
Rory Solo and his Chaotic Brand in the Omniverse

Jiro_Manawari · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
3 Chs


Rory Tachyon Solo has always been smart. A little crazy, sure, but definitely smart. His talent manifested as a young boy as he excelled over his peers in school. Where children his age were learning to read and write, he was allowed to sit quietly in the corner and read whichever book tickled his fancy for the day. While the others counted and did finger paintings, he looked up elementary level quizzes and challenged himself with advanced (for his age) mathematical concepts and language charts.

His penchant for learning and his obviously superior intellect has ostracized him from other kids; the others deemed him "too smart" and "too strange" for their liking. Despite having no friends and constantly carrying a certain bored and haughty look, no one messed with him because of one thing: he would always retaliate and dish out twice the amount of what's given to him.


Aaron Collins, the blonde twat, has always been a bully since I started school. He and his band of oafs, bandied about everywhere like they owned the whole place. They terrorized the other kids; stole their food; messed with their art, and generally became a nuisance to everyone--even the teachers.

Out in the yard, behind trees and bushes, I heard the sound of a pain filled yip, followed by whimpering. Following my curiosity, I chanced upon Aaron and his friends, ganging up on a puppy who was huddled close to the bushes, as they tried raining kicks and threw rocks at the poor thing.

"What have we here, Aaron and his cronies hurting a dog? Why does this not surprise me?" I said.

"What's it to you, geek!" said Finn, one of the member of this unfortunate entourage of jerks.

"Not much really, but I will unleash upon you the same amount of hurt that you've given this dog. I really wish you didn't talk back, Phineas. It would be really sad if I stabbed you with this pencil right here." As I showed him my newly sharpened pencil, #2 of course.

Aaron, the bumbling fool that he is, countered this with: "You're not so tough, freak. You are one, and we are many! Let's show this freak how not to mess with us the next time."

As they tried to surround me, I observed the situation and found wooden stick near the sequoia tree. It was behind Finn, and if I can only get to it, I could use it to swat these people like the fly that they are. Five against one may not seem like a fair fight, but I figured, with their terrifying low level of intellect, I might be able to turn this situation around.

I sprinted towards the Sequoia tree and passed Finn who was readying to deliver a punch, in poor form, if the video I watched regarding boxing stances were to be believed. Before his fist hit me, I was able to raise my left arm and clumsily deflected him, while hitting his neck with the palm of my other hand. His eyes bulged, and he croaked at the suddenness of my action and the ensuing pain that it resulted to.

"Serves him right," I said in my mind.

By the time the others were able to catch up to me, I was able to pick up the white stick and raise it before another fist came into view. Poor Jeremy Walker, shrieked as his skin impacted wood. I hurriedly stepped back a few steps, and deliver a whack to his ribs, that made him fall and clutch at his side. Ah, what a wonderful sound!

I shifted my focus to the other boys and thumped them in various parts with my wooden stick. Thump, thump, thumping away gleefully, until only Aaron remained. He looked scared, I can see it in his eyes, but his ego would not let him show weakness, and with false bravado, charged at me arms raised and fist clenched.

I readied myself, stick on my right hand, body a bit crouched, with my right foot behind my left. I took a big swing and managed to hit him at the side of his arm. His awful brain might not have processed the pain, because he failed to react, and managed to slug me on the mouth which shocked me with the sudden pain. He went for another swing, but being shorter, I was able to duck this time, stepped back, and delivered a powerful kick….directly into his balls.

His eyes bulged and he inhaled sharply as he fell down and cupped his undeveloped manhood wailing loudly like a dying pig. What a drama queen!

I went to the dog. A puppy really, and gently tried to coax him into my arms. He was resistant at first, but I managed to pick him up from the ground and checked his underside.….ahh! a girl then. I have just carefully situated the puppy into my arms as numerous people, including the teachers arrived. No doubt alerted by the whole ruckus and the sound of the man wailing like a dying pig.


I got in a lot of trouble that particular time for fighting with others. I of course, defended myself and told them about the dog abuse, their taunting and bullying in school, and them saying they'll teach me a lesson for interfering with their business.

The teachers, the principal, and the parents of the other boys were appalled with their behavior, but still berating me for using force against other people. One father in particular is vehemently denigrating me for hurting his son, his face cherry-red in color, as spittle flew from his mouth, shouting expletives, and threatening everyone if I didn't get punished.

I turned to him and unflinchingly said, "You must be Aaron's father. I'm not surprised he turned out the way the he is."

Everyone, the teachers, the principal, the boys, and their parents gawked at me, unbelieving of such a small boy having the audacity to utter such words to an adult- in front of an audience no less.

At my peripheral vision, I can see my mother trying to hide her mirth at my words. I continued, "If an adult such as yourself, Mr. Collins, can't control your bad behavior in public, huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf, I'm not sure there's even much disciplining going on in your home. There's a reason Aaron turned out to be the bully he is." Rolling my eyes at the absurdity of the situation and the actions of these adults.

Mr. Collins sputtered, and was about to open his mouth, raring to go another round of inanity, when my mother at my side cut in, and said, "This farce has gone on for much too long. Fact is, these boys who have a long history of bullying, hurting and injuring a defenseless animal. When my son tried to intervene, they apparently had the intent on "teaching" him a lesson and causing bodily harm, to which my son defended himself. Now, we're sitting here listening to these poor excuse of parents crucifying my son for defending himself, from these ill-grown brats? My son who has constantly been respectful and silent unless spoken to? Someone who has always done well in his studies, and today, has shown great courage to stand up to people hurting the defenseless?"

Looking at the principal, my mother added, "I'm not sure what game you're playing here Principal Carter, but it's obvious you've no talent in conflict resolution if your pitiful attempt were any indication, but the fact that you have let it gone for so long leave much to be desired with your performance as the highest authority of this school. Now, you will resolve this at this instant and allow us to leave or I'll be publishing your ineptness to the press and will pen the district board about this incident."

"Shall we continue this pretense or do we end it now?"


The principal did end up suspending me for a week and the other boys for 2. There were still some grumbling from the parents and empty threats of calling their lawyers and whatnot, but we were able to get out of the ostentatious office.

My mother did end up berating me at home for the fighting, but congratulated me for saving the defenseless pup. She asked me If I'll keep the pup or will we drive her to the adoption center. I of course decided to keep her and named her after my favorite battle angel: Anita.