
Ronald Weasley And The Philosopher Stone

A new Ronald Weasley, this takes place in an AU. . . . . . . (Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling.)

Daoist4ZhvYC · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
3 Chs


(Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon England, England, 1987)

South of a quaint little English village, hidden behind a series of hills and surrounded by large trees. Stood a strange asymmetrical house several stories high, with four chimneys poking out its roof. At a distance one would suspect the odd home to crumble or fall on its slanted side. Inside the crooked home a short middle aged woman with flaming red hair was attending to several moving objects. There was a broom sweeping the floor, three spoons stirring pots of food, and dishes being washed and cleaned. Although the exterior was severely lacking, it's warm and welcoming interior more than made up for it.

Then out of nowhere a loud crash was heard outside before a high pitch scream. Recognizing the scream, the woman released everything and immediately ran outside. To her absolute shock a small figure lay down unmoving on the ground, while a little red haired girl resembling her cried over them.

" Ron!"

As she finally processed what was happening she ran towards the motionless boy with tears rolling down her eyes. On her way there, a red haired, lanky, spectacled boy descended from a flying broom. Similarly to the woman he was first overcome by shock as he stood over the unconscious boy, presumably his younger brother.

Arriving next to the unmoving child, the woman immediately withdrew what appeared to be a wand and chanted an incantation. The wound on the boy's head began glowing and began to close up; however , the boy had yet to regain consciousness. Worried that he may have suffered extensive head trauma, she picked up the boy and carried him inside the house. Quickly followed by her still crying daughter and shaken up son who'd turned a sickly pale.

" I'll be taking Ron to St. Mungo's, you two stay here and wait for your father and the others."

Unable to take them with her, she ordered her older son to take care of his little sister while she was gone.

" I-i d-didn't me-mean to.."

Blaming himself for what happened to his brother, he stuttered his words while staring at his unmoving body.

" Percy! Listen to me, I need you to stay here with Ginny, when your father arrives tell him to meet me at the hospital. Can you do that for me?"

With time of the essence, she couldn't wait until Percy calmed down so she reiterated her words and holding onto a fine green powder entered their fireplace.

" St. Mungo's!"

She along with her son were engulfed in bright green flames and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Around an hour later, their father Arthur arrived along with their four brothers, William the oldest, followed by Charles and twins Fred and George. Percy informed them of what happened and their father immediately set out to meet with their mother at the hospital. As he too left, the siblings began speaking amongst each other, Fred and George making a snarky comment regarding Percy. Unable to resist being mocked for what occurred he shouted at them to shut up before going up to his room.

" What's got him so heated-"

" the little twerp will be just fine,-"

" Quidditch players fall off their brooms all the time and they're alright."

While others may struggle understanding them, having grown with them William knew exactly what they said.

" While that may be the case, you two shouldn't have said that to Percy."

The twins responded with a synchronized shrug before going outside.

Later that night, their father returned by himself, head facing the floor as he told his children what they were told.

" Apparently they don't know what's wrong with him, they already healed his fractures and given him new blood, but he doesn't respond to anything. So for the meantime he'll be staying at the hospital and running some tests on him to figure something out…"

Silence overcame the entire household as no one could believe what they'd just heard. However, seeing how confused and distraught their father was they knew he was telling the truth


Inside a patient room, Arthur was having a conversation with his wife concerning Ron.

" Arthur, what are we going to do? He's been here for two months and they still haven't figured out what is wrong with him."

" I know, I've already requested assistance from the ministry to contact a foreign healer, but I haven't gotten a response yet…"

" What about Dumbledore, have you received a word from him? He surely can pull a few strings to help us out during this time."

" Nothing, he's preoccupied sorting things out in the ministry and courts and won't be available for at least a few more weeks."

" Then what do we do…?"

" I don't know."

Things would remain the same for a couple more days, before they ultimately decided to take Ron back home. They situated him inside a private room, where he would remain for the time being.

The once warm home was overcome with sadness and coldness. Resulting in the children opting to get away from its depressing atmosphere. William also took up the responsibility of looking out for his younger siblings during this time. As for their parents they were struggling to cope, specifically their mother Molly. Who had a very heated argument with their father after revealing what she'd done in hopes of healing Ron.

" Molly, please tell me you did not write to that old witch asking for her help."

" What other choice did Arthur have!? Ron has been unconscious and bedridden for two months, with those healers unable to do anything."

" I understand your frustrations, but to call on her… You know she's always loathed our family, even the children. Even if she agrees to help, what can she possibly do for Ron?"

" She studied dark magic extensively, maybe there's something such magic can-"

" You can't be serious. Are you even hearing yourself talk? Dark magic, you want to use that which is cursed to heal our son!?"

" Do you have a better idea, Arthur? Or will you simply wait for those bastards at the ministry to pay for our son's funeral?"

Following their argument, Molly rarely left Ron's side, apparently waiting for someone to arrive. For his part, Arthur desperately tried to contact Albus Dumbledore.


On a relatively normal morning, a bright green flame sparked inside the fireplace where an old woman manifested. She wore an old black Victorian styled dress with a black shawl covering the majority of her face. Making it practically impossible to see her actual face other than being able to make out two piercing dark brown eyes.

The moment she appeared, Arthur ordered William "Bill" to take his siblings out of the house for the next couple of hours. Of course the younger ones were curious about the old woman's identity, but were quickly led outside.

Not bothering to waste any words with her, Arthur called over Molly who wore a mixed expression on her worried face when she saw the old woman.

" Aunt, I'm extremely thankful for-"

" Where is the child? I'd rather not spend a single second more in this pigsty you call a home than I have to."

" He's right this way, please follow me upstairs."

As Molly led her upstairs, Arthur tried his best to contain his hatred for the woman. Still recalling the humiliation he and his family suffered by her sharp tongue.

Arriving at Ron's room, Molly explained everything that occurred and what the hospital healers informed her off. Having heard enough, the old woman waved her off while mocking the healers.

" So those imbeciles at St. Mungo's couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. Pathetic."

She then placed her gloved hand over his forehead, where it remained for several seconds. Afterwards she pulled her hand away, withdrew a long thin wand, placed its tip in the exact place and began chanting a mysterious incantation. Molly held her breath in fear of distracting her and watched on as she punctured Ron's forehead with her wand. As blood began to trickle down her son's face, Molly began to doubt her decision.

While that was going on in the "real" world, the old woman found herself in a vast open space. At the center of which is a massive storm cloud looming over and shrouding a flickering light. Making her towards that light, she was confronted by forceful winds, attempting to extinguish a white flame. The flame was rapidly flickering above its podium as it struggled to resist the harrowing winds assaulting it. The sigh of which surprised the old witch to the point of taking a retreating step backwards.

'At first I believed the storm cloud was a manifestation of the child's magic going out of control. Yet, if that was the case this scene should not be occurring. Meaning that it's actually a foreign presence that is trying to consume the child's soul. Normally only demons conjured by black or blood magic have such abilities, which this is clearly not. So what is it…?'

As she pondered the origin and intention of the storm cloud, a portion of the dark cloud broke off and rapidly consolidated into a shadowy humanoid figure. Immediately placing the old witch on her guard, however in a split second the figure disappeared and then reappeared before her. Her immediate reaction was to escape, but the figure leaned forward and whispered something into her ear. Afterwards, utter shock appeared on her face before staring blankly at the figure who proceeded to disperse into tiny black particles resembling ashes.

Returning to what was occurring in the "real" world, Arthur had come to inspect what was happening. Becoming extremely furious when spotting the old witch standing over his son whose entire face was covered in blood. He instantly wanted to go over and stop whatever was going on, but was held back by Molly who tried to calm him.

" Stop, stop, her spell is already underway. We don't know what'll happen if you interrupt it now!"

" Have you lost all rationale, Molly!? How can you let this happen to our son!"

Just as things were about to reach their breaking point, the old woman appeared to have also returned. Upon which she immediately mocked Arthur for his reaction and explained what she experienced.

" Stop wailing around like a mad dog Arthur, have some common decency for once in your miserable life."


Cutting him off before he had the opportunity to finish his insult, she turned to personally address Molly.

" The child was suffering from his magic going out of control, most likely his body's response to suddenly losing consciousness while his magic was developing. The magic then grew to the point where it overwhelmed his subconscious leaving him in a comatose state. I've already gone ahead and gotten it under control, he should be waking up in a couple of hours."

" Is that really true? Ron will finally wake up!?"

Before she could answer, Arthur interjected, stating that the healers had removed that as a possibility.

" Of course they did, because none of their childish tests could compare to dark magic. For what I did cannot be replicated by those charlatans, as I projected myself directly into his inner world."

" His inner world? What utter nonsense is that? Don't spout such nonse-"


A livid Molly shouted, having heard enough of her husband insulting her aunt who had cured their son.

" Aunt, I don't care how or what you did, all I care is about my son waking up. Can you promise me that he will?"

" Of that I can assure you. The child will be waking up in a handful of hours, all he requires is for his body to adjust to the new changes, that is all."

" Thank you, thank you…"

Molly shed tears of joy, finally having let go of the immense weight suffocating her for the last two and half months. Arthur for his part wasn't convinced that the old witch had actually healed their son. Secretly planning on taking him back to the hospital once this farce was over with.

" Aunt, about the condition, if I could have a few more days. Not that many, maybe until Ron recuperates."

Listening to his wife's words and tone, Arthur felt his chest tighten.

" I've changed my mind, you can remain with this abhorrent and mediocre man for the rest of your life for all I care."

With that vague explanation, Arthur was sent into a state of mental paralysis from shock.

" But your condition-"

" I desire something else, I want the boy."

The old witch declared as she pointed at the still unconscious Ron with a glove-covered finger.

" Anything but that! I'd give my life before handing my children over to someone else!"

" Don't be stupid girl, I don't want to raise him, I'm far too old for that now. No, what I want is for him to visit me at my home upon his ninth birthday. Where he will stay with me for one year and I can personally mentor him."

" Mentor? You've never shown any interest in any of my children, what changed now?"

" Like I said, I changed my mind. So what say you, will you break our deal or keep your word? Surely I don't have to tell you what happens to those who renege on deals involving dark witches, do I?"

After a brief pause, where she looked over at her son, Molly accepted her demand.

" I will keep my word, Ron will visit and stay with you for one year. After which he is to come home and our deal will have been completed."

" Of course."

The two women then shook hands to seal their deal, at the immediate end of which the old woman departed just as quickly as she arrived.

Having recuperated from his shock, Arthur demanded to know why Molly had seemingly accepted to leave him. Sparking yet another heated argument between the once loving couple.

Inside Ron's inner world, the last remnants of the white flame were finally extinguished by the winds. Upon which a black substance began raining down from the dark cloud overhead. The black "ink" then began moving on its own accord, converging above the vacant podium. Where it would coalesce to form an orb of pure darkness,

Version: 1.2.1

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