
The taste of victory and defeat together

The days passed on Naga Reddy came to the village in order to search Rocky who killed his son . But as it was any person name in existence he couldn't find him and went away angrily.

The day when Naga Reddy came to parvatpuram Arjun mother Shanti Lakshmi called Arjun inside their house and cried a lot and told her about her past and if she would go outside Naga Reddy would kill her .

Arjun was also in shock as the man Diljit whom he killed few weeks ago was his brother . Arjun told everything to his mother how he killed Diljit . Her mother told I know you killed him


Arjun: Then why didn't you stop me

Lakshmi: I want you to make them suffer how they make to suffer everyone else .

Arjun: Okay if you are happy with me I can do any thing .

Arjun: I forgot to tell you one thing mom

Lakshmi: what ?

Arjun: Now Punjab is yours I took Punjab in exchange of killing Diljit . Now we can stay there


Her mother was not happy with what his son was doing but behind that there was a dark secret . Which Arjun was not knowing till now .

Next day they left Odisha and went to Punjab . But there was a problem everyone knew that Rocky killed Diljit but nobody knew Arjun was only Rocky.


villager: Who are you? you are not of Punjab

Arjun: I am Rocky .....

villager: What you are rocky go away from here or elese he will kill you !!

Arjun: First listen complete sentence

I am Rocky's friend he will come here soon

Lakshmi: who is Rocky son ???

Arjun: Rocky killed Diljit mom

** Lakshmi gave an descent smile **

Lakshmi: Oh !

Arjun: Is there any hotel where we can stay ?

villager: yes go front and turn left you will get a hotel . I am telling warn your friend to come here it will be bad for you and him both

Arjun: Thanks I'll warn him !!


As soon as Arjun passed the way the villager ran towards Ishant to inform him that a friend of Rocky came to Punjab .Ishant ordered his army to catch Rocky's friend and his mother and bring them to palace.

As he ordered, all his army went with the villager to catch Arjun and bring him to palace. When they reached the room in which Arjun was staying they went and banged the door and went inside Arjun saw them and smiled a bit and suddenly changed his expression as he was damm tensed .


Arjun: who are you all ??

Leader of troops: We are the troops of Ishant he ordered us to arrest you and take to palace

Arjun: But why what have I done


after that they dragged and took Arjun and his mother to the palace. Of course this was all planned by the Arjun that he will tell the villager that he is Rocky's friend and the villager will tell Ishant and he will call Arjun to his palace and he can continue his plan forward.

He also wanted that her mother should stay royally in the palace as that all palace belongs to his mother. and the palace of Punjab also unofficially belongs to Arjun(Rocky).

They all took Arjun and Shanti Lakshmi to palace


** inside the palace **

** in front of Ishant **

Arjun: why did you brought me here your Majesty I

have done nothing.

Ishant: You are here because of your friend you just tell me where is your friend ? I will leave you and your mother and also will reward you with money.

Arjun: please sir don't do anything to my mother you just let her stay here in the palace and take care of her I will bring Rocky here please sir don't do any thing to my mother.

( act of crying )

Ishant: Okay that's a deal between us . So how will you call him ?

Arjun: Actually he is going to come here within one week.

Ishant: Hahaha!! let him come doesn't he know I am here searching for killer of my brother

Arjun: I hope you don't mind your majesty he is coming to kill you .

Ishant: What ! how dare you ?

Arjun: I am sorry my majesty but he said me like that.

Ishant : Hmm , what more did he told you?

Arjun : He showed me a map and explained some

places of punjab and told a plan but I couldn't understand much of what he told.

Ishant: Tell me or else I will kill your mother

Arjun: please sir don't do any thing to my mother I will tell you everything.

Ishant: Okay tell fast

Arjun: He will come in a disguise of a old man so that no one can recognized him and told me to arrange a gun in Punjab anyhow he will take the gun from me . And he told every Tuesday you go to temple for worship he will disguise himself as old man and hide there and kill you and no one can recognized him.

Ishant: Hmm excellent plan but how did he knew I go to temple every Tuesday to worship goddess Kali by sacrificing 3 people's life.

Arjun: I don't know your majesty But you don't worry I will not give him gun to kill you he can't kill you .

Ishant: No you will give him a gun

Arjun: but sir !!

Ishant: Just do what I am telling or else I will .....

Arjun: Okay sir as you wish ?


After this Ishant allowed Arjun and his mother to stay in the palace and were treated very nicely. Arjun went to her mother and thanked her mother as her mother only told her that Ishant goes to temple every Tuesday as her mother knows her from her childhood.

1 week passed away the king planned everything to catch Rocky.

That day he called Arjun and gave him a gun and told go and give it to Rocky wherever he is and also tell him that I am going now to temple with 100's of solider if he has !!!

Arjun was happy as he got what he wants a gun and now he can easily kill Ishant but how will he face 100's of solider ?

He went from the palace inside the village and the king Ishant went toward the temple and three if his man went to catch randomly 3 people whom Ishant would sacrifice for goddess happiness.

The solider came with 3 people and the king was worshiping god he came outside of the temple and told all his solider stay alert he might come now or may be he would have got frightened and ran away . All the solider of Ishant laughed very huge.

Then Ishant told leave these 3 people inside the temple and stay outside I will kill them and pour their blood on goddess Kali and come out.

The solider took the 3 people inside and left him and came outside .

Ishant went inside and caught the 1st person they were all tied in a handcuffs and brought him close to the goddess and cut his body into 2 parts from the neck the blood of the man just splashed every where and Ishant started laughing he took the 2nd person and did the same and then he was going to take the 3rd person he suddenly saw there was no handcuffs in his hands but he was not running to save his life . Ishant understood it was Rocky then Rocky just took out the gun and shooted him and Ishant fell down and in half unconscious ness he asked


Ishant: who are you why are trying to kill me and why did you killed my brother ?

Rocky: It's very simple brother you know your father was having 15 wife's and now there are only 14 the one for whom your father hired assassin to kill her I am her son only and I came to take revenge of my mother from all of you. You just wait and watch all of yours brother's will soon be with you in heaven you will not feel lonely there bye bye !!!


At that time someone came in and Arjun have to run from there because her mother is in the palace and if Ishant and his army would know that Arjun is only Rocky they would kill her mother so Rocky just ran from that temple back to village and undisguised himself and went to the palace to meet her mother.