
Rose of Deception

Its a story about a young girl who steals a name from a swords girl and enters the human kingdom to get revenge on the prince whose dad killed her mother. And from insight she found that the rose is hidden some where between the human territories. she has to get it to awake her mother from deep slumber. Will she able to get her plans working when the prince is nowhere near the character she thought for him and while getting the rose means killing the prince?

ayesha_atif · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 7


"It would be better if we send Blaze with her. I am not aware of the ways in this city. And since she is the wife to be of the prince we should give her protocol." I spoke as the king nodded his head.

"Precisely, but it's better if you inform this to him after the engagement." He handed me back the files, with the names of the participants.

"Anything else, king Arthur." It looked like he wanted to say more.

"Yes, before the engagement ceremony I want you to check the order of the Guards. I don't want any imposter sneaking in. since people are afraid of the recent burn down of the village." He debated.

"I'll make sure." I left his study as I headed to the arena for the morning practice with the prince.

I have to leave for a while today I reminded myself. I had to visit the snake queen. I was sure Arthur would be invited too, too bad he did not say anything about it.

I solo practiced my skills on the field, reminding me that I never quite learnt the swords then how was I so good at it. The fragments of memory that still laid in my mind were like dream. Of me fighting in an open plane with bamboo trees surrounding.

"Lady general." A man pulled me out of the trance.

"The prince may not arrive today." The guard reported.

"Do you know why?" I asked.

"He has to get ready to attend the snake princess birthday."

"I understand." I said and before the man could leave I found myself running through the cold hallways of the castle.

I gave the report to the guard standing at the door to inform the king I had to meet urgent.

"King Arthur, sorry to disturb you again but my aunt is unwell I need an urgent off." I did not ask more, I would never say if you are kind enough.

"Lady Eloise, you will have to return with in a day." King took of his glasses.

"I'll be back by the night." I assured.

"Fine, you may take your leave."

I rushed back in my room and wore the appropriate clothes for the fast travel as I buckled my weapon to my thigh and my short swords to my hairs and a large sword by my side. I buttoned the cloak around my neck as I climbed down the stairs.

When I reached the stable my horse was taking a bath which resulted in me waiting for a while and once the stable boy was done she walked up to me bringing her face to my ear.

"You ready?" I asked her as I hopped on to my feet. She neighed in excitement and I mounted her before we rode east west.

We raced out of the mountain range and then I stopped by the river, she drank water to her fullest. I doubted she was that thirsty at the moment.

After the travel I stood before the gates of the cursed castle. People who turned to snakes by midnight and every morning when the ray of sunlight hit their land they are back to normal. I did not walk right in instead rode my horse around the large built walls and stopped before a small house. The only place I could call mine.

I grabbed the key from beneath the flower pot which did not grow any happiness in it and barged in to the three roomed house. I fell in to the mattress and the bed creaked beneath my wait. Dust covered the room and I had to get up almost instantly since I did not have time.

Too good people in the human kingdom woke up early or else I won't be able to get here before the sun dips beneath.

I dressed as Zahra, not another name I stole of a soul. But after I ran from my father's hold I lived here for a couple of years. I learnt belly dance as I became the queen's favorite lady. She called me when she needed to talk to get the second opinion even though I doubted she needed any.

Anyone in the cursed land haven't seen my face so if they ever saw me in the public or out of the castle they would never recognize me. I changed in to golden sparkly bra and a trouser which couldn't be more revealing. As I tied the knot of the shear yet laced face vail behind my head, I brought my braid ahead.

Before I left I locked the door and went to the queens chamber, no one ever stopped me to ask my identity.

"Zahra." The queen seemed happy to know that I was there. "I thought you full abandoned us.

"Can't be." I replied.

"You know I won't be there so I really need you to see things and make sure nothing is badly managed."

"I understand." We both sat on divan.

"Zahra I don't understand I having headaches and they drive me crazy."

"I know a good herbalist around here I'll talk to them to give their queen a visit." It's been a while since I had worn this veil so it kind of discomfort me but the rest was alright. Have been to million places and had been million people at a time. That slipping to another personality wasn't hard for me.

I offered to give her a massage but she said it was fine for now and that I had to take care of the function.

Everything went good and was according to the plan. Brenna, the snake princess was changing and the guest had started to come. I couldn't risk the exposure so I stayed in the room and dressed for the dance. The one I slipped in to was similar but fancier than the one I wore. The dresser helped me with the line of color that I adjusted in my eyes after a few blinks and just with that I was a different person. Green twinkled in my eyes no hint of amber and a long black line that was in every one of those to make the eyes sparkle. My eyes resembled that of a snake.

But it wasn't the same beauty and desire that I saw in his eyes, that green was marvelous almost unforgettable and so deep you'd like to drown in it. Once you fall in you'll realize how much sadness they had beard.

I sat there for the eye makeup and held my patience as much as I could because I did not want to walk in and catching his attention. I did not know who else had come with him. If blaze was accompanying him tonight than it would be a disaster to walk in the hall thinking, that man would not recognize me.

I stood up when a guard came through to call me. And for the first time I was hesitant. I wanted to head smack myself when the first person I saw in the crowd that waited for me to make their night was Blaze and just behind him was Keres who I knew was never interested in the gathering and parties but for a moment our eyes locked but he was quick to turn away. After the dance Blaze hooted which was so him, enjoying the moment and not fearing the future.

The fact that he did not know who I was made me smiled. A lot of people tried to reach for me once the back dancers scattered to get their prey for the evening while I tried my best to walk away and in to solitude just to mention it felt so bad. It was like I was suffocating. And I had seen he was dying from inside, things and events were happening to him he did not wanted.

I was taken away by a man who may have been in late thirties and the first thing he tried to do was unveil me. I am not supposed to get angry I reminded myself, this was my job. Give them pleasure.

But I held his hand.

"Sweet heart, not so fast." I told him. He may be old looking but age wise he was supposed be addressed as a kid.

He went to kiss on my neck but Keres stopped by making the man stop.

"General alexander it would be kind if you lend me this lady." The man seemed furious but he obviously held back since he slid the hand away from me.

I would have walked away only if the prince wouldn't have decided to take my wrist and make a way out.

"Why would you bring me here if you did not want to touch me? You pulled me out of my responsibility." Keres chuckled. It was rare for him to laugh a real one.

"Why you laugh." I spoke with thin voice and I obviously ignored the eye contact.

"It's not a responsibility but the fact that you were helpless." There was something different about him tonight. He left leaving me there.

The fact that I did not need his help I was still thankful to him that he slip me out of the situation without creating a drama.

Back in the changing room I discarded the thin color lining in my eyes as I slid back in to the clothes I wore to the castle and went to say good bye to the queen.

"How long does it seem it will last long?" the queen asked.

"They have just started and it would be good if you call the princess. They are going wild except for some." That last statement was for the Prince since he was the only one who did not seemed to be dozed with alcohol. Blaze too was half drunk I came to know while leaving the hall.

"I'll leave then, it will get cold." The queen nodded and I headed to my house. I changed again and then I ended up in the bathing chamber washing off the sparkly makeup.

I stared at my reflection in the small mirror. Amber eyes, full lips a little to no cheek fat. But that beauty was never the benefit. I was ready once I left the house, hid the key and mounted my horse.

I rode it back to human kingdom. Before going to bed I reported my arrival to the king through his messenger. I tossed and turned in my bed, unaware of the thought that occupied me.

The morning was rough, it happened. Those days of the month I felt most disgusted of myself. True I did never like to swords those days and that stomach ache that came along with it was worse.

I cursed in front of the mirror before I unwillingly got dresses and that's how I ended up in the arena for the morning practice with the prince.

I charged towards him, his sword aiming at me. I knew it, I could feel it. I could not see because of the blind fold. The practice did not last long since Cora arrived and I told Keres that I was not feeling well and since I had to take care of the arrangement of their engagement I was in a hurry.

I went through all the names on the list and made sure they were all humans and not snakes or wolves in disguise. Following the hall way I reached the ball room which was to be heavily guarded as the event had to take place.

After all the progress and confirmation I headed to my chamber to get dressed. I wore the elven gem earrings and coiled my hairs in a braid as the rolled up to my nape for a bun which I secured with my two short swords.

The heels were so well designed with the dress but besides that they looked so fragile that I feared they would break if I try to do a stunt. And I would no longer be able to wear anything on my feet for the night.

I took them in my hand while the other held my gown from touching the floor as I ran down stairs. Sitting on the first step I tied the ribbon of the heels around my calf as I went to the hall.

Yellow lights lit the beautiful interior of the hall. Around me were large windows which were opened to the gardens I usually visited for an escape. The chandelier was lavish and fragile with the glass work.


I put my hand on the chest as I tried to escape the weird compression, I dazed. Seeing multiple floors. I tried to hold on to collect myself but I couldn't. The past flashed before my eyes. I saw myself back in the torture cell, I was wearing white and the walls and the bed of same hue. Except for the king, my dad who wore posh clothes and a crown embedded with gems for every life he took.

I looked at my father and with a sly smile he told me another idea to torture me. I still had my wounds fresh from before, the cuts that were open and blood reeking out and I wondered what it would be.

My father pulled a pouch and opened it facing to the floor, whatever was inside scattered to the ground. I looked back at my father, my eyes pleading for forgiveness but he gave me a smile again but this time encouraging. He moved to put his hand on my shoulder and I flinched. Tears burned my eyes as to how helpless I felt. They left my eyes rolling down my cheeks and some in my dried mouth. Giving me a taste of regret and anger and death.

I could not harm him, my hand was chained, one long enough for me to roam in the room. And then his eyes went impatient and I started to walk on the shattered pieces of glass. Pain flourished my body and a scream that I had to hold in I remained silent.

I felt the blood seep through the flesh of my sole. I wanted to scream my anger out but I knew too well that if I did he would be more annoyed then he already was because the only time he visited me was when he was angry or helpless about the kingdoms affairs.

"Are you okay?" blaze asked and I realized he had been holding me to the ground or else I would have fallen. He walked me to a chair as I sat there and he offered me a glass of water.

I gulped down the entire liquid as I looked up at him, standing a head of me. I did not wanted to say anything to him so I walked away like nothing happened.

I was not on duty now I wished myself good luck as I walked to the food section. There was this fountain which poured brown liquid which I assumed was chocolate since it colored the same but there were strawberries beside it so the liquid ought to be sweet so it could not be chocolate.

I ignored the second thoughts as I dipped my finger in the pool and licked it. So delicious. I did it again and again and then I tried it with the strawberry.

Just when I thought I could eat this all night someone patted on my shoulder. "You seem to enjoy it?" Keres remarked and I turned to him with my finger in my mouth.

"Like is it really chocolate?" I asked. And he seemed to be shocked like he had seen a ghost.

"Yes, do you doubt that?" he asked.

"Well I did not get a chance since you see." I dipped my finger once again in the pool.

"Haven't you eaten before?" He inquired.

"The place I lived used this for medicine and believe me it's so bitter you don't want to taste it." I was about to do it again when he held my wrist.

"It's for every one's use Eloise you can't just dip your finger."

"They will all do it. Let me be the first so I won't have to eat their dirty dipped chocolate." Keres laughed. Was it that funny? But I bet the expression I made of disgust was funny.

Cora walked up to us taking his arm as she spoke in her pinched voice. I saw Blaze and excused myself from them.

Thanks god I am safe and thinking that I bumped in to him.