
Roscoe Ambiguity!

Glizoline valentino is thrusted into a world beyond what he's capable of comprehending when his Uncle asks if he wants to join his team to stop a great evil.

Artryeh · แอคชั่น
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Original Gliz!

(Gliz narrating to himself) 

Hi, my name is Glizolin Valentino, although my friends call me Gliz… bullies call me Glizzy.

I was born December 13th, 2004 in stephlon, ohio… think of it as the las vegas of ohio. Lots of gambling, prostitution and drug abuse in town. 

As for a regular kid growing up here, take me as an example, it's dangerous, not ideal. Even the kids here abuse drugs like it's every day for them. I've never touched any and don't plan on it, which is why I probably got picked on by this guy named "Derek Shaw" and his wealth of idiocy constantly. Never saw wealth that follows you around until now, have you? 

Pretty sure it all changed that day my life became bizarre. Here's how it happened, of course… 

The day was like any other, sunny and bright. The aroma in the class was a diverse mixture that told a story about each student and teacher. 

Suddenly, the principal came on the announcements as we all were preparing for 3rd period, forcing us to go wait in the cafeteria as stephlon police commenced a drug raid. Everyone dropped their bags, their work and we all made our way to the cafeteria in usual fashion. 

I had nothing to worry about, but Derek Shaw did. I saw him a few weeks earlier in the boy's bathroom smoking heavy drugs alongside his goons. I'm not going to lie, I was praying that day that he'd get caught, that the police would've found something in their bags, at least to lessen their numbers a bit. Something to stop the darkness he is.

However, their choices led to my downfall, and led to my life becoming bizarre. A wise man once said, "you live by the sword you die by it." If only you knew the irony, it should be "you pick on the boy, you die by a gun." 

"Momma, wake up, momma, the bad men are gone, the thing came back!" Says gliz as he sat on his knees near her stock still body, tears fell from his eyes and he felt as if time had slowed down.

It was a Tuesday, this very day hit me especially hard. You know some events that you wish you could undo, yeah. It's hard for a young boy of my stature, especially those like me who are always alone and open. It doesn't matter what I do or who I concern myself with, people and their problems are always attracted to me. That was the case with Derek Shaw, he hates me because he doesn't like himself and it's a lot easier to demean someone when you have 9 other bullies to back you up. 

Anyway, I was sitting at the lunch table outside of my school, or well, between it. Since they forced us to the cafeteria. My school is a medium sized public high school, with tables outside the cafeteria. I was used to eating lunch alone because the only one friend I have, we only share English class together. Out of nowhere, Derek and 9 of his "friends" approached me. Of course, I got up and tried to leave, but people often tell me "you know you have to stick up for yourself?, you can't let people walk all over you, you have to crush them and crush them before they crush you." Or something like that. I'm just really bad with confrontation. 

"Does it really take all 10 of you to torment me? Couldn't just one of you do it?" I said in fear and confusion.

"You have such a big mouth, always putting you deeper into the pit further and further, and us, well we're just the snakes that inhabit that pit" Derek said intimidatingly...

"Why are you so scaredy? 

So weak and pathetic? 

It's really not a good look on you glizzy, but damn… that's the look you've chosen to stick with for all these years." Said Evan the same way. 

Evan DeFazio, Derek's right hand man. 

He stands about 5'10, black hair and enjoys seeing others in pain.

There's rumours about him sending his older brother to the hospital a while back, jeez.

Derek and his buddies became bolder that day, bold enough to make trouble with a school full of police, staff, and bystanders.

"I guess we're gonna do this again, here's something, since there are 10 of us, we will give you a 1 minute head start to run, we catch you and you're dead, we don't catch you, you're still dead because we will catch you, ya damn nerd… NOW GO!" Said Derek so confidently and boldly.

I tried to make a run for it but like almost just about anybody, I fail to out run 10 people. 

As I was running I realized I didn't make it far at all and it's almost as if I hadn't even moved. 

Then I realized I couldn't feel my body and an extreme current of adrenaline rushed through my body and I couldn't feel so much to know as I turned around that these guys never intended to give me a head start, they held onto me. As I turned around the last thing I could see was 9 of the idiots approaching intimidatingly as Derek Shaw grasped my shirt, looking mean and ugly as usual and was about to send me a "hostile" gift to my face. 

Soon before I knew it, Each of them stopped as we all and the other stephlon students around heard multiple pistol's cock around us. 

The stephlon bystanders scattered after a while and began trying to flee the area, while Derek, his goons and I all froze where we stood. 

I saw for once, Fear culminating within Derek, told by his face as he froze from the fear. 

Derek eventually turned around with his goons to see where the guns sounded, Derek and I witnessed a gun for each of his goons behind them, then each gun flew into the face of each goon that surrounded me, bloodying some of their faces but surely knocking each out cold, maybe killing some. 

It was almost like...

"There had been a gun with a bullet for each soul. Ten men and ten guns, but only one trigger." 

Derek's fear turned to anger as each of what he called "Friends" looked dead, he blamed me, but I was even more afraid and scared than he could believe after that. I had no idea what was going on, I was their prey but they seemed like the dead men.

As he grasped onto my shirt rougher...

"How did you do that, you scaredy little wimp?" Yelled Derek in clueless anger and fear.

"I, I, I didn't do anything. I don't know what just happened." I stuttered and struggled to get out as Derek held onto me.

I turned away, sweating and crying from the fear and before I knew it, once more, Derek dropped dead on the ground, right in front of me. Then I heard the guns drop as well, like they were regular guns. Metal colliding with concrete...

The students who were around from the raid seemingly vanished once the supernatural drama began, but the police… they were all too present still. 

I saw from the glass window that showed inside the halls, swarms and swarms of the cops in S.W.A.T gear and their drug sniffing dogs with them rushing outside, my way.

Once I realized a few of the students who fled might've told the cops about hearing the guns, that these cops are swarming out because of them or me, so, I fled through the doors that led to the cafeteria, the exact opposite way of the cops. 

I made my way to the chemistry lab and from there, I had a direct shot to the main doors in the very front of the building but, however, how was I to know some of the dogs were being held in the front of the school, too?

The officers outside of the building had seen me coming because supposedly they had already been alerted by the time I was in the cafeteria and the fight broke out between me and those dipshits. 

I had nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nowhere to escape… My only choice was.. THROUGH THE FRONT. 

I ran and ran to escape the police chasing behind me, as I had to quickly think of a way to maneuver through the front unit of the cops. 

Long story short, I couldn't and the cops arrested me, a timid, shy 14 year old had to do a few hours in a cell because he got bullied. Whatever saved me from Derek and his goons did not save me from Officer Buchanan and his authoritative morons. 

However, thank God uncle Roscoe had my back that day. A 6'5 FBI agent, whose real name is Tyrel jueli is my father figure. Highly trained In combat and a pro In forensics studies, he bailed me out that day. 

As I sat on butt with my back lined up against the wall, awaiting saving, I overheard uncle Roscoe and officer Buchanan… 

"But… sir, he's a school shooter, we witnessed him fleeing the crime scene, 10 young men surrounded by 10 guns. We picked up the guns he used to hurt those young men and found footage of everything thanks to the school's cameras." Officer Buchanan yelled in frustration. 

"Can you take me to the evidence you have on him then?" Uncle Roscoe asked calmly. 

Buchanan takes Uncle Roscoe to the evidence room in hopes to show him proof that I'm a school shooter, but besides the fact that I like to study people and I prefer to blend into the crowd, there's nothing violent or incomprehensible about me. Nothing violent nor criminal, nor special. 

The two walk back to me. Uncle Roscoe, Unfazed and collected, Buchanan, he looked absolutely DESTROYED, his spirit gone and extremely confused and lost. There was a lot he was feeling it looked like, quite a bit on his mind.

"Now then, Joel, I'd like to bail out my nephew, Glizolin, and be on our way." Said Uncle Roscoe calmly yet assertively. 

Buchanan released me without hesitation and all charges were dropped, it's as if all the "evidence" he had on me, was destroyed. 

At the time, I didn't give it much thought at all.