
Journey Start


Opening his eyes, Rock Lee moved his eyes around to make out his current situation. Looking around, he could tell that he was in an alleyway with no people present. He could tell that it was currently night time as the moon was shining directly upon him.

'A full moon huh?' He thought himself before hearing the sound of something next to him. 'Huh, what was that?'

"Are you Rock Lee." A childish voice resounded out causing him to turn towards the source. In front of him was what looked to be a 10 year old with a familiar headband wrapped around his forehead.

"Yeah that's me." He replied before trying to push himself off the ground. But as he tried to sit up, a massive influx of pain suddenly shot through him causing him to collapse on his back again.

'What the hell!' He thought to himself as he suddenly felt the soreness set into his muscles. 'Did I get beat up? I mean that would explain why I am alone in this alley and why a Gennin is looking for me.'

"Did you get beat up kid? If so.... can you even walk?" The Gennin kid said with a sigh before kneeling down. He then picked up Rock Lee before slinging him over his shoulder.

In response to this sudden action, Rock Lee let out a groan causing the Gennin chuckle. "A little bit of pain won't kill ya kid. Take it from my experience of being a ninja."

'Aren't you a kid too? Hell you probably are still stuck on D-rank missions since your looking for me!' Lee thought to himself in bitterness while deciding to keep silent. After all.... 'this kid might know where I live!'

"Alright, I'd prepare your stomach. The body-flicker technique really does a number on people with a weak stomach." The Gennin said in warning before quickly hoping from wall to wall to reach the roofs of Konoha.

Taking the view, Lee could see that they where in a market area. Feeling a small weight in one of his pockets, he could make the assumption that he past Lee was here to buy candy or something.

"Oh yeah." The Gennin suddenly said before showing Lee a closed fist. Opening it, Lee could see a small bag of Ryo. "I found this on the floor next to you. Did you get bullied or something?"

"I don't know, my memories a bit fuzzy." Lee said flatly before making an effort to grasp of the bag. He successfully managed to move his arms and took grasp of the bag before putting into his pocket. 'I can move now at least.'

"Well you should at least learn how to defend yourself." The Gennin said with a frown before closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "They'll just keep on picking on you if you don't retaliate."

"Yeah, yeah." Lee answered lazily causing the one holding annoyance. 'So you want to be smart huh?' The Gennin thought before smirking. 'Well don't blame me for what I'm about do!'

Making a hand sign, the ninja held a smile as he felt the chakra vitalize his body. Rock Lee noticing his change began to speak on panic.

"Hey Wa-!"


Not giving him anytime to speak, the Gennin used the body flicker technique to launch himself to a certain part of the village. Lee couldn't even comprehend what was happening as wind pressure assaulted him and the village blurred beneath him.

And when the Gennin landed in front of what looked like an apartment complex. He quickly put Rock Lee down before jumping away with a smug smirk. 'Let's see how you handle that kid!'

Sitting up, Lee slowly got used to the new scenery before looking towards the Gennin. And with confusion and anger, he opened his mouth to speak.

"What was that for?" He said with rage before suddenly putting his hands over his mouth. And with panic and realization, he looked over at the Gennin with pure hate. 'If you don't die on your next few missions. I'll personally kill you myself....'

Knowing he couldn't hold his barf in for much longer, Lee made a split decision. Straining his body, he ran towards the Gennin before letting his body release.

'Oh hell no!' The Gennin said as he jumped back to avoid the onslaught of barf. Easily avoiding it, he made sure to stay on guard and wait for the kids stomach to settle.

Watching him go on and on, the Gennin heard the sound of footsteps and turned towards what looked to be an older lady In her 50s. Identifying her as the one who sent out the request, he immediately began to pat the boy on the back.

"There, there, just make sure to get it all out Kay? We wouldn't want the lady to worry about anything would we?" The Gennin started to speak cheerfully as he felt the lady stare at his back. 'Don't make a scene! I need to get paid!'

Feeling his stomach settle, Lee stood up with the help of the Gennin before being led towards the lady. When finally in front, the lady bent down before checking the temperature on his forehead.

"Why was he throwing up?" The lady asked calmly before looking at the ninja with worry. She had noticed that some bruises had began to appear on Lee's arms. "And why is he all banged up? Was he get beat again?"

'Oh good she's worried.' The Gennin thought in annoyance before making a thoughtful face. "Well I found him in an alley way. He was also pretty banged up when I found him so it is possible."

"However." The Gennin said seriously while patting Lee on the shoulder. "I was only told to find the kid. Whatever has happened or is happening to him in his social life is not my business."

He then pushed Lee towards the lady. "That's for you two to sort out, not me." He then began to walk away before making a hand sign. "With that, the mission is down. You two have a good night."


Using body flicker, the Gennin left the eyes of Rock Lee and the lady. Now alone, the ladies worry disappeared totally and the soft grasp on his arm grew rough.

And with a sigh of annoyance, she started to drag Lee towards one of the rooms in the complex. Once on the second floor, she stopped in front of a certain door before looking at Lee with a cold glare.

"Kid, you are beyond lucky." The lady said with a bit of venom. "If I weren't following the promise of your mother to look after you until your old enough to stand on your own. I would have already left you homeless on the streets."

Placing her hand on the door knob with her free hand, it made a loud creak as it was opened. The lady then pushed Lee inside before tossing him a key.

"Don't lose it again." She said before slowly closing the door. "It costs me money to remake those keys Lee."


Sitting on the floor in the pitch black. Lee tried to process with his mind what had just happened. 'Is she on her period?'

Pushing himself to his feet, he felt around the walls for a light switch. Finding it, he switched it on to reveal the inside of his apartment. Walking around, he could see how the past Lee lived.

His room was to say at the very least empty. Nothing do interest was in his room. All it had was a small bed with plain white covers and a table. And on said table was an opened letter. There was also a cabinet full of clothes.

Sitting on his bed, Lee grasped the letter in his hand before taking a piece of folded paper out. Opening it, he tried to read what was on it but couldn't.

'It seems I can't read it.' He thought to himself before putting it back in the letter. Getting up, he placed it back in the table beside his bed before going to the kitchen. He felt hungry and a bit parched from not eating or drinking a whole entire day.

The kitchen could also be described as plain. There was a mini-fridge on the counter-top. Next to it was a sink along with some cabinets. Checking the cabinets, almost all of them where empty except two.

In one was a bunch of a fruits similar to the ones from his world. There was also some cereal and bread but he decided to leave that for tomorrow. Reaching for what looked to be an apple he softly closed it before looking through the other one. Inside it was just cleaning materials.

Sighing to himself, he also closed that cabinet before going towards the sink. He then rinsed the apple in his hand for a good bit before chowing down. While chewing, he looked through the mini-fridge and saw eggs, cheese, a jug of milk, meat surprisingly, juice, and water.

Grabbing a bottle, he shut the fridge before grabbing what looked like a banana. Walking out of his kitchen, he looked around for other rooms and could only see one other. His bed room and kitchen where connected and he could guess that the only other door except the entrance to his home was a bathroom.

'I can live with this.' He thought to himself as he threw away a banana peel. Looking at the empty bottle in his hand, he looked towards the trash can in thought. 'Do they have recycling in this world? Wait, do they even know what global warming is?'

Putting the empty bottle bellow the sink, he filled it up with water before throwing it back on the fridge. Looking at his apartment and nearly empty fridge, Lee had decided to minimize his spending.

'Ninjas don't make much anyway.' He thought with a smirk before feeling his stomach grumble. 'Bathroom it is...'

Opening the door to the bathroom, he scanned it seriously and let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank you so much!' He thought to himself as he saw a flushable toilet.

Pulling the seat up, he pulled down his pants before sitting down. He then let his body do it's work.

"This is pretty rough." He muttered while thinking about his living situation. It didn't take a genius to realize, but his parents are probably already dead. They probably where killed when the nine tails attacked.

'And that lady was the one who took care of me.' Lee thought of his cold land lady. 'I'll ask her about my family tomorrow. She's already angry about me disappearing after all.'

Closing his eyes, he began to search for the energy called chakra. Ever since he had come to this world, his body felt extremely unfamiliar. And the energy he has currently started poking at feels even more familiar.

'Unlocking this is a must for me.' Lee thought to himself while trying to tug at the dormant energy inside his body. 'The nourishing and regenerative effects of chakra are great no matter how small they may be for me. And it's a requirement for when I use the eight inner gates in the future.'

Trying his best to somehow move the chakra through his chakra system, Lee had slowly began to move it. Hitting the first tenketsu, Lee noticed a problem when he passed through it.

'I really do have low chakra reserves.'

Citizens are not ninja and can't use ninjutsu. But it's not like they don't have chakra. It's just that they don't have enough of it. And as they don't have enough, they can't open up their pathways.

The original Rock Lee probably could only open it in the academy just like all the others in the citizen class. But this treatment is different for those in large clans. Clans like the Hyuga and the Uchiha unlock their kids pathways long before the academy even begins.

This gives their children plenty of time to grow both their chakra and their physical strength. And as if that didn't give them enough of a bigger edge over citizens. They even get a special class only meant for clan members!

And Sakura is only in that class to seduce Sasuke! Their is no other way that a citizen like her would be in the clan member class normally. 'I'll also have to be in the citizen class. Which also means I'll be taught standard taijutsu.'

'But the main weapon in this world is ninjutsu. So the taijutsu in the academy is probably only meant for giving me and opening for ninjutsu.' I thought bitterly before hearing a plop bellow me.

(Lee P.O.V.)

Reaching for a piece of toilet paper, I wiped before getting up and flushing. Once done, I grabbed a hand towel from beside the mirror and took a good look at myself.


I of course could see the bushy eyebrows starting to come in but was unfazed. I had relatively round eyes and the rest was average. My hair and eyes where both black too.

'Am I a Uchiha?'

Laughing a bit, I put my hand towel back on the rack before leaving the bathroom. Seems I want blessed with looks either.

Sitting on top of my bed, I closed my eyes and began to run my chakra through the rest of my tenketsu points. Making a loop around took a little while, or maybe a long time.....

I wasn't really counting time, but I had managed to successfully open all my points and form my pathways. With this my chakra should be a little bit higher than the original Lee's when he was in the academy. But I still don't see myself being able to use jutsu.'

Maybe I can use wall walking and water walking though. Having low chakra should at least give me some sort of 'decent' chakra control.

"Well then...." I said quietly while looking out the window across the room from me. Outside was the same full moon I saw when coming here.

"Guess it's time to call it a night."
