
Roland's odyssey

Roland, an ordinary otaku, tragically lost his life. Filled with regrets he is determined to live his new life to the fullest. unexpectedly he arrives in the new world already at deaths door. with the help of a system and his intellect he tries to survive. Author note: This is my first work that I'm going to put my heart into, so I hope you like it. (PS. I couldn't find a proper cover but as I always say screw the cover, I judge a book by its author)

The_Lazy_Author · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs


Standing in front of Roland was a girl who resembled Fifi, the only reason why Roland didn't think it was her, was because the current girl's temperament was different.

Where Fifi was approachable and shy, this girl seemed hostile and vigilant.

When Roland first woke up in this world, the first person he saw was Artic, the demi-human boy. The next person he saw was a girl who was bath in flames, when Roland saw her, he was taken aback by her ability and nothing more.

After a while Roland meet Fifi, when Roland saw her appearance he felt like he had seen her before but he didn't know from where. That feeling lasted a second before it vanished and now, it came back.

"Who are you? Your no guard!" The girl's voice also resembled Fifi's.

"Big sister, it's me" Roland didn't know if she was foe or friend to Fifi, so he said excitedly but he didn't remove the hoodie of his rob.

He suspected that they were sisters. If she was Fifi's friend he'd help her for Fifi's sake but if she were an enemy, he'd leave her.

'I'll stay away from her for now.' Roland remained stationary and didn't move from the door, while the girl was on the other end of the room.

The girl remained quiet for a sec, after a while she smiled and said, "Little brother your back, Are you here to release me?"

"Yes but not now, there's still somethings I need to prepare for our esca-" Roland said but suddenly... He heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Bro, bro you were right this is way faster." 

"Yeah dude, I told you. From now on, leave all the thinking to me." 

The two guards turned the coner and saw the empty hallway, they approached the first door and opened the hatch on top and looked inside, while the other guard opened another door.

"Yep there's someone in there, bro!" The first guard said.

"Dude, This one is too dark I can't see but I think there's someone inside!" The second guard also added.

"Yeah bro, how can they leave when the door is locked." The first guard chimed.

'It's these two nincompoops, what perfect timing they have!' Roland thought at their disturbance.

Roland listened as the guards got closer and closer, opening and closing the hatches. They quickly arrived behind his door and opened the small hatch, shedding some light into the room.

"Yo Bro, this one has some creepy girl smiling at me." The first guard said.

The guard closed the hatch and they continued moving on, their voices became quieter and quieter before completely disappearing.


'I seriously wonder how these guys actually got this job, saying the dumbest thing lik- wait creepy girl.' Roland sighed in relief but just then he felt someone breathing down his neck.

With a loud thud, his heart skipped a bit or two as he remembered his situation. A fire lit up behind him and brightened up the room.

*dum* *dum dum*

Roland's heart echoed in the room as he slowly turned around. 

Inches from his face, was the girl Roland didn't want to get close to, on her open palm was a flame that was dancing to her tune and lighting up the room.

"Little brother, you look younger then I remembered." The girl said as she removed the cloak from Roland's head and touched his face affectionately.

"Big sister, you look just as beautiful as the first day we meet." Roland stuttered as he felt the girl's hands run down his neck.

'There's no reason for her to hurt me. Let's calm down first' Roland thought as his heart beat begun to decrease and become less and less audible.

A playful smile bloomed on the girl's face when she saw Roland playing along.

"Naughty little brother, what's this? are those keys in your pocket or are you just excited to see me." The girl said as her hands grabbed the keys but along with something warm and hard. 

As soon as she did that, her face got slightly red as the fire went out, plunging the room into darkness. She was embarrassed but she didn't let go and her grip increased a bit.

"Big sister, I'm always excited to see you but those are keys in my pocket and you might break them, if you hold them so tight." Roland voice remained playful even though he was feeling pain, his will was weak and was getting lost in the taboo role play.

"Little brother, do you mind giving me the keys." The girl's voice turned into a whispere and drifted into Roland's ear.

"Sure thing big sis but not now, as I have to make use of them." Roland was far from redemption as his priorities switched in his mind, his hand moved and touched the girl's neck.

It was dark and his eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness. His hand started to trail down the girl's neck but then...


The girl threw his body against the wall and Roland saw her expression change. A fire ball appeared besides her face and quickly flew out towards Roland and stopped just inches from hitting me.

"Cut the crap, who are you?" The girl's mood became hostile.

"Big sister!-" Roland wanted to calm the situation but he felt the pressure on his little brother getting stronger.

"If you bullshit me I'll break it." The girl interrupted.

"Wait, I'm a friend of Fifi, please be gentle." Roland started to sweat. He didn't want to gamble with his family's crown jewels.

"Fifi? How do you know that name!? Speak!." The girl was surprised for a bit but it quickly changed into anger and squeezed her hand harder. 

Again, a fireball appeared besides her face and lit up the room. Roland could properly see her angry face and her eyes staring at him.

'Bitch are you dumb! I just told you.' Roland wanted to cry out but didn't.

"Ahh, she told me the name! she told me! Please let go!" Roland held onto the girl for dear life and screamed out.

He was scared that, if this continued, his little brother might file a resignation and never work again. This concerned the pride of every men, so he had to take it with the outmost seriousness.

"Oh, my bad" the girl suddenly remembered and released Roland 

'Maybe I went too far.' The girl thought while stepping back, she lowered her head in guilt. She felt the warmth on her hand and her face brightened.

"Ahh!" Roland moaned in pain. 

"Human cub Roland is that you?" Suddenly, Roland heard artic's voice coming in through the vent.

"Yeah it's me." Roland replied as he rolled on the ground, he couldn't think properly, his stomach was churning as he felt an indescribable pain.

"How did you get on that side, isn't that the crazy girl's room?" Artic's voice questioned, he sounded very confused.

"Hey! Who are you calling crazy! I dare you to say that to my face!" The girl's brows frowned and she shouted. Her black hair started to turn red as it quickly caught on fire and luminating the room some more.

"I'm obviously talking about you, do you know another girl who's crazy." Artic's voice retorted

"You wet dog..."

They started arguing back and forth while Roland laid there for a bit...

_five minutes later_ 

Roland regained his composure and stood up.

"Enough you two!" Roland shouted, he was annoyed. These two had been bickering for a long time. His body was healing and still in pain but he tolerated the pain and got up to shut them up.

"You! What's your relationship with Fifi, and why do you look so much like her?" Roland asked the burning question. He didn't want to play around as that already caused him pain and almost ruined his life.

The girl looked embarrassed, she turned her head away and said. "Fifi is my twin sister! I came here looking for her but I was caught and now I'm here."

"Human cub Roland!" Artic's voice drifted in the room.

"Give me sometime I'll be with you in a while!" Roland shouted.

"How do you know my sister, and where is she?." The girl also asked her question.

"It's a long story but...." Roland begun to recall his encounter and everything inbetween.

"So that's why there was an inspection. Thank you so much for saving her, can you take me to her?" After hearing the story the girl said.

"Hmm, I can't, not now that is. There's a lot of thing I must do. But I promise, I'll bring you out as soon as I can." Roland was worried that they'd both be caught and that if she disappeared from her cell, the guards may be brought back and this could mess up his plans.

Roland spoke to the girl for a bit and after convincing her that he'd be back, he left the room and went next door. 

"Human cub Roland! It is you, how are you free like this..." Artic immediately got up and started bombarding Roland with questions, his eyes opened wide with surprise when he saw Roland.

"Wait before you ask me anything, I don't have much time, I need to quickly go somewhere. Do you remember what you said about if someone could bring you out?" 

Artic thought for a bit and said, " I'll be forever be indebted to you."

"Well there's no need for that, I'll help you escape and after that we can be friends." Roland didn't want to controll others but wanted their loyalty and respect.

"Really?" Artic's eyes opened wide in shock.

"Yeah, I can't bring you out now, as the guards might return sometime soon. If everything goes as planned I'll bring you out tommorrow." Roland said as he turned around to leave.

"Thank you." Artic gave a slight bow.

'Looks like they'll be more people coming along.' Roland thought as he closed the door. He opened the door to confirm his room before tuning to leave.

He ran towards the staircase and stopped, he looked at the flight of stairs going down. His internal clock was telling him that the day was almost over, so he had to return to the crystal wall to avoid any suspicions.

'There's still tommorow I guess, I'll do it then.' Roland decided to return back. 

He really wanted to get Fifi's and his master's location before tommorow so he doesn't run around like a headless chicken tommorow.

But, plans never keept up with change.

Roland ran up the stairs, into the hallway, out the reception room and finally out the mountain. 

Not to his surprise, he saw that it was almost dark outside, he started to regret his decision as the visibility of the place plummeted.


Roland's heart beat sounded in his ears as he began to run, his naked feet stung with pain every time he stepped on a sharp rock or stubbed his toe against a boulder. His breathing was frantic as he tried to recall the path he needed to take.

'Last time it wasn't this late, when me and master came back, I'm definitely late.' Roland's thoughts ran wild but odly enough he still kept running and he was relatively calm.

Finally, the sun was laid to rest, leaving darkness to run amok but in the chaos, the stars came out to give order and directions.

Roland kept running, his vision went blank for a while as the light in the sky disappeared. His eye's were adjusting to the darkness quickly but Roland felt as if they were slow.

When his vision disappeared Roland suddenly felt lost and didn't know which direction to go. In desperation he carried on to run forward. 

"Which way was the crystal wall again?" Roland asked himself as he felt lost.

'Turn left' 

'Turn right'

'No keep going straight.'

Suddenly a voice sounded in Roland's ears without him noticing it. Roland instinctively followed the directions the voice told him to run too.

Roland wasn't aware of this voice, and in his mind he was just picking random directions he thought were right.

*Pant* *Pant*

'I made it.' A few moments later, Roland arrived in front of a familiar rock formation he had created. He was exhuasted and panting hard.

He didn't know how he did it but he didn't have the luxurious time to think about it. Tired and fatigued, he jogged into the mountain and made his way down the now sharp downward slope.


Some time later, Roland's feet hit the ground. His skin shined with sweat all over his body. 

Roland took off the cloak and used it to wipe the sweat from his body and some dust from his hands and feet. He sat down in front of the still unfinished food.

'Hopefully the guard hasn't come here yet or that will be hard to explain.' Roland took a drumstick and took a bit, he took some milk from the side and started eating.

_ten minutes later_

Roland got up after eating and resting, although he was still finished he knew that he didn't have time to waste.

He wrapped the robe tightly around his stomach and covered it with his rags.

He stepped on carpet of black sand and entered the tunnel, he arrived in front of the wall and worked his magic.

'Please work, please work.' 

[Pure Fabric substance was found. Do you want to absorb and boot up the Chaos system?]

The prompt rang and Roland accepted....

This chapter feels weak, idk if it's just me.

The_Lazy_Authorcreators' thoughts