewritten by her. The past does have a way of catching up. Adonis Rosenvelt is her past. He's wealthy enough he could be a prince, but the similarities end there. He's the cruelest person she knows with a chip on his shoulder, and her showing up at his school might just be the greatest kink in her plan to start afresh. He hates her, so it should be simple: hate him back. But where her head is still so messed up, her heart is really clear about what it wants. This exasperating guy who's prickly as a thorn one minute, and tender the next. Now, priority number one is convincing herself that everything is as it seems. The past is what they tell her it is, his heart doesn't belong to her, she could never recover if she continues to hold on to him. But why does she feel like he would do anything just for her? Why does being around him make her feel more alive than ever, like that is what her life should be? True love should be enough. However, roses are forced to part with their thorns. Maybe a happily ever after is impossible for them.

Anne_Page · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Chapter |4|

Eden's first class of the day was History and she went in after Sharpay dropped her off. The teacher wasn't in class yet, so Eden took a seat at the front row and got out her things.

Honestly, she'd much rather find a quiet corner where she could put her head down and sleep, but the thing was, she had missed loads of school work during her time recovering. She couldn't afford to slack off now. One of the criteria for her admission here had been she maintain a certain GPA.

Therefore, she sat in front and waited expectantly for the teacher. When the middle-aged woman finally did enter, she immediately spotted Eden and Eden almost expected her to force her to introduce herself. Luckily, the woman just pointed out they had a new student and to make her feel welcome, then got right down to business.

The class was easy enough for Eden, but her classes afterward were a little harder to keep up in. She was halfway lost in those classes and she could feel her irritation building up. To make matters worse, she was always left up front alone while every other person was seated with someone, so she couldn't have asked for help even if she wanted. She was feeling more and more like a leper.

It came as a reprieve when it was time for her class with Sharpay. They sat together, and the blonde's friendliness eased Eden's irritation. That didn't last long though when lunch came and on their way to the cafeteria, people kept stopping to stare at Eden and murmur under their breath. She wanted to assume it was because she was new, but the looks she garnered were too inquisitive to be about a new face. Not to mention, hardly anyone had paid Eden mind so far.

"I'm not crazy, right? You see everyone staring at me, too?" she asked Sharpay.

Sharpay didn't even think about it before she answered. "I'd take a guess that Everly wrote about you in her blog."

"Who did what?"

Sharpay gave her a sympathetic smile. "Everleigh York. Granddaughter to the late Queen and eleventh in line to the throne of England. Also known as Her Royal Highness Princess Everly."

Eden barely kept from gaping. "Wait, so I'm going to school with royalty?"

"You are."

She hadn't given much thought to who was who here at the academy. All that had been on her mind when she decided to enroll was that it was far enough from her previous school. She got the feeling she should have prepared better; she seemed a little over her head now. "What does your family do?" she thought to ask Sharpay.

The blonde shrugged. "We own vineyards scattered all over Asia, North America, South America and a couple in Italy. We make vintage and premium wines, you might have had a few."

No way. Eden was dumbfounded when she finally placed her name. "Your family owns Carmine Vineyards. They're my mom's favorite wine brand." Also the biggest wine brand in the entire continent. And she was asking if Eden had had a few? Try almost all their premium wines. They were big in the industry for a reason, Carmine wines tasted like pure gold in your mouth.

"Yeah, it's a business my grandfather started many years ago." She shrugged again and looked away, acting almost uncomfortable with Eden's awe. "What about you? What does your family do?"

Eden got the feeling she wanted to change the subject so moved on. "My mom comes from a long line of economists so she continued the trend. My dad's into stocks, but mostly he's financial advisor to a couple of big corporate names."

"Pereira, Pereira..." Sharpay's eyes sparked with recognition. "That's right. Your dad's name always hits the news for his 'brash but rewarding' investments. He took the whole stock industry by storm when he first started years ago. Wait, that means you're originally from—"

"Israeli, yeah," Eden muttered. It was her turn to look away as they kept walking. Any minute now, Sharpay would ask some offensive question or make an insensitive remark about her ethnicity. That was the norm when people finally placed her slight accent and her nearly-but-not-fully olive skin.

Sharpay, to her credit, didn't speak immediately, thinking for a moment. "But you were born here, right? How do you have an accent?"

Seemed like they weren't doing the racist, discourteous thing yet. "I was born here, along with my siblings." To an American mother and an Israeli father. "But part of my childhood was spent back home when dad had some business and we moved there temporarily." She was usually tight-lipped about it, and now wasn't any different.

From the corner of her eye, she saw Sharpay nod in understanding. "I love how you talk. Wonder Woman talks almost the same way and I've always found her sexy. Our first secret together," she said, lowering her voice. "I'd totally let her do me if the opportunity ever came up. She's my woman crush one."

Sensing no coming slur, Eden allowed herself to relax. "Woman crush one? How many do you have?" she asked with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"A lot more than you'd think."

They entered the cafeteria that moment and as if planned, everyone raised their heads up to catch a look at them. Eden didn't immediately pick up on it, too busy studying her new surrounding much like she'd been doing all day. It didn't surprise her to see a whole buffet laid out in one corner of the room, or the glistening dark round tables and steel seats around them. Such extravagance was the norm here. She imagined this place could seat all two thousand students comfortably.

When Eden did notice the numerous eyes locked on her frame, she had to fight back another surge of irritation. There went her precious anonymity. Just what had Everly written about her? The only thing Eden could think of that would garner this level of attention almost led to a panic attack.

Thankfully, Sharpay was there to distract her, motioning for them to go get their food. As they moved, eyes still followed them but Eden feigned ignorance. If she acted like everything was still okay, it'd stay that way however longer.

Food was another good distraction. She'd had little for breakfast and the tantalizing feast in front of her made her salivate. She could already tell the food here would be better than the bland taste she was used to at her old school.

"I could get used to this," she mumbled after the first bite and they were seated alone at the back of the room. Her mac and cheese was delicious, causing her to close her eyes and tilt her head back slightly.

Suddenly, like a shock through the system, she felt tingles running up her spine. She could practically feel someone drilling holes into her back with their eyes, which confused her greatly, as well as the level of perception she had. She sat up, eyeing the blonde across her, but Sharpay was focused on her phone as she pushed her salad around with her other hand.

Noticing her continuous frown, Eden forgot about the odd feeling and asked, "What is it?"

Sharpay immediately turned off her phone, and dropped it facedown on the table. "I felt like we were missing something, so I checked what Everly wrote about you."

Eden's heart almost dropped but she kept an even expression. Sharpay's tone was too foreboding. "Okay..."

"Um, are you with your phone?" she asked to which Eden shook her head. She had left it in her locker all day. "Here, use mine." Sharpay unlocked her phone back on then pushed it over the table toward her.

It was already on what Eden assumed was the page of Everly's blog and as she scrolled through, she had her worst fears confirmed. Up until now, her family had managed to keep her name out of the news, employing the fact that she was still a minor. Yet some girl had gone ahead to ruin that, explaining in detail what she thought she knew about Ripley's death and Eden's involvement.

The appetite she'd worked up disappeared instantly. A part of her wanted to ask Sharpay to point her in the direction of the bitch so she could teach her the meaning of minding your own business. The other wanted to get the hell out of here, just get in her Audi and drive back home where she could bury herself beneath the covers in her room and wallow in self-pity.

She settled for a middle ground of sorts, sliding Sharpay's phone back toward her and staring blankly at her tray of food that had lost all its appeal.

How the hell did she even find out?

"It's what she does." Eden hadn't realized she said that out loud. Sharpay offered her a kind smile. "Dig up dirt she has no business digging up. She probably wanted to be the first to know all the juicy bits about the new girl, and I heard she has a bunch of PIs at her disposal."

Eden balled up her fists in anger. "She had no right," she almost whispered. "Who reads her blog?"

Sharpay winced slightly. "Everyone here at the academy, some of the people at her old school back home, a few other schools around here. And maybe everyone who knows and follows her..."

"Fuck," Eden groaned, burying her face in her hands. After all her plans to start over in a new, neutral environment. Only her first day and everything went to shit.

She would have thought she was too distraught to note anything else, but she got that strange feeling again. That tingling sensation through her spine. For some reason, she could feel a certain someone watching her and it wasn't Sharpay like she'd thought.

She had her back to the room, so Eden twisted in her seat to take a cursory look around. There were a few eyes actively tracking her every move, but something within her knew the person she was looking for was different. She didn't find them though, even when she could definitely still feel their observing eyes.

"Sharpay," she called, turning back around. "Someone keeps staring."

Sharpay glanced behind her. "Eden, everyone's staring."

"I mean someone else. I can't explain it, I just feel whoever it is watching me too closely. I feel like they're looking right through me right now, it's the most unnerving shit ever." She spoke quietly, despite the empty tables surrounding them, searching the culprit out.

"Hey, look at me." Sharpay took a hold of her hand and squeezed. "You're probably anxious is all. I hope you're not mad, but the school warned me as your Peer Guide about your condition—"

"They what?!" Eden exclaimed, now focused solely on Sharpay.

"They didn't tell me much," she rushed to explain. "I only know you were involved in a fatal accident, and I have to keep an eye out for you so you don't stress yourself out."

She only wanted to know one thing. "Who told the school about it?" It certainly wasn't her sister, Eden had strictly forbidden her from mentioning the risks she still faced from the accident and Regina had been in charge of enrolling Eden.

"I don't know. But know that the school wouldn't divulge private information about a student unless it was absolutely necessary and they were authorized to do so. Besides, I've proven myself to be trustworthy, that's why they told me."

"That doesn't matter..." Eden trailed off, considering someone else. No, but she wouldn't.

That aggravatingly meddlesome woman. Eden had explicitly told her mom not to interfere and do shit like this. She should've known she'd only go behind her back. That was Eliana Pereira to the core.

As Sharpay was watching her closely, looking like she was taking mental notes, Eden realized something else that doubled her anger. That perky receptionist was in on it, too. All that nonsense about a Peer Guide being with you for your first weeks. Why would Eden need help for more than a few days at most? Her mom had most likely gotten them to act like it was all for Eden's convenience, trying to manipulate Eden as usual.

"Forget it," she mumbled, taking a deep breath. "Just distract me." Before she stormed out of the school and never returned, outrageous tuition be damned. Eden didn't care when she was feeling so violated.

Ever since the accident, she had been trying to make sense of what was left of her life. She was missing memories right up from age fourteen, she could hardly remember her best friend even though the doctors said that shouldn't be the case since she had known Ripley when they were much younger, and now there was this. This was supposed to be her catching a few hours of break from the guilt that kept her up at night. Because according to the doctors, Eden was subconsciously blocking out all memories of her best friend.

It didn't feel like it though. She wanted more than anything to remember the only person who ever got her, to mourn her in a way she deserved. She didn't want all these bits and fragments and confusions.

"Distraction, coming right up." Sharpay's whiskey-deep voice cut through her haze. "I did promise you all the dirty details on the academy."

Gossip was her form of distraction? But Eden gave it a try, focusing on Sharpay's features and her words like the doctor advised. Getting lost in her own head was now to be avoided at all costs.

"Okay, starting at the top... Technically, that's supposed to be Principal Ellis. She's married to one of the owners of the school, the great-grandson of Tomas Brixton. But irrespective of what her job description says, she doesn't run the school. She's just a puppet for the board to pull and yank on her strings. The board run the school, and by extension, their kids too. And their kids—surprise, surprise—are the academy's precious gems."

Them again? Eden inwardly moaned, but she was officially distracted. "I've been meaning to ask, that guy from before, the one who passed by in the hallway before we went to class?" The one whom everyone had tried their hardest not to breathe in his presence. "Is he one of these Gems?"

Sharpay's lips pulled up into a grin. "Why don't you save dessert for later? Let me first give you a run down of the full course meal." Eden could feel her starting to get excited for the chance to share gossip. Wow, she must really not get out much. "So, the school board comprises of sixteen members, ten of which have their kids here at the moment. All ten kids make up The Gems, though two of them will deny any affiliation with the group. They kinda hate the other eight. The other eight, which are led by the Queen of all queens, Elizabeth Marlow Daughtler. Bette, for short. Look at that table over there."

She pointed to the middle of the room, at a table Eden had noted in passing as the center of attraction. The painfully gorgeous group from that morning were the ones seated there. She didn't need Sharpay showing her who Bette was. It was the same blonde who had been leading the group that morning. She wasn't that easy to forget. While not the only blonde in the group, she did have her long, straight hair pulled into a very high ponytail, not a single strand out of place. Not a single crease was on her uniform either, nor a single wrinkle marring the perfection of her face. Eden got a much clearer view now of ethereal green eyes, gravity-defying cheekbones and straight, white teeth she displayed when she flashed the most captivating smile. The same smile that had succeeded in winning the hearts of the American people. The Daughtler women were famous for their political careers.

"On her two sides and across her are the rest of the Gem Posse," Sharpay continued. "The one on her left is Cressida Longhorn, huge kiss-ass. On her right, that's Isadora St. James, she's a little less fake but viciously cruel. Then across her is Janelle Renaud, the quiet one." She pointed at each as she spoke their names.

"The guys, hot as hell for sure, but the perfect assholes to their mean girl counterparts. There's Alvin Stoll. I heard his grandad was assassinated on his way to the White House after he won the election. Seems to hate the entire world now. Zayne is the one next to Janelle. There's some talk they might be dating since they're both really private and keep to themselves. Zayne is a complete enigma, no one knows a thing about him or his family, though his dad is rumored to be involved with the Italian mafia. Next to Isadora is Jared Harding, the man-whore. And that last guy beside Cressida is Jonas Finch.

"And just in case it wasn't implied before, they all suck. I mean, they're too high and mighty to do the typical mean people shit like bullying, but they find their way around it. Remember what I said. Avoid the library at all costs. You do not want to witness their shit-show."

Oh please, Eden thought. Typical high school wiring, treat the cool kids they were gods and deserved to be feared. They were entitled pricks, end of story. And Eden knew their type quite well. "What about the other two? They're ten of them, right?"

Sharpay ate her food in silence for a while, deliberating on what only she knew. "Those two keep to themselves, they're best friends actually. There's Chester Wentworth, his family owns—"

"The largest shipping company in the whole world." Eden knew most of these people, had heard their names in passing. They all had extremely wealthy and successful parents.

"They also own major shares in companies like Microsoft, Twitter, OnlyFans, and some tobacco companies."

Eden knew about that as well. The lawsuits the Wentworths faced made frontpage news. "And the other guy..." She trailed off, getting that feeling again. Her would-be stalker had resumed staring.

Sharpay laughed at something behind Eden. "He's looking at you, of course. I can't believe I didn't realize."

"Huh?" Was the blonde going crazy?

"I think I just found out who's been watching you. And I know why."

Eden wanted to know immediately. "Who?" She tried following Sharpay's gaze directed at the middle of the room, a few tables away from where The Gems sat. From her location, Eden could hardly see; not to mention students moving around were obstructing her view. She did see a handsome auburn-haired guy sitting alone at the table eating his lunch. He wasn't looking anywhere in Eden's vicinity so she safely assumed he wasn't the one Sharpay was talking about.

She was about to turn back around and ask Sharpay who she meant when a group of girls finally left her line of sight, and Eden saw a figure standing beside that same table, but with his back facing her. She knew two things immediately, just by intuition. First, he was the one from the hallway that morning; the one everyone had been scared of. Second, it was definitely him who had been drilling holes at her with his eyes. Not only did she not feel tingly anymore with his back turned, but something in her just placed him as the culprit and accepted it.

"You still with me?" At Sharpay's question, Eden blinked and nodded, facing her. "The redhead, that's Chester." And Chester Wentworth was all rugged masculinity, with the harsh, devilish looks of a dark knight. he might as well been a wall painting with the attention Eden paid him; her interest gravitated solely to his friend who still faced away from her. She saw enough though, a lot to admire. Even in his uniform and several feet away, he had the broadest, most defined set of shoulders she had seen on any boy.

"The other guy, what's his deal?" Eden hoped Sharpay didn't make her wait any longer to find out who he was.

"His deal is that he's Adonis Van Rosenvelt. The original, pure-blood Rosenvelts. The family that has produced three U.S. Presidents and one First Lady. I don't think there's any way to measure his wealth or his family's. They're involved in everything—real estate, jewels, oil, exotic cars. We have wealth from all parts of the world here at the academy, but he is without doubt the richest, most influential person to grace our halls. He just...is. He's on his own level. When you talk about the most powerful and significant people in the entire world, his family is definitely at the top."

All through Sharpay's words, Eden's eyes stayed locked on his back and for some reason he was yet to move. It was just as well. With an introduction like that, she had a feeling she'd need to steel herself before she saw his face.

"And you're sure he was the one looking at me?"

"Yup. Trust me, when Adonis Rosenvelt looks at you, you know. I don't know what it is about him," Sharpay sighed, eyes lighting up almost sickeningly. "Such perfection walking among us. A true Adonis."

Eden rolled her eyes. "Please tell me you're shitting me about his name because you apparently idolize him."

"I shit you not, Eden Pereira. Forget British royalty. This is American royalty's royalty, or whatever is greater than royalty. His presence alone stirs shit up, you don't have to see him. In fact, it's better you don't. You might turn to stone."

She whispered that last part and Eden rolled her eyes harder, to which Sharpay laughed.

"Okay, I'm exaggerating a little. Or am I?" With a playful grin, she wiggled her brows at Eden. "Guess you'll see for yourself."

Much to her annoyance, he never faced Eden. He sat back down and that was it. She didn't even feel his gaze on her again. "That was anti-climatic," she muttered. All she had gotten was a mop of curly dark hair, and she couldn't even identify their exact color. "You said you know why he was staring. Is there another reason he'd look besides my deeply personal secrets being leaked?" she asked wryly.

"Possibly. He doesn't care for gossip." The excited look on Sharpay's face made Eden a little wary. "You guys know each other."

There was a long period of silence where Eden just observed the girl across her like she had gone crazy. "You must be mistaken. I don't know a single person here, or I didn't before today." That was why Tomas Brixton had been her final choice. No one here knew her personally, or her past, or Ripley.

"You definitely know Adonis," Sharpay insisted.

Eden shook her head in denial. "How would you even know? We're just meeting, you and I."

"True, but I've heard stories. You old school was Milan Prep, yeah? The private school up in Bronxville."

Eden's furrow deepened. "What stories, Sharpay?"

"Sometimes we have these mixers, these parties where everyone who's anyone is invited. It gets crazy there. Every wild, dirty story you hear of in the local tabloids can be traced back to these parties. I go once in a while, but I've never been to one where you were there too. So yes, we met for the first time this morning, but I've definitely seen your face in the videos. Just little clips of you playing games. Actually, Milan Prep and Tomas Brixton are popular for their games. When they play truth or dare, it's chaotic and extreme. Not for the fainthearted. That's how you and Adonis met. But there's something else."

Why was she putting Eden through this unnecessary suspense? "I'm listening. What?"

"Adonis is...Adonis. People either admire him or they fear and loathe him, but he's always been a loner. He never interacts with people if he doesn't have to. But I heard that whenever Milan Prep was going to be at one of the mixers, he would be there. Even if it was just a rumor and they eventually didn't show, he'd still be there. People started saying he liked someone from the school. And guess who was always at the parties he went to?"

Eden didn't want to. In fact, she wanted to go back to a time before she heard any of this. A part of her knew hearing this would change things.

"Ripley. Ripley was always at parties with him, they were always giving each other the craziest dares and they'd do it. From there on, it became much of a confirmed rumor that they seeing each other. Then summer came, and you know what happened." Sharpay gave a sad smile.

Eden let out a deep breath, looking down at her untouched meal. There it was, the unending series of bad luck that was her life. On top of not remembering her best friend, she had somehow dragged herself to the same school as the guy who had been involved with Ripley. Some poor guy would have to see Eden every day at school and be reminded of his loss. At least for Eden, she hardly remembered Ripley. No wonder he had been boring holes at her. Here she was sitting happily, alive, while the girl he loved was dead.

Eden rose to her feet abruptly. "I need to go." Without another word, she turned and walked hastily out of there. She felt the stare of everyone at her back, but not from the one whom she had unknowingly hurt.