

"Brick... where did the little girl come from?" Maya asked, sounding as though she thought Brick abducted her. Angel also appeared to want to know as well, seeing as how she moved over to stand near the little girl.

"We found her!" Brick stated loudly with a smile as he moved over towards them, only to pause halfway as he rubbed his chin in thought.

"Actually, it was more like she found us. Damn near blew us up when we were scouting out a Hyperion operation out near your place in the Highlands!" Brick explained, getting wide eyed looks from most everyone present, save for Kane who already suspected something along those lines.

In the game, Tina and her parents were sold to Hyperion to become test subjects for Jack's slag mutation experiments, an event which led to the deaths of her parents.

She escaped their fate using a grenade that she had hidden in her dress at her mother's insistence, and once she was free of Hyperion's reach she vowed revenge on the man that had sold her family: Flesh-Stick.

It took a few years, and the help of the Vault Hunters in Borderlands 2, but Tina did eventually get her revenge. Not to mention all of the Hyperion personnel she had helped Brick and the others blow up.

It seemed after using the grenade to escape, she gained an unhealthy passion for explosives. By the time you meet her in Borderlands 2, she is an unstable thirteen-year-old explosives expert, and the worlds deadliest 13 year old.

Kane had honestly forgotten about Tiny Tina, but now that he was thinking about her, he remembered most of what happened to her, and what sort of role she played in the story.

"So what's she doing with you two? Shouldn't she be with someone more suited to the role?" Maya asked, knowing full well that Brick and Mordy were not the parental figures a young girl needed.

"Kane did alright with Luna, and we're not doing too bad. Plus who would we send her to? It's not like there's anyone better on Pandora." Brick said, speaking the truth, and it was true.

Everyone on Pandora wasn't quite all there in the head, and most people would look at a defenseless little girl as extra food rations.

"Mordy also has experience raising Bloodwing, and Tina's not that different." Brick added, getting blank looks from everyone, while at the same time causing Mordy to facepalm.

"Brick! She's completely different from Bloodwing!! She can't fly!" Mordy stated, pointing out the obvious, while making it seem like he thought that was the only difference.

Ignoring the two would-be parents, Kane walked over to Tina and crouched down in front of her before saying, "How do you like living with Brick and Mordy?"

Tina seemed to eye Kane up for a minute before shrugging her shoulders at whatever conclusion she came to about him. "They're fantastic!!" She stated matter-of-factly.

"They're feeding you good, healthy food?" Kane asked again, getting rapid nodding from the little girl.

"Hell yeah!! All the crumpets I need, bae-bay!!" She answered, choosing that moment to take a bite of the crumpet in her hand.

"You are feeding her more than just crumpets, right?" Kane asked, looking over to Brick for an answer.

"yeah!... Well, we try to at least. She doesn't want to eat anything else." Brick said, looking from Kane and down at Tina.

"Have you tried not giving her crumpets?" Maya asked, sounding as though the answer was simple.

"Doesn't work." Mordy chimed in, drawing all eyes to him. "Whether we give them to her or not, she somehow manages to get them. She even went out and blew up some assholes that were having a party, just for the crumpets." Mordy added, getting wide eyed looks from most everyone, except for Kane who was simply smiling at the thought.

"Then don't give her explosives!!" Maya shouted, wondering why they would even give the little girl explosives.

It was weird she was saying that when Luna could literally create explosions with a thought, and Kane gave her extremely deadly weapons since she was 6, so this whole discussion was kind of stupid.

"That doesn't work either!! She can make a bomb outta scraps!!" Brick stated, sounding more proud than he was upset.

Brick then proceeded to share a few stories about Tina sneaking off on her own, being gone for days at time, only to show back up with a random assortment of treats on hand.

Apparently she also wasn't a big fan of water, though she did enjoy a good cup of tea on a daily basis.

Mordy even added to the story, saying how Tina blew up a Hyperion convoy that was out to get Roland when he was out raiding an Eridium mine. She had inadvertently saved his ass, and fucked over Hyperion's day.

"She sounds like a real gem." Kane said after hearing everything about Tina.

"I know! We're so proud!" Brick stated, actually smiling at as he looked at the little girl, and not one of his murder smiles, but a genuine happy one.

"We're only gonna be on Pandora for about 2 and a half months, then we gotta go back to Eden-6 for Mercenary Day. Wanna come hang out in Paradise until then?" Kane asked, getting immediate nods of affirmative from Brick and Mordy, though Tina looked a little confused.

Apparently neither of her two guardians had bothered to tell her about the place, be it out of loyalty to Kane, or because they just didn't want to, Kane didn't know.

As they all boarded the Arcadia, Luna sat next to Tina, having done her best to keep quiet until now.

"My name is Luna! Nice to meet you!!" She said, smiling at the newest addition to their little band.

The two of them talked the whole way back to Paradise, mostly back and forth questions. Luna, who was 10 and a half years old now, learned that she was only a year and a half younger than Tina, which meant Tina was 12 years old.

(A.N. With all the dicking around, travel time, training, and killing people, quite a bit of time has passed. If it doesn't seem like it, just imagine that it did.)

Kane, who was eavesdropping on the two, couldn't help but think back to when he first came to this world. It had in fact been a few years, and he could honestly say he was adjusting to this world better than his old one.

Based on how old Tina was, Kane guessed there was about a year and something before the events of Borderlands 2 would have started, though the story wouldn't happen even close to how it did in the game.

Just by having Angel with him fucked over most of Jack's plans, and he wondered how the guy was compensating for it.

Capturing Lilith was no doubt high on the man's list, and finding out where the hell the Vault Key was as well, but the second thing would never happen. Kane was pretty confident in that little tidbit.

By the time they landed in Paradise, Luna and Tina were already best friends, both having way too many similarities with each other.

The main difference between the two was that Tina was by far louder, and kind of acted like she wasn't all there at times, though if she cared, Luna didn't seem to show it.

They both loved explosions, and Kane figured once Tina found out about Luna's ability, they would never be able to separate from one another.

Kane wasn't sure if it was because Luna finally had someone closer to her in age, but she looked like she was finally acting like a child.

The two of them laughed and joked about, and as soon as they were off the Arcadia, they were running down the halls together.

"Maybe this is just what she needed." Kane mumbled aloud, thinking that it was still a little too soon for Luna to be a serious adult. Granted he wasn't the best adult, often acting like a kid in most regards, but he liked to think he was a good adult.

"Don't worry, Kane! You have me!!" Brick said, swinging an arm over Kane's shoulder and squeezing the breath out of him.

When he finally got free of Brick's grasp, Kane went to the lab and got his usual medical scan. He felt completely fine, but it was always a good idea to confirm that everyone was on the up and up.

Seeing his results come back like normal, Kane went off to go find Luna and Tina so they could get scanned as well. He figured Luna was going to be okay, but he wasn't quite sure what the scan would show about Tina.

Luna had filled out well over the years, not looking fat or anything, but not sickly looking either. Tina on the other hand looked far too scrawny for her age, and leaned more on the paler side of things.

How she ended up being fine in the game was a mystery to even Kane, but in the end he just summed it up to pills. Despite how good they were though, they weren't the beat all, end all cure for everything. One still had to take care of themselves as well.

While he went off to go find the two little girls, Maya and Tannis both got their scans, coming out with a clean bill of health, but Angel was a different story.

"You have a parasite growing inside you!" Radar informed her, causing Angel to be confused, and mildly panicked.

"What kind of parasite?! How did I get it?!!" She asked, wondering how treatable it was, and also curious how she got the damn thing in the first place.

"I would imagine you got this little parasite from Kane, or at least half of it. Don't worry, I'm sure it will have your looks." Radar said with a smile, having had her fun in messing with Angel, who had to take a minute to put 2 and 2 together.

For someone so smart, she couldn't believe the situation she found herself in, most likely because the thought never once occurred to her that she would ever be in this situation.

"I'm pregnant?" She asked, not quite sure she believed it.

Radar turned the monitor to face her, then put something on her stomach. It only took a second, but soon she could confirm the results for herself.

"Congratulations! You're due in about 8 and half months!" Radar said, quite pleased at the sudden turn of events.

"Oh my god... Oh my god... OH MY GOD!! I'm going to be a mother!!" Angel said, a little dumbstruck, but given how she had an ear to ear smile, Radar guessed she was at least happy.

"Shall we go and inform the father-to-be?" Radar asked curiously, wanting to inform Kane and see how he would react. If you didn't count Luna or her, then this would be Kane's first child, which was kind of a big deal.

"H-How... um... how do you think he'll take the news?" Angel asked nervously, unsure of how he would react to becoming a father. I mean, he did alright with Luna, but he would be starting from the ground up on this one, not a broken stick.

"It's hard to tell with Kane, but I would think he would be somewhat excited. He might complain about not getting to be as rough with you in the bedroom, but I think he can restrain himself for a few months." Radar answered, being perfectly honest with the worried mother-to-be.

"I'm quite excited to see what comes from conception between 2 Sirens!! I hope it has your powers!! We need more people with your powers!!" Radar informed her, acting more excited than Angel was.

"How should I tell him?" Angel asked, wondering just how best to break the news to her fuckbuddy that he was going to be a father.

"That's a good question!!" Radar said happily, then began to pour through mountains of information over the ECHO.net to find the best way to do this.

She threw out a few dozen ideas before finally finding one that Angel agreed on, and then they both set off for the kitchen.

Elsewhere in Paradise, Kane was standing outside a bathroom door holding onto a rope as he listened to some music, while inside the bathroom, Maya was struggling to clean a bound Tina, who apparently hadn't had been cleaned in weeks.

"Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. Please. PLEASE!! DON'T DO THIS!!" Tina pleaded to Maya, who didn't seem to care.

"Luna! We're besties, right?!! Don't let them tear off my skin!" She cried out to Luna, who was sitting across from her in the tub scrubbing her own feet.

"It's just a bath. Plus, once we're done, we get new clothes!! You can even get a bright pink dress if you want!" Luna said, hoping Tina would calm down.

She was going to be given new clothes anyway, her old ones having been torn all over and practically falling apart at the seams. They also smelled like cooked vomit, which is more disgusting than it sounds.

"If you calm down, I'll give you a bag of chocolate chip cookies!" Kane called from outside the bathroom, his words momentarily calming the little psychopath.

"For real?!! If you're lying, shorty and I will blow your shit up!!" Tina stated, referring to Luna as Shorty and how they were going to cause hell if Kane was lying.

In response to her words, Kane brought out a big cookie, about the size of a dinner plate and just as thick. As soon as Tina saw the cookie, she stopped struggling and let Maya continue to scrub her.

20 minutes later Maya, Luna, and Tina were sitting on the bed going through a mountain of different clothes that Kane had put out for them.

"This would look great on you!" Maya exclaimed, holding up a little dark blue jumper with matching tights, and a little pair of hiking boots. The boots were similar to what Luna had on, just black boots instead of the bright blue ones that Luna was wearing.

"Is this bitch for real?!" Tina shout-whispered to Luna, earning herself a flick on the forehead from the older woman.

"Listen here you little...!!" Maya barked, making little strangling motions with her hands.

"IT'S OKAY!! It's... okay..." Luna said, jumping in so Maya didn't do something that might earn her Brick's ire.

Before either of the two could say anything, Luna pulled out a bright pink version of Maya's outfit, adding a few bright blue and purple additions to it to make it work better. She even found an identical version of the boots in purple, which Tina seemed to agree with.

(A.N. I don't have any pictures to reference for this, so you'll have to use your imagination.)

When they finally finished, they all made their way to the dining room, where Brick, Mordy, and Kane were all playing poker. Given how Kane had the biggest stack of cash next to him, it was a fair assumption to assume he was winning.

"Come on, Brick! Check or fold!" Mordy shouted, annoyed at how Brick was taking his dear sweet time on this hand.

"Don't rush me, Mordy!!" Brick shouted back, getting a bark of agreement from Dusty, who was sitting patiently by Brick's chair. Radar had been all over her during the flight over, but now she seemed to be off somewhere else, making the little dog stick with her owner.

"Kane's cheating." Maya said as the three girls joined them at the table.

""WHAT?!"" Brick and Mordy shouted in unison, while Kane shot a glare at Maya that basically said, 'keep your mouth shut!' It didn't work.

"You can't see it, but he's checking your cards without you knowing. We only caught him after Radar replayed the footage from the game, showing him looking over our shoulders at our cards." Maya informed them, telling them about something that happened a bit ago.

Honestly, he didn't do it for every game, just when he was bored or the stakes were good enough. The game Maya was referring to was one that had particularly interesting stakes.

Both her and Angel had to be topless for a week, while wearing leather dog collars that said 'Property of Kane' on them. He also got to do whatever he wanted to them for a whole night, which of course he did.

It was only after Radar showed them the footage, much to Kane's annoyance. She had originally only watched it to learn what his tells were, which had led to discovering his secret and ratting him out, earning him a week of alone time, which wasn't so bad. He did have Tannis. It was a good thing she didn't like cards.

"Who says I need to cheat to beat these two?!!" Kane asked, though he noticeably didn't deny the cheating part.

"That's dirty, Kane!!" Brick said, grabbing a stack of cash and putting it in front of him, Mordy doing the same.

"So you two are going to believe what she says, and not me?! Where's the faith?!" Kane said in mock horror, not looking the least bit hurt. Honestly he thought it was kind of funny. They both knew he cheated, but they still couldn't prove it.

With him being exposed, the game pretty much came to an end.

"So how has the 'resistance' been doing against Hyperion?" Kane asked, using quotation gestures when he said 'resistance'.

It was clear he didn't think much of them, but he at least didn't think they would lose. That is, if they all stuck around. Roland and Lilith were fucked without them, and not in a fun way.

"About what we expected. Hyperion went after Sanctuary for a little over a month after you left, but then they pulled out once Lilith faked her death. Ever since, they've been trying to find Tannis for some reason. They won't say." Mordy explained, making Kane a little surprised.

He knew why they were looking for Tannis, everyone thinking she had the Vault Key and all that, but no matter what they tried, they wouldn't be getting the key. The part about Lilith was a surprise, as he didn't think Lilith would fake her death this time around, but some things just don't change.

"How'd she fake her death?" Maya asked, glad to know beforehand that Lilith was actually still alive. She wouldn't tell Kane, but the two of them were pretty good friends.

"That one was more of an accident really. They went out to destroy a Hyperion camp, but something went wrong. The whole place went up in flames, vaporizing everyone and everything within the vicinity. She escaped by Phasewalking out, and has stayed in hiding ever since, leaving Hyperion to think she's dead. She's been going under the persona of The Firehawk. Been keeping the bandits away from the Crimson Raiders so they can focus on Hyperion." Mordy explained, making Kane shake his head.

He figured things would have been completely different with his interference, but shit just had a way of sorting itself out. Still wouldn't matter in the long run, but it still annoyed him.

"Who are the Crimson Raiders?" Luna asked, having never heard mention of them before. She knew of the Crimson Lance, the group from Atlas, but the Raiders were something else altogether.

"After the defeat of General Knoxx, the Atlas corporation's attempted takeover of Pandora failed, so Atlas cut their losses and left a large number of Crimson Lance soldiers stranded with no supplies or ammunition, leaving them defenseless and ripe for bandit attacks. Roland pledged to give these soldiers a cause worth fighting for if they joined him in the building of a militia against Hyperion, and so the Crimson Raiders were born." Mordy said, getting an O face from Luna.

She hadn't actually thought about what became of Atlas after Kane dealt with them.

Brick and Mordy proceeded to fill everyone in on what's been happening since they were last here, until finally it was time for dinner.

Radar and Angel showed up not long after he called them, and Tannis wasn't far behind them. Kane brought out spaghetti and garlic toast with cheese on it, much to Tina's protests.

The only reason she gave in and ate it was because Luna told her they usually had a special cake or something after dinner. It wasn't every night, but it was quite frequently.

Everyone made small talk over dinner, with Angel being the quietest of the bunch, much to Kane's confusion. She wasn't an overly big talker, but she wasn't the type to not say a word, so he definitely noticed.

He also noticed how Radar spooned food into her mouth, which wasn't that weird, but it wasn't common either. It wasn't until after dinner and all of the dishes were cleaned up that he figured something was wrong, and that was only because Angel insisted on being the one who supplied dessert.

He figured something was wrong because she had never cooked a day in her life, at least not that Kane ever saw.

He was about to go into the kitchen after her and see what was wrong when Radar put a hand on his shoulder, then saying, "Just wait and see."

He wanted to know more, but given how serious Radar was being he figured it was best to just wait.

It took a few minutes, but eventually Angel came out pushing a cart that had a double fudge cake on it, the only weird thing about it was that the cake looked like an oven.

'An oven?' Kane thought, not seeing the big picture.

Angel brought the cake over in front of him, then after glancing nervously at Radar, she said, "Open it up."

Looking from the cake to her and back to the cake again, Kane wasn't sure what the hell he was supposed to think. It wasn't his birthday, and it wasn't any anniversary that he could think of. On top of that, since when did cakes open up?

Brushing it off, Kane did like she told him and opened it up, only to find a bun. "A bun?" He asked in confusion as he picked up the bun.

"That's right, daddy!" Angel said, causing Kane to snap his gaze from the bun to her.

Had they not known her, one might think Angel had a kinky nickname for Kane, which she did, but it was not 'Daddy!'

She had actually never once called him that before, opting instead to call him 'Stud Muffin'.

When she said, 'daddy', Kane's eyes immediately went to her stomach, where he noticed her right hand was resting, confirming the thought that came to mind.

"You're pregnant!!" Maya shouted, having come to the same conclusion that Kane had, only she was far more vocal about it.

"How does a bun in an oven mean-!… Never mind!" Brick said, finally putting the puzzle together.

Everyone seemed to have a mixture of reactions, most of which were to congratulate Angel, except for Tina who seemed to give her condolences. Whether she knew what being pregnant meant or not was unclear, but chose not to ask at the moment.

Luna was excited, stating how she was going to be a big sister.

Tannis was overjoyed, though for different reasons from everyone else. "I get to document the birth between two Sirens and bear witness to the whole thing!!" She exclaimed, all too giddy at the thought.

She was going to be the first person in history to bear witness to such a thing, something she doubted even the Eridians had ever done before.

Radar was thrilled for Angel, rather liking the thought of her having a child and increasing their messed up little band even further.

Maya was excited for her bestfriend and sexual partner, hell, she was excited for both her and Kane. She herself didn't want to have a kid, or at least not for as many years as she could put it off and still have one.

Kids themselves didn't seem to annoy her, but the thought of squeezing one out through her vagina was a little nightmare inducing, and she couldn't help but wish Angel all the best.

Mordy congratulated her, raising his beer in a toast to them.

"DIBS ON GODFATHER!!" Brick stated joyously, then smacked Kane on the back, breaking him out of whatever trance he found himself in.

It had been a few minutes and he hadn't so much as blinked, which seemed to make Angel's nervousness rise.

Getting to his feet, Kane stepped in close to her before he kissed her deeply, sharing a kiss that lasted well over a minute. When they finally broke apart, Kane was smiling at her, hoping that conveyed what he wanted to say.

He was sort of at a loss for words at the moment, feeling as though he was going to make a fool out of himself if he said anything.

"I'll just take that!" Brick said as he reached over and grabbed the cake from where Kane had been sitting and pulled it over in front of himself where he began to gun large pieces of it and put them on plates for everyone else.

"So... you're happy about it?" Angel asked, feeling a bit better than she had been for the last hour.

"Thrilled!" He stated before he kissed her again. When they broke apart, Kane took his seat once more, but this time he pulled Angel into his lap.

They all enjoyed the cake, especially Tina, who seemed to think it was the best cake to have ever been made before. Luna tried telling her there were better ones, but Tina wasn't hearing any of it.

Eventually everyone went back to their rooms to turn in for the night, save for Tina who decided to stay in Luna's room with her after the mention of slumber party was brought up.

Kane was in his room, curled up against Angel, who was laying in between him and Maya. They didn't do anything that night, choosing instead to just take it easy.

As he drifted off to sleep, Kane's mind took him to the same place it had been when he first learned Angel was pregnant.

Back to a time when he was a kid....

Hey guys!! Not a whole lot happens in the chapter, but I'm building up to something! I'm hoping it turns out as awesome as I'm imagining it, but I tend to have trouble writing out lots of what I'm thinking, but I'll do my best. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!!

P.S. If I don't post a chapter next sunday, it will be out Monday or something. I don't know if I'll be sober enough to write, so sorry in advance if it happens.

GrimsReapercreators' thoughts