
Flexing on Sasuke. I’m ‘intelligent’ I swear!


(July 1st, the day of the Chunnin Exams)

"Looks like we are here." Neji said as he looked towards the building where we are supposed to check in for the exams. Activating his byakugan, he scanned the floors for us and relayed some information. "A small number of our fellow examinees seem to be on the second floor. I'm guessing they are all caught in a Genjutsu."

"It would be wise to sneak by while they are distracted."

Silently taking in the information, TenTen and I both followed behind Neji. There was no need for useless talk as all three of us came here with our sole goal being to pass. Not wanting to draw attention to ourselves, we quietly made our way to the second floor.

Upon arriving, we saw two fellow leaf Chunnin blocking a door with a 301 sign above them. Already knowing it was a visual genjustu, we quietly made it around the group of complaining Gennin.

But as we where walking towards the third floor, one of the Chunnin seemed to notice us and called us out.

"Where are you three going? This IS the third floor you dimwits. Or are all you Gennin unable to read." He taunted us while pointing towards the room-number above themselves.

"Tsk." Knowing he was just trying to bring the other Gennin's attention to our squad. I just waved my hand and threw him a fake smile. "Not 'all' of us per say. But there are certainly a 'few failures' with bad eyesight."

While waving, I pointed my other hand at the sign. All of the other Gennin focused on the waving hand so this gesture got past them. The Chunnin however seemed to catch it and smiled brightly before sneering.

"At least you know that much. Now get moving before me and my friend here break your legs." He threatened still playing the bully card.

"God what a dick." A Gennin whispered and earned a glare from the Chunnin. Said Gennin was then slapped onto the ground before being made fun of by the Chunnin.

Now done and having the discreet ok to leave from the Chunnin. My team and I left and signed into the exams through some proctors on the third floor. When done with that, we calmly left towards the exit before being stopped by someone.

"Lee?! What are you doing here?" Naruto asked with a confused look. Sakura and Sasuke stared at us with apprehensive looks.

"Neji, TenTen, you can go on ahead. I'll stay here and entertain Naruto for a bit."

Neji just yawned before walking away. "Sure, do whatever you want. I'm going to go take a nap while we got time."

TenTen walked up to Naruto and proceeded to punch him in the face. Naruto then spun a few times in the air before landing and leaving an indent in a wall. This provoked some caution from Sakura and a bit of interest from Sasuke.

"Hmph, thats for draining my wallet when we all went out to eat that one time." She said with an attitude before stomping her foot on the ground and walking away.

'Bit hypocritical of you to say that TenTen?'

Now alone, Sasuke looked at me for a second before seemingly losing interest. He wanted to still test me though. "A friend of the dweeb? You're bound to be a disappointment. Let's go Sakura, leave Na-.


Using Soru, I arrived behind him instantly and proceeded to jab my finger gently against his necks artery. Now frozen in fear at the aspect of himself potentially dying without knowing what happened, he stayed silent while I spoke.

"You shouldn't underestimate an opponent. You shouldn't even let your guard down for a second around others." I said calmly as I gently prodded at his neck. "Naruto learned this from me. But he's unfortunately always careless when it comes to his allies. He's bound to be 'betrayed' in the future."

'I wonder what level your at.'

Bored out of my mind and curious at the current Uchiha's level, I pushed him forewords and kicked him in the back. This launched him a couple feet before he roughly skidded on the ground.

"Really? You're a ninja and you can't even regain your balance? That's a bit embarrassing isn't it?" I said while chucking. 'But no seriously.... that was just a love tap....'

"Sasuke!" Sakura yelled causing me to nearly throw up in my mouth. "You bastard! Why did you do that to my Sasuke? Sasuke beat his a-"


Quickly giving her the old and true palm to the face, she spun around rapidly before landing next to Naruto making the previous indent deeper.

'That should shut her up for a bit while I focus on the Uchiha.'

Sasuke who was now frustrated and angry pushed himself off the ground. When finally up, he turned towards me and scowled. "Who are you?"

"It's Rock Lee." I said while smiling. "The guy who's currently stomping on a rookie called Sasuke Uchiha."

"So you know who I am...." He gritted his teeth and activated his sharingan. "....And still attacked me? A Uchiha?"

Using nothing but pure physical speed, I arrived right in front of him and just grinned.


Seeing me appear in front of him. He immediately threw a punch towards my jaw. I against his expectations stood still a took it.


"ARRRRRGGGGHHH!" Recoiling back, he grabbed his hand and stared at me in confusion and horror. "Wh-What are you?"

'I love tekkai.'

"Hey Sasuke." I said with a playful smile. "I'm dad."


I then left the scene with soru with a feeling of extreme satisfaction. Sasuke on the other hand felt miserable and scared. Sakura was knocked out and 'hopefully' not dead.

Naruto however.....

"Sakuurraaa~." He said with a pervy chuckle before snoring.

Naruto is well.... Naruto....


(Sasuke P.O.V.)

'I'M GOING TO KILL HIM!' I screamed internally as I watched him just disappear into thin air. I could only see him as a blur with my sharingan! 'Just what is he!'

An echo then went through my head. '"I'm dad!"'

"RAAAAGGGH!" Using my good hand, I punched a wall in rage with my good hand. My other one however might be sprained. 'Damn him!'

'Nothings changed!' I thought to myself as I remembered my father and mothers corpses. 'NOTHING!'

"You ok?" The dweeb called out from behind me as he slowly got up off the ground. 'First that creepy sand guy, now 'that' thing. Rock Lee was it....'

Turning around, I roughly grabbed the dweeb off the ground and stared directly into his eyes.

"Woah! What the hell is wrong with you Sasuke!" Naruto yelled angrily earning a glare from me.

"Who is Rock Lee?" I yelled earning a pair of closed eyes.

"What about Lee?" The dweeb retorted in his stupid air headed manner. "You get beat or something."

'Beat?' Repeating that word in my head made me grow bitter. It wasn't just me being beat, i got embarrassed and he insulted my as dad well! Upon feeling this bitterness, I threw Naruto roughly onto the ground.

"Who the hell is he?" I yelled at him as he rubbed the back of his head in annoyance. "Just what tricks does he use!"

"Tricks?" Naruto repeated before chuckling. "Lee doesn't use tricks. He only uses taijustu!"


"Don't lie to me!!!!"


(3 hours later) (Lee)

Looking through the windows of a classroom, I listened in on the rules for the written part of the Chunnin exams. But since I pretty much already knew the trick here, I just sat there and watched my team work on their problems.

'Heh, just wait until I tell them I passed without writing anything down. The look into their faces will be hilarious!' I thought to myself with a smile as I watched everyone else.

A few clumsy Gennin had already been kicked out of the classroom for cheating and I was just enjoying the chaos. From who looks to be Gaara had spread out his sand and was using tiny eyeballs to discreetly look at answers. Someone like Shino however just spread some bugs around and was easily picking up information.

Neji and Hinita were using their byakugan while Sasuke used his sharingan. Naruto was drooling from a burnout while in contrast Sakura and Shikamaru were answering the questions at a leisure speed. One was being lazy with his genius and the other having good foundational knowledge.

Pass the clock for a bit and everyone ran into their first issue. The proctor was introducing a new obstacle into the mix.

"There will now be a 10th question." The man named Ibiki said which made a deathly chill to sweep through the room. "But before I introduce this question to you all. I'll give you the option to not answer it."

"Excuse me sir? What's the catch?" A sand kunoichi with a blonde and spiky ponytail asked earning a smirk from Ibuki.

"The catch is...." he paused as he raised one finger into the air. "... that every question you've answered so far will be nullified. Meaning you will fail."

And before anybody could say anything. He raised another finger. "But for those who wants to take the 10th question. I'll tell you something you all need to hear."

His gaze hardened and a sadistic smile spread across his face. "If you fail the 10th question, you'll never be able to take the Chunnin exams again! You'll forever be banned!"

"What! That's bull!" A certain Inazuka by the name of Kiba jumped up and pointed his finger towards the still grinning proctor. He then sweeper his hand across the room. "There are people here who have taken these exams multiple times! What are you saying?"

The proctor seemingly amused smirked even harder as he looked over the repeaters. "But they didn't have ME as their examiner did they?"

This seemed to silence everyone as they sat still and looked at him with confusion present in their eyes. This confusion would only earn a even more sadistic look from the proctor.

"So what's it going to be?" He asked the crowd calmly. "Are you going to give up? Or are you going to continue on?"

This earned nothing but deathly silence as every team and repeater seemed to struggle over their respective answers. Do they leave or do they stay? Do they risk their future or do they leave and return in the next exams?

"I CAN'T DO IT!" A repeater yelled out in a sweat as he raised his hand while wearing a remorseful look. "I'm sorry guys, but I can't go on."

Ibiki looked at the repeater before calmly saying his piece. "Number 50 is out. This entails number 114 and number 110's failure as well....."

"Anybody else?"

Many began to rapidly follow after the first guy and quit. Looking at all of these 'sheep' raise their hands really left an impression on me.

'Ibuki truly is impressive. Or are these guys just that pitiful?' I thought to myself as a now smaller amount continued to quit. 'It's a real shame we have a person with talk-no-justu in the room.'


Slamming his fist onto the desk, Naruto confidently stood up and stared at the Proctor. And with a loud voice he went against Ibiki's mind tactics.

"Like hell I'm going to quit! I've got dream to fulfill and people who believe in me! Like hell I'm going to let them down!" Naruto screamed before sitting down once again. But before he stopped, he casually said one more line. "I've still got to become Hokage, believe it!"

Following Naruto's example, the remaining Gennin all silently made up their mind. They would risk everything today!

'Pffft, that's a real shame Ibuki.' I thought while smiling directly at the proctor. 'I personally want some off the other sheep to leave. They'll just serve as free tickets to pass the next round.'

Ibiki noticing that Naruto had broken his mind games closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Opening them, he hardened his gaze once more and looked over everyone.

"Are you all ready for the 10th question?"

"You betcha!" Naruto yelled out earning a few awkward stares from other examinees.

"Good!" Ibiki yelled out before turning towards the classrooms board. He then slipped a piece of chalk into his hand and slowly wrote on the board.

"The tenth question is~...."

He wrote the final bit of the question before revealing it. The question wasn't even a question. It was just a sentence that said....

"You all pass!" Ibiki said strongly shocking all the examinees.

"W-what!" Sakura sounded out along with many others. Nobody knew what had just transpired....

'Except me of course.'

And as everyone took in what was happening. A shadowy figure suddenly burst through the window before throwing multiple kunai against the walls. This trick revealed a female standing in front of a banner which read 'Phase 1 Complete!'.

'Well isn't she a bit early?' I thought as Ibiki began to complain about her being early. Anko which is what she was called by Ibiki seemed to laugh it off before looking at all of us.

"Hmmmmm? Are you getting soft Ibiki? There is a much larger number compared to the past few years." Anko chuckled before playfully sneering at us all. "But don't worry about that...."

"I'll have the number lower than half by the time we get to stage 3!"
