

Claire is the reserved type while Rose is the football being played by the adults. From the mistakes of one night, to the over-confident yet heart breaking experience, two people grew up world's apart, seeking warmth from past memories which are only remembered by one.

Miracle_8594 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

Chapter 2

Claire's POV

The sound of my alarm woke me up as early as 6:45am this morning. My mum's morning call is my alarm. "You're still asleep?"she asked probably an exclamation to express her surprise. I hummed a yes. "How are you doing?"she asked. "I'm fine"I said sleepily, with face down, buried in my pillow. "Don't you have class. "It's at 8. The dawn class got cancelled."I groaned, facing the ceiling. "Kk. Just hurry and wash up."she said. "Kay..."she hung up and I threw the phone on the bed fitting my feet into my slippers. I dragged my body to the washroom taking my underwear along. I started my morning bathroom routine as fast as I could to avoid being disturbed. The water is cold but, it feels damn good. Maybe because the sun is already out and warm. I finished and walked out in my underwear, wearing my night robe on it. I walked to the balcony........ and dried my towel on the dry line, holding it with a peg. Standing out here facing the morning sun warming up your skin is all you need to start your day after a cold shower as early as 7:00am. It's 7:28am already. Class is actually 8:30 and the lecture hall is not quite far from here so, I have some time to myself. I walked in, closing the door behind me quietly to avoid waking her up. She didn't even make a movement. I sighed and walked to my bed to get dressed. I just picked a pair of trousers with a matching shirt to fit my day. I wore my ..... around my neck and held it, feeling its texture in my fingers. Grandma gave it to me. She said it was my good luck charm to drive away all negativity. Remembering her brought an undeniable smile on my face. She was my best friend. She was the only one who understood me. I miss her a lot. I closed my eyes, sighing softly. Just in time for my phone's ringtone to vibrate, causing a silent noise in the room. She made a sound, making me turn to her side of the room. She's turned to face my side of the room with eyes still closed and body steady. I thought that woke her. It's Miranda. She's probably waiting for me downstairs. I swiped the call to the receiver and placed the phone against my left ear. "I still managed to call you after what you did to me last night...." "You mean, this morning." I cut her off. She sighed. "Right. I'm waiting for you downstairs." She ended the call earlier than I thought. I smirked. My roommate groaned, making me turn again. She's dead in sleep. So dead. Just looking at her reminds me of her arrival this morning. Say,... midnight. It was somehow a disaster....


It's already 12:57am and Miranda won't get off the phone. She's not even saying anything quite profitable for our living. "I'm actually planning on dyeing my hair sometime during the week. I don't know, I need your advice. Do you think green will look good on me? White? Purple?...." And there, she won't stop mentioning the colours. I sighed, closing my eyes. "I don't know. Choose what you like." I said, trying to not sound real bored. "I don't know. What do you like?" She asks. I sighed again. "I need to cut my nails too. They're too long. I actually need nail treatment. My nails are wearing off." She said after not getting any suggestions for her hair colour. I still didn't talk. She sighed over the phone and said, "you do know how boring you are, right?". "We'll be late for class tomorrow. It's time to say goodnight" I said silently. "O come-on. You do know it's the truth but, that doesn't mean you should just hung up like that. That's unfair." She protested. "You have anything to say?" I asked. "I dare you to not hung up on me." She says, sounding like the best witch cast for our last play which took place last semester. I remained silent, waiting for her to talk. "Kay, fine! I just wanted to know if you could attend yoga class with me next weekend. I don't have a partner. ....And don't think I didn't ask others before you!!! It's just,..... everyone is busy. They won't attend yoga class with me. The last person who went with me was Collins and you know what happened to him." She sniffs. Yeah, I do know. He couldn't walk for a week. And his girlfriend didn't talk to him for two weeks because he couldn't pick up her calls for the whole time he was with Miranda. He even missed auditions because of his condition. Poor Collins. He just looked on like a caged bird waiting for his freedom as practice was going on. And Miranda's teacher is,.... too devoted to her job. I held myself back from laughing. "Will you.....?" "No" I wouldn't wait for her to ask that. "Pleeeeeaaaassssseee" she pleaded. I'm not. Although I did enjoy the first class which I attended with her. My presence there wasn't needed much. She already had a partner which meant, she tricked into joining her class. Yoga class is just an extra class which she attends during the weekend as a part of her family's tradition which helps her to relax and breath her own space in and out without needing to communicate with anyone. She once explained. I figured, she must have certain things hard for her. Like me. Yoga class did help me relax but, I can't add up to my expenses. Besides, following her for a day wouldn't coat me a thing because, her teacher is her great-grand-aunt's daughter's cousin. A family filled with "greats'. "Fine" I said, amidst sighing. She shouted, making me drop the phone on the bed unintentionally. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank...." "Kay. Goodnight" "No no no no...." "What?!" I groaned over the phone. She sighed and said, "I just wanted to know if your roommate is in". I don't quite intend on answering that. She seems curious for some reason. I bet she can't wait to hear me complain about some random person who can't get off my bed, or ask for literally everything because they don't have any. "O come on. You know I mean well." She said, obviously sounding funny, as if she could read my mind. "The porter says she'll be in today. Well, yesterday it was." I said. She yawns on the other side making me smirk a bit. "Goodnight" I said. "No! I wanted to ask a question." And there, I ended the call, not wanting to listen to more of her blabbering. I let out a long sigh and turned around. She might not come now but, maybe she's just caught up in traffic. I stood up and took out my keys from the door lock and went back to bed turning around to face the other side of the room.

Just in time for her arrival. I heard the door lock creak. After two turns, the door knob twisted making noise in the silence of the night. I turned around to have a look with eyes closed to avoid any misunderstanding. Somehow, I suddenly turn around 'cause I don't know how long I can keep my eyes closed. It'd be really weird if someone saw me awake at this time, especially my new roommate. Even weirder if she thinks I stayed awake only to meet her and say my 'hi, you're welcome' to her as if she was some sort of expected royalty. That's insane. I mean, I concluded to avoid her if I could to avoid too much conversation. Footsteps were heard approaching. I closed my eyes to invite the darkness into my vision as she turns on the light, making the room lit. She dragged her stuffs to her bed lazily, probably tired. Her footsteps says so. It must've been a longer journey if she arrived at a time like this. I thought, 'I should just wake up and help her' but, 'no!'. I'm asleep. Supposedly to be precise. I'll just help her some other time if we get along. She slumped her body on her bed, looking really tired. She sighed heavily as if she just got a burden off her head. Or was it,.....chest??? Whatever. It seems she hasn't brought anything much seeing, she's not walking around to arrange stuffs. Her phone's ringtone echoed in the silence of the room just when I was about to turn around. I stopped in my tracks. She received it after sighing. From her tone, I could only guess one thing. A family perhaps?. Dad to be precise. "You too Dad", she says and opens the door to the washroom. I turned around sighing with relief as I heard the bathroom door close behind me. She forgot to turn the lights on and it'd be weird if she comes back to see the lights turned off. I closed my eyes and gave in to sleep but, couldn't as she came out of the bathroom earlier than I expected. She seems to think that I'm really deep in sleep because she doesn't mind being naked. At all. She dressed up and walked to the study table. I bet she's now seeing my notepad because, I can feel her eyes on me from a distance. I should've just maintained my previous position. When I couldn't anymore, I screeched, turning around to make her stop. And she probably did. I forgot to put my phone on charge thanks to someone who doesn't actually seem tired as she's still sitting by the table, this time using a lamplight with the lights turned off. I finally gave in to sleep after closing my eyes forever.

Now that I'm seeing her face in the daylight, it seems I've seen her from somewhere. She looks kind of familiar. I stared hard, trying to remember. I didn't even realize I've been staring if no one knocked on the door. I held my breath for a few seconds as I retreated into reality. I took my keys and bag in hand, leaving the room. "Good morning sis!!!" I almost forgot someone knocked. Collins almost yelled making me close the door behind me hastily, covering his mouth with my other hand. "Morning" I forced a smile on my face as I turned around to face him. "Hmm?" He frowned. "What" I questioned. He looks at me, looking suspicious. I sighed, "my roommate's in. She came in this morning actually". "Since when did you start protecting a sleeping roommate?" He asked, demanding an answer with his brows raised. I glared, shutting him up and walking past. "Where's Miranda?" I asked, not turning. "I was expecting you to ask me something else this morning" he said making me frown. What is that? Today is no one's birthday or, whatever. "I thought you'd ask why I'm here this morning. But, you didn't." He said, making me doubt the situation. He probably had a fight with his girlfriend. Those two have been together for a while now and, all they do lately is have misunderstandings. I smirked. "Need I ask? Ain't it obvious she's probably angry again?" I said, mocking him. "You know what, nevermind. Miranda's downstairs. Looking angry. I wonder what got her really angry this early morning." He said in defense. I gave way to smile.

Rose's POV

I can kind of boast about my sleeping ability for today. Not even the sun woke me up this morning. Don't even talk about my roommate's morning activities in the room earlier. I slept through it all. Maybe she didn't produce any amount of noise this morning because man, I slept so well. It's been a while. It's 10:18am. Ally's call woke me up actually. She's been calling like forever now. I almost forgot I put my phone's sound on vibration. The call already ended before I could press the receiver. I checked the time and it's 10:18am. "Will call you after my bath. Still in bed..."I texted her, still half awake. I covered my eyes to block the reflection of the sun in my eyes as I turned my face into my pillow to bring myself to reality. By 10:25, I'm already wide awake and sitting on my bed, facing the well laid empty bed a few footsteps from my bed. It's so straight that even a rule wouldn't miss a step in checking its straightness. Haha.... I laughed with no emotions attached. I lazily walked out of bed and started my day with a face wash, mouthwash, body wash and, what else do you have to know... I made a half cup of oatmeal as my stomach start up and sat by the study table, in my seat. I place the hot, moist cup on the table and took my phone to reply to my text messages. "Okay"read the message from Ally as the first message, replying my message from earlier. "Hey;"I texted. After a minute and a few seconds, she texted back. "Hi sis! Just wanted to check on you.... Could you make it last night?..... I was around your hall to visit an old mate..... Thought you might need a help........ Since you never seem to amaze me with your luggages." She added an emoji to the last one and keeps texting on and on until I couldn't anymore. "I did arrive. But around 1 am. I wouldn't disturb you. Thanks anyway. What class do we have at twelve by the way? I almost forgot that." I texted all in a go. "Good thing 'cause I was already in the other world, having my best time."she added a smiling emoji and I couldn't help but reply with a laughing one. "Class is cancelled. Lecturer is on maternity leave....... We'll have to feed ourselves sis." She said. It almost sounded as if a whisper. Well, I could sleep for as long as I wanted. But, I'll have to visit our department later today before offices are closed to put my signatures in their notebooks. "That is......what should I say?"I texted. "Great...... Just great........ We're like super dead..... Unless there's an earlier replacement... Or.... Perhaps.... Teaching assistants......" "Well,.... Let's hope for the best." "Yeah. What are you doing by the way? And your roommate?... Still haven't forgotten what happened to you last semester.... She laughed. Have you met her yet?" Too many questions, asking for one answer. "She left a note for me last night. We still haven't talked yet." I turned to her side of the table and saw another notepad with a number and a few words added. 'just in case.' it read. "And now, there's another one with her number on it. It kind of feels like.... Intentional avoidance?...."I added. She sends tons of laughing stickers and emoji after reading my last statement. "It just kind of feels that way." I added. "Is it?"I just stared at the phone's screen in my hands. It is just two notes. And besides, it's not even past 24 hours since I've arrived and I have already concluded a portion of the unstarted story. And of course, I do know I sound hilarious and, ridiculous . "I guess you just figured what I'm about to say... Why would she leave her number behind if she's INTENTIONALLY avoiding you?... I kind of hate to say this but, this is unprofessional of you, miss journalist...... But, what to say.... All the best in your history making.... And don't forget to change the script.... You might go crazy like the other time." Nothing much about the other time. In my first year, I got a really good place. My roommate....was the.... kindest. And....the cruelest. She almost got me killed in her love fantasies about someone who doesn't even know of her existence. She would always say real nice things to me about him. Sometimes, I saw the bruises on her body. She caused them herself. I thought she was abused. And yeah, who would ever question that? Especially when she's your senior, not sister. She asked me out once on a get together dinner party with 'some friends' she said. Turned out, it wasn't friends. She kidnapped the boy and locked him up in an abandoned building. According to my observation in the place, she seems to be taking his blood regularly. But, for what? Donation. Blood donation. I heard she's a blood donor. She donates blood to a nearby hospital almost every week. Things were hidden. But, despite his appearance which she decided to groom prettily, I could tell some thing was wrong. The guy only cussed out every time his lips parted. It was just a simple dinner party. He kind of resembled someone I may have seen somewhere. Probably around campus. I wanted to find out so, after the cake, I asked to take pictures. She kind of looked furious. And of course, she never allowed it. She covered the table with a really long cloth, making me not see his legs. They were tied to the chair he was sitter on. When she realized I was looking around, she asked me to go ahead and go back quickly. It was getting late. She wants to take care of him and be with him for a while. The scary part is yet to start. So, I left and made a phone call to Ally and a group of friends, asking of his name. I said they should check if there's a missing person's picture in the group. I may have seen one somewhere before. I was so engrossed in my conversation that, I forgot that the street was an abandoned one and that, anyone could be following me. My voice fell silent as I started to feel my bile rise. "Are you okay?" Jimmy asked. "Not quite. I think I'm followed" I said in a whisper. "Share your location. Now." "And don't look back. Not yet." The person seems to be catching up fast. I switched on my location as fast as I could. The network reception is that bad around here. She chose the best location. I tried to share my location anyway. "Rose?"she called from behind me. I froze but, still turned around. "Yes?" I forced a smile on my face. "Aren't you forgetting something?" She asked. I tried not to swallow the lump in my throat. I feigned a smile and asked, "what could that possibly be?". "I'm also wondering. What could it be?" That kind of sounded like mimicking in a music tune. She took slower steps closer, making my heartbeat increase abnormally. I tried to keep the smile but, it disappeared as I started to lose my consciousness. She kept smiling. That never fading smile of hers. "What.....di...d.....y....you....do?" I felt my knees go numb as I held my head. "Just a little drug. You'll be fine. You're the only one I trusted. You chose betrayal instead." She said. "LEAVE THAT PLACE" the message read on my locked phone screen. I was still trying to keep my composure. "Too late." Anything which followed was history. I finally lost my consciousness. And woke up in a hospital. She dragged and dumped my body in a nearby river. Luckily, a group of divers were taking out a dead body from the river at that time and heard the huge splash in the other end of the river. Thankfully, however they did it, my friends were able to track my location before she dumped my phone into the river alongside me. Just two detectives followed them and they did a good job. I remember complimenting her all the time. She'd give me anything and everything I wanted even when I didn't ask. Or couldn't ask. I'd defend her in all ways. But, in the end, she was just a psychotic, desperate, young lady who would do anything to get whatever it is she wanted. And I was just a naive fresher who believed in my beautiful and hardworking senior. I heard she was from a rich family in which she never received love. And so, when she felt love for the first time, she wanted it at all cost. I kind of feel bad for her. But, that incident gave me a phobia. That's right. I'm afraid of huge amount of water. I don't remember being dumped in the river. I remember choking. I thought I was dieing. The incident got me hospitalized because, I was not well for a while. I had nightmares of events which kept playing in my mind but, I can't remember anything once I'm awake. I'm okay now. "Do you think this one too is like her?" I asked. "that's not what I meant ...... I meant, stop jumping into conclusion....... The sun hasn't set yet... And..... I don't know why that statement" she added a laughing emoji. I smiled. Seeing my history with roommates, I guess date never counted me as part of fun and simple whenever it chooses one for me. "I'll send you the notes in a while. Don't forget to go and sign in the department.... And ....... Have a fun time sharing notepads..... I think your new roommate is a blessing.... She's...... different.......and fun." I laughed this off my mind. "See you later. Don't want to disturb you." She said. "Yeah. Me too. Thanks". "And by the way, I know you're too busy but, if you're not busy, here's a poster of the play to be staged today at 7:30pm. Please come and clear your mind for the next notepad sharing days." The poster is beautiful. An all red background with five individuals glaring at each other, each holding a tool, probably ready for a fight. They kind of look funny. But, I have to get my notes ready for class tomorrow. I'm.....busy... I sighed. "Thanks sis."I typed. "Guess you won't be coming again... Have a fun time alone in there." She added. Now I feel bad. I sighed.... I'm always occupied. It's like I'm missing the only fun part of my life. All for a good reason.....