
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

40th! next island!

a man and a bombshell of a woman were in staring contest , neither of them spoke for good minute, the woman then said with a bow "thank you! without your help I couldn't keep on in life!"

the man scratch his cheek in embarrassment and laughed awkwardly "haha...you are welcome... that's would I saying...if I remember who you are..." he tried to be civil as possible..he had seen this situation numberous times...and he is ready for the consequences


the woman strongly slap the which made him fell on the ground

the man looked at the woman in confusion , as if wondering if he saw he her before

the man's crew looked at the scene around how their captain manhandled and stare for a good few dozen seconds

it was then then a fatty broken the silence by failing on the ground and laughing at his captain misary

"HAHAHAHAHA, boss is this your time of month?!, what about the bar lady?! hahahahaha , really couldn't you hold it in your pants, hahahaha!"

the fatty laughed to his heart content

the rest of the crew follow him in laughter



"you deserve it, hahahaha"

"captain pfft I know your goals are noble..kinda..but.. hahaha..you can't always do this..your reputation is now stake here.." the vice captain said while laughing

the captain in question had a red nerve on his head , he stands and yell "hey!! you can laugh at me! but don't slander me! I am a gentleman who comforting delicate flowers!"

none of his crew bought his words and laughed more


"hahahahaha, a gentleman you say? how come then this situation always occurs? look at her!" a man with long nose said

the woman in question was double nerve on her head, she isn't particularly angry that her had forgotten her, hell this is even better since she can embrace her love without guilt , what she is mad about that the man keep doing that! suppose said woman loved him in that situation? he left her like that with some money as Compensation...what a damn heart Breaker

the woman looked at the man and hmphed "hmph! you lucky I didn't love you back then! otherwise I would kick your ass for leaving me!"

the man laughed awkwardly and couldn't fault the woman..but what could he do?! he can't just leave these broken maidens like that! at least with some embrace and Money they can stand on their feet later! he can't bring them with him at his adventure..the least he can do is giving them some cash as sorry 'yes...I am a gentleman who no one understands my noble cause!' he said while a imaginary tear fell from his eye

the woman looked at the man again but notice something and said "hey! what happened to your arm?!" the man had an arms missing!

the man looked at severe arm and smiles while looking at a child in the corner who has a confused look on his face

the child looked at his idol strangely , the other day , a bandit broke a bottle on the man head, similar to this situation his crew laughed their ass off on their captain , at that time he yelled at them saying how can't a great pirate not retaliate on random thug , this made the child angry and run off somewhere

later the same thug kidnapped him and run to the sea , the man saved him but at the costs his arm eating by sea king

so the child admiration to man reached great heights

the child looked around and ask the waitress who wanted to say goodbye to the man "hey! why that big sister hit him!" he doesn't want to repeat the previous situation and assume that woman has history with his idol

the waitress smiles wryly at the child innocent and says "look, that man aspired you to become the pirates king, and gave his hat, but don't be like him so the woman don't hit you like that" the waitress said , she is in the same situation as the woman , fell with the man charms but knows she can't be with him

the child bumped his fists and said "YOSH!, I will be a pirate king who doesn't get slapped by woman, shishishishi!"

the waitress smiles at the child innocence

the woman in question looked at the man and had a thoughtful face and looked far away and waved her hand and said "tai-chan! come here~!"

a young man she waves at hand smile wryly and approach the woman andasks "what is that mom?"

"can you do something about him?" she asks her son in hope, if her son can help this man, that her debt to him will be payed and the karma between them will be finished

the young man and the one armed man looked at each other in silence , the younger smile dryly wondered how this situation occured..







after hugging kuina and she cries for a while she stops and looked at me "thank you tai-san, I'm fine now" she smiles while drying her tears

the commotion made the living here awake , a hurried step can be heard coming to our direction

"tai-chan!/tai-sama! something happen!" both Hancock and mom comes to check on us I smile and said "worry not, kuina was about to fell on stairs yet I caught her in last second.." I stand up made her standing while checking if she alright

"what! ku-chan, are you alright?!" mom said in worried voice

"yes Lona-san, I'm alright thanks for worrying" kuina said smiling

"good! this one believe that thou have what it takes to become strong woman like we amazons! don't disappoint this one!" hancock said

"amazons?" kuina tills her head in question

"it is this one tribe! all of us are strong women! we don't have men on our island.." hancock said proudly but held my hand and said "except tai-sama here!" he cheeks become crimson, I smile while tighten our connection

"wow! an island full of strong women!" this made kuina resolve with become more solid! 'if a whole island is composed of only woman and can be strong, why couldn't I?!' but then she had a thought and ask " can I ask you something?"

"sure" I said

"can you not tell father and Zoro about this situation?" kuina asks

"ho? and why is that" I ask

"that.. well father will be worried and Zoro..will he probably will laugh at me seeing I almost die falling on stairs!" she said the last bit embarrassed

"hahaha, he will probably " I laugh teasingly

"hey don't laugh!" she said with a red face but now her mind is stable now I then looked at the girls and said "come on let's prepare ourselves to sail"

"alright" x3





"kuina! next time we see each other, I will defeat you and become step closer to out dream!" Zoro said with a big smile while waving at us from the shore while holding a sword , that sword I made for him , it is as strong as 21 swords but not cursed, it will serve him well , since in this timeline he didn't take kuina's sword , I give this as Compensation and this way he owns me a favor , later own when he became stronger I will have a good Ally

koshiro said with few tears and smiles "kuina! chase your dreams! I will always be proud of you!" with a hand wave

"Zoro..dad..then I'm going! wait for me Zoro to kick your ass later!" she said while holding tears

I have a amused face...why? because any place I visit I put a zipper gate on it , that way I can visit it anytime..so this is emotional scene is funny to me since I can make them meet anytime..I can't wait to see her face later knowing this, I bet she wouldn't be amused as I am tho...

"tai-chan, where are we going now?" mom asks

"hmm..I have a place in mind" I opened the Map that the pirates had and looked at specific island

"let go there!" I said

"goa kingdom? does it have something interesting?" hancock asks

"yes..it does.." I smile mysteriously and think 'I hope a meet the straw hat boy' this will be interesting, and it was indeed..but not the way I expected...








so.. yeah..we are meeting him...they won't be drama, since I don't like it, but this way a debt can be repayed..

and I'm reading eroninja , it's quite good but may affect this one release...teehee

SamiOyakodonLovercreators' thoughts