
Chunin Exams Final Stage. The Results of Training.


The Chunin led the rest of the competitors towards their respective seats in a specific part of the stands. Sitting down, I groaned as the seats were cold hair wood. "No cushions?" I asked the Chunin who led us only to get a scoff in return. TenTen next to me let out a chuckle as I turned towards her. 

 In a cool manner, she picked a mini scroll out of her pouch and grabbed a seat cushion from inside it. And with a smirk silently showed a one up on me which made me frown. "I'll remember that in the next training," I muttered before turning back towards the arena. 

 In the arena, Neji and Kankuro stood adjacent to each other waiting for the go signal. The Hokage watching over it let his voice boom throughout the arena. "Are you two ready?" Watching them nod, he closed his eyes and spoke the last line. "You may begin." 

 Immediately, Kankuro summoned one of his puppets and used it to fire Senbon at Neji. With a Palm rotation, the senbon where deflected with a dust cloud covering the area. A few seconds later, Neji appeared in front of Kankuro, the dust cloud behind him blowing up. Before arriving, Kankuro set the puppet in front of him. Neji throwing some punches at the puppet opened his eyes in shock as the puppet opened its chest cavity swallowing him whole. 

 "That's it." Kankuro laughed out loud as the limbs of the puppet began to float in the air using his chakra strings. "It's all going according to the plan." And with a flick of his hands, he let out a yell. "Die leaf scum!" The arms now showing blades at the joints, flew towards the open holes of the puppet and inserted themselves into it with a deadly sound. 

 The silence grew as the stands and contestants stared at what they could assume was a dead Hyuga. I however was confused, 'Neji doesn't go down that easy.' That confusion was immediately solved as I saw the ground underneath Kankuro crack before two arms popped out of the ground and grabbed Kankuro by the ankles. 

 "What the hell!" Kankuro would yell in shock not expecting a Hyuga to use ninjutsu. This shock also showed on some of the more experienced chunin's faces. The Jonin who had seen many things throughout their entire lifetime only scoffed in humor. With a fast movement, Kankuro found himself buried in the ground and Neji standing directly over him. 

 "How did you get out?" Kankuro asked in shock as Neji replied casually, "Earth clone, used it in the dust cloud my rotation created." And with his byakugan activated, he stared down at Kankuro. "Do you yield? Or do I have to cripple you for the rest of the week?" 

 Kankuro with a bit of reluctance glared at Neji before letting out a sigh of resignation. "I yield." Neji deactivating his eyes, let out a sigh of relief before walking away and stretching his arms.

"Good, I don't get to waste more energy. " In return for this quip, the Hokage let out a sigh before announcing the result.

 "Neji Hyuga is the winner!" 


 (Sometime later) 

 Spending some time watching, Lee stole a cushion from TenTen's chair as she walked out to face Temari. Naruto had finished his match with Choji earlier and it was pretty straightforward. Naruto got into some tough situations and wasn't as physically strong as Choji, especially with his enlarged limbs. At some moments, he was even seen running away as Choji in his ball form rolled behind him. The match ended with Naruto using what is assumed to be the nine-tails chakra and finishing the fight kicking Choji in his chin after Choji ran out of chakra from overusing his kekkai genkai. 

 Shikamaru and Shino was very quick. Shikamaru walked into the arena, raised his hand, and forfeited. His reasoning and exact sentence was 'I got nothing to handle those bugs. Nor do I want to feel dirty. Can I leave now?' The stands of course were outraged with him. Those who understood the Nara mentality just took it at face value. 

 TenTen now facing adjacent to Temari took a deep breath to calm her nerves before pulling out a sword from a sheath located on her back. Looking at the gleam of the blade with her eyes, she let out a nod of resolution before looking towards Temari. "I'm ready." TenTen would say with Temari letting out a laugh. "A sword? You stand no chance." Turning towards the Hokage, she opened her giant fan. "I'm ready." 

 "You may begin." The Hokage said before leaning back in his chair and picking up his pipe. A puff of smoke could be seen from the Kages' booth. Down below, TenTen threw multiple scrolls into the air before using chakra strings to activate them. With this activation, A barrage of blades flew towards Temari who in return raised an eyebrow before swinging her fan. The fan producing a massive gust of air made all the weapons scatter throughout the arena with multiple stabbing into the ground. 

 "Using chakra strings?" Temari would say as she set her weapon down casually. "Do you also use puppets or was it by chance you learned it?" TenTen in return would only stare at her in dead silence. Temari sighed picked up her fan and swung down causing another gust of wind to fly towards TenTen. "No matter, this fight will be boring anyway." 

 TenTen seeing this let out a serious look before throwing even more weapons using different scrolls. Temari's gust of wind returned the weapons spreading them around the arena. This cycle would continue for a little while longer before no more weapons came from TenTen. Temari letting out a sigh stared at her. 

 "Do you yield?" Temari would say with a mocking tone as she leaned herself on her fan giving her back a stretch. TenTen still in silence put off three different hand signs as two plumes of smoke arrived next to her. And with a deathly glare and a bead of sweat falling down her head, TenTen would answer. "Not even close, it's time to go for the win." 

 The Hokage seeing the shadow clone technique opened his eyes wide before letting out a chuckle. 'It seems Omari and the rest of the Rock Hard Swords Club went all out on her.' He thought before sitting up a bit in his seat. 'Let's see her plan shall we?' 

 Temari giving her a look of disgust just picked up her fan. "I gave you the chance girl." And while raising her fan with both hands, tensed her muscles with a sadistic smile. "Now you'll have to take responsibility for your delusions." TenTen and her clones dashed forward as Temari threw down her arms causing a strong gust of wind to fly towards them rapidly. 

 TenTen running through the field of blades picked up a weapon with her clones mirroring her actions and let out a breath while in deep concentration. A string of chakra from both her and her clones wrapped around their respected picked-up swords as a buzz sounded out. The blades covered in a blue hazy chakra were thrown by the clones and TenTen ripped through parts of the gust. TenTen and her clones jumped through the opened parts as the sword still flew. 

 Temari in shock opened her eyes wide and turned her body dodging the three swords. But with the chakra strings on the swords, they slightly adjusted their path forcing Temari to use her fan to deflect the swords. With the shadow clones and TenTen now close, they leaped through the air grabbing the sword in their main hand with both hands before attacking from three different angles. Temari in a hurry wanted to throw them away with wind but decided against it opting to block the attack with her massive fan in front of her. TenTen quietly spoke with her clones, "Dance of the Crescent Moon." 

 The three attacks landed, causing Temari to fly towards the field of weapons due to the force of the attack. Deep cuts on her Shoulder and Leg showed as blood dripped from the air while still conscious. TenTen and her clones not giving up the advantage ran through the field of blades and constantly picked up different blades of different sizes and weights hurling them towards the still airborne Temari. Temari quickly used her fan to fling the nonenhanced swords away and keep TenTen and her clones away. 

 Temari now standing in the field of blades after landing balanced herself shakily. Her arm hung by her side and her leg sank but she still stood putting her weight mostly on the fan. Glaring at TenTen, she let out a tired yet confident smile. "Those blades didn't pack that much of a punch," Temari said before slowly straightening herself on her fan. "You aren't almost out of chakra yet are you?" 

 TenTen still silent ignored Temari and casually took out a handful of smoke pellets along with her clones before slamming them into the ground. Smoke filled the arena as Temari chuckled and shakily raised her fan and slammed it into the ground causing an area of effect gust to blow away smoke surrounding her. But while picking up her fan again, Swords began to fly from all areas of the smoke surrounding her forcing her on a constant defense of slamming her fan on the ground to knock them away back into the circle of smoke. 

 Temari in this constant cycle was still bleeding as the blades seemed to never end. In a fit of rage and annoyance, she forced her bad arm into her hand and spun on one leg knocking the smoke away entirely. This move of panic and rage led to her collapsing on the ground due to the imbalance of her leg and sudden pain shooting up her arm. 

 TenTen now revealed in the smoke was sweating with bloodshot eyes as her shadow clones had long ago dissipated. Walking towards Temari, she immediately threw a kunai with an explosive tag next to her face. The explosive tag had a feeble and barely visible chakra string connected to it and Temari in her half-conscious state stared at it with a grave look in her eyes. 

 TenTen still walking glared at her with her bloodshot eyes, a strange focus still permeating her being. "Do you yield?" TenTen would ask in a tired yet vicious tone. Temari hearing this just turned towards her and smirked weakly before losing consciousness from the blood still flowing from the deep cuts on her shoulder and thigh. TenTen seeing her opponent down, tiredly looked towards stands staring directly at a group of ninja with swords by their sides. The group seeing her looking at them beamed before raising their swords and letting out a yells of applause. 

 "The Winner is TenTen." The Hokages voice boomed waking everyone up. With this came a roar of cheers from the stands. These roars of applause made TenTen widen her eyes before letting out a small smile. With this smile came her collapse...

 The cause.....

 exhaustion of mental energy and chakra. 

 "Now may the Chunin on standby pick up all the swords for the last match." The Hokage said causing a look of horror to appear on the Chunins' faces. 
