
Rose of Deception

Its a story about a young girl who steals a name from a swords girl and enters the human kingdom to get revenge on the prince whose dad killed her mother. And from insight she found that the rose is hidden some where between the human territories. she has to get it to awake her mother from deep slumber. Will she able to get her plans working when the prince is nowhere near the character she thought for him and while getting the rose means killing the prince?

ayesha_atif · แฟนตาซี
28 Chs

Chapter 22

My throat sore and my head dizzy still the sound made me question. "Mother." Her voice made me forget that things were not the same. That I was no longer a little boy cheering among my parent. I had grown up. Almost turning insane and weak. I reminded myself it was not my mother she lived as instead she was only a snake queen. Wife of a man she had a son with.

"Set me free." I demanded, voice broke midways. Somebody tell them I was willing to ascend the throne without violence. I raised my head, heavy but I managed to open my eyes.

The queen stood there, with his hands on her face like she tried to hold her tears back. Did something happen to her. I squinted my eyes and the bruise on my face hurt like shit.

"Keres." She took steps closer to me. I did not need her pity. What did she think she was doing? I tried to avoid the hold she offered. Besides that she spoke something. I could not manage to listen.

The chains broke apart and I fell to the ground. I head faced hit the ground. I groaned in pain.

"You…" I got interrupted.

"Carry him to his chamber." The queen demanded and two men walked in.

"Don't touch me." I told them. But I was wrong I fell to my knees once I managed to standup. I did not know how they took me because I passed out. All I felt was warm or damn cloth rubbed against my flesh.

Soft whispers were heard but I could not make out the words. I don't know after how long I was awake, there was no one. I sat up in the bed. My back rested against the headrest. I scanned the room, no one except for the two ladies at the door. I looked out the window and wondered how many days had passed by. It was another day same to the most and a whole lot different world to the others while for me it was a whole lot different world with the same day in which I was bearing the misery lie the other days of my life. I wondered how much more I could bear. At this point I didn't even know when I'd break. Maybe I was broken already still I managed to take yet another breath.

I shuddered, the door opened and the queen walked in. Her attire posh. Crown rested upon her head. Funny I figured it out before she never made decisions. They were the spirits who ruled the cursed land. They awaited me. I was meant to be the one to rule the land.

And if that meant I could get whatever I needed sitting on the throne I would gladly be sitting on the throne.

"Who hurt you?" something was different about the way she spoke. Did something change while I was practically imprisoned?

"Huh, funny. The one ordering asks the victim who was the tyrant."

"I don't know."

"Leave it, I don't wish to speak of the past."

"Son." The women claimed to be my mother. I deflected her touch. She could not bring out the dead son inside of me who wished to get a perfect family.

"Keres, I know it's hard. And that they forced me in to this but maybe for once we could stop fighting the situations we are put in. on the recommendation I went to the cave of memories…" her voice broke. Tears blurred her eyes.

"I regret the years I spent without you two." What was I supposed to do? Embrace her or push her away? I could not.

I let out a sigh? Was it right to trust the tears of a mother. Was it right to hold the women who gave birth to me. Was her wish about her years without us being trash genuine?

I let go off every single regret that concerned her and embraced her. Every part of my body hurt.

"I… I missed you." I was not supposed to cry, I was not supposed to break.

"And here I thought you'd wait for me." Brenna stood at the door step. She held a goblet in her hand, looking extremely careful.

She walked to us and offered it, water. But there was in the jug on the nightstand. "Don't stare it like this. Drink it?" With a questionable look I stared at her.

"As annoying this man is I believe he is my brother? Keres it's from the cursed lake. Only offers power to the heir of this land. Single drop could burn us alive. I poured it with such care. Now if you may?" I held it and with a last glace I sipped down the clear liquid. I chose to believe her but what if it killed me?

She was right. The pain, the scars healed. I was right. I did not felt bounded by the soreness in my joints. I smiled at her.

"Your scales." The princess looked half excited to see the gold tear through my flesh.

"And they are extremely itchy."

"Oh don't worry that they won't be for too long." She moved her hand while she talked and that was weird since you could move your mouth without your hands. But for her it seemed impossible.

"Now, I demand a family hug." I was happy to hear it. A moment of joy.

"But." She pointed a finger at me. "Thinking now you being my husband was never a sober idea."

"The sole reason I rejected your proposal, little sister."

"Don't call me that." She warned me with her eyes nearly popping out. Before she could start some kind of movement I put the goblet on a safe place.

"What will you do then?" I asked, eyebrows lifting.

"Then…" she thought for a second before she spoke again. "I'll wolf up."

The news was a shock to me. Then I remembered her father, the king was a wolven knight and my mother was not a snake. So she was a wolven. Cool. I had to keep track of the children my mother had from two different husbands. She gave birth to a variety of offspring. First one being human without doubt, second a snake and the third a wolven.

We came closer for a family reunion hug. I did not want to deny how oddly comforting it was. Like a world rested in peace for a moment, like the storm settled for a bit. A weird feeling that erupted in my heart. Peace and stillness and a sigh of relief. They left the chamber hoping I'd get some sleep.

I layed down on the bed, tired I ran my hand down my face. The cold silver band was still around my finger I realized. I turned it to pull up, the name of the women who had managed to run away on her wedding day. I hated how another person had lied.

I had really wished we could get along. I stared at the ceiling. No wonders but still, what could she be doing.

The name was not in the head. She did come to meet me. I saw her, I guessed. Or was I hallucinating. I looked back at the window, the sun halfway through the horizon. Was Arthur worried for me? I had been here for days now. But if he would have been wasn't he supposed to be here. Taking me with him. I knew he wouldn't even ask me if I needed to go with him.

I layed down and draped the sheets over me not expecting to fall asleep.

The next day I was early but I did not leave the room. I paced in the space between the balconies any the door. What kept me so restless? The weird feeling that ached my heart or the agitation. I did not know what to think or do. I was out of my mind. Tired and thoughtless.

"Your highness?" a maid peeked her head through the door.

"Yes." I turned to face her.

"Can I come in?" it looked like she was a beginner. I had not have a chance to see a maid so young and childish. I nodded, a smile stretched on my face.

"The queen asks for your appearance. She said she would be glad if you'd join them for the breakfast."

She did her curtesy and was about to leave when I stopped her.

"What is your name?" I asked her. And I doubted it was the blush that crept to her cheeks.

"Davina. Your highness."

"Hmm. You may leave now." She left without further saying. I had dressed up so I left, exploring the castle I walked through hallways at last reaching the dinning pavilion after asking a guard where it was.

Mother awaited me, she looked at me with those loving eyes making me wonder if we ever fell apart. She dragged the chair out one that sat on the head of the table. The place that belonged to Arthur in Wasadonia and to Asena in Warkniles.

The power it offered to the people to make them forget they had living beings around them. The power that made them think they were capable of doing what they wanted.

Without questions or giving away the weird look I sat on the chair that awaited me for years. And there was no reason to argue about it when I knew it belonged to me. It had always been mine.

She went to sit on my right. And I figured she was waiting for Brenna.

"Where is your husband?" I asked.

"He went out with his friends days back. He'd be back by tomorrow." It was obvious how often she gave away a smile. I remembered her having this habit even when dad was alive. I had always seen her beaming, brushing away half of the worries. But weren't the smiles only for my dad. How could she still manage to stay happy? Wasn't it my dad who made her happy then why another man.

"You always seem to lighten up the worries, butterfly." My dad had said. The memories were blur but remembering them made was like it was a day ago that it happened. Despite the image of my father being blur in my head.

A moment of silence before Brenna came in. Like always her red hairs coiled in braids. She wore leather top and a short skirt.

"What is it today?" She lifted the lid from the platter, Adour filling the room.

"Mom I told you I wanted to eat bread today." The princess complained.

"Oh, I forgot. My dear sit and have food I'll tell them to bake it tomorrow."


"Brenna." She warned.

"I won't eat."

"Kayden." The mother queen called out. "Bake a bread for Princess Brenna."

I removed the lid from the dish in front of me. And grabbed the chunk of meat, scooping it on my platter. I cut through and stick it on the fork.

"Here." I held it out for her. She gave me a deadly look before she snapped it out of the metal.

"Only for you." She spoke while she chewed.

I sliced the steak and gave her my platter. "Brenna."

"Brother, you are annoying."

"I know." I told her, a smile on my face.

"No talking while you eat." Mother spoke.

We silently ate afterwards, Brenna ate. And I had to go with her for a castle tour afterwards. Last she took me to a cave in the castle, we stepped in the dark passage way. And then it was ice and cold and dry air with dense feeling inside.

"Dark cave." She said, looking around.

In the center were stairs reaching a round stone that hovered in the air. Stone figures standing on the border of it. She guided me up.

"The cursed water. One I bought you before." She stood careful, not moving and she surprisingly did not move her hand while she talked.

"The cursed kings can use it in every way. The black magic is strong not for every other snake to bare the magic. It's yours that is older than every other, stronger than every other."

I lowered down, my knees on the stone rim. I dipped my hand and the water sizzled, like it welcomed me.

"We must leave now, the spirts will get angry if we stay much longer."

"Spirits?" I asked climbing down the steps.

"The very first snake who was the first king from the last, which was your dad. They are all bounded to this place. He had been the one who make decisions for us. Mother was just a figure. That day when you came with Asena. King Aphelion demanded your presence. We did not know why he asked this. But mother was to follow the orders." We stepped out of the cave. So mother did not ask me to come at the cursed land to capture me to negotiate with her daughter.

She stopped to look at me, I doing the same.

"Your dad, he locked the side of you that was snake. Mother asked a meditator. He will help you provoke the inside that his hidden. Until you are able to communicate with the soul of the old snake that had been transferred to you by your father."


"Yes, my annoying little brother."

"I am older than you. Sister."

"With have faced more challenges than you?" She added, her head raised like she was proud of herself. She should. No doubt. While I had nothing to be proud of.

True I accepted the situation I was put in but I was not ready to forgive the lies my past gave. I was supposed to be proud of my father but what? He lied to my mother about his identity and to me, to the nation he ruled for years after the death of Arthur's father.

I'd show Asena what an enemy looks like. I'd cut the dagger through her when she'd be least expecting. And the moment will knock on my door itself.

We parted ways, I had to change into something lighter than the posh attire I had put on. My mother thought I was already a king before I was. Which I was but I did not have the ceremony yet which left me a day or two living my life as a person who did not have burden of a nation on his shoulder.

I wore cotton tunic and a trouser. Surprisingly comforting. I sighed before I entered the chamber, utter silence and the statement pin drop silence was proved. I knocked and instantly the door opened.

And the rest of the day I was supposed to sit with my legs crossed in utter silence with a sound of hum coming from that meditator. Annoying. What was that supposed to mean. My head was still a mess of thoughts nothing changed.

I had started to get impatient. His tone changed, it went more like a hiss, not only in my surroundings but in my head as well. I hated the loud sound that invaded me.

Filled every part of me, it reminded me of the pitch Cora talked with but that had nothing to do here. What was I thinking, I lost control over my mind, my skin itched and golden scales cut though my flesh. My eyes opened and image got blur, loss of colors. What was happening?

I clenched my hairs pulling them, it was like I was going insane. I needed to speak but all that came out was hissing. Something grave weighed on my shoulder. My energy drained away, eyelids heavy and a weird scent that embraced the atmosphere. A shiver went down my spine and I wanted to puke. A taste so poisonous and bitter but disgusting layered my tongue.

I lost my vision before I fell to the ground, my head hit the tiled floor.