
roaming the multiverse with random abilities!

this is sudden inspiration so I don't know how long this will go

SamiOyakodonLover · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
42 Chs

18th! robin fears and feelings and two sisters!

'interesting.. that a bit different from canon but it's in the right direction , and it's should be around that time too‚if so then we saved a kingdom by fate' he thought

"what did you do just now" robin asks

"I read his memories" Taiger smirk while looking at her

robin change her face then put a defensive pose "so..you know about me..now".. ' I thought this maybe a chance to me to settle down..but it seems not..now that he knows my identity..I doubt he would risk it..' she sighed in bitterness..

Taiger notices her lifted guard , sighs and and says to her "if I didn't tell you , you might found out on your later...then any chance of good relationship might be broken, no?"

'he has a point..if he didn't tell me , I would found it later , and then I might thought he have a hidden motives and betrays him on the spot..' she thought but then said "but it doesn't change the fact you know about me now..who knows what could you do with this info.." she doesn't seems as hostile but ready to run at the spot

"in the small interaction we did earlier...did I show you any signs I might give you any harm?" he ask her with a sincere smile

she then remembers that even though she was on a enemy's ship and a crew that is slavers , he didn't attack her but instead protect her...then remember the calming aura that made her at peace and her accumulated stress over the years faded away.. lastly ..he then offers her to stay with him without knowing her origins and without asking anything in return..these factors working together mader her lower her guard and broke her mind Barries , but she did one last resistance

"no...you show me great kindess not only by not capture me , but make me calm and even offers me home...but this small frame of time is not enough..to trust someone completely" she says with blurry eyes

is when she notices a soft hand holding her flower position hands and let's them down,Lona took robin's hands and held them tightly , robin didn't resist since the latter did not feel bad intentions

"Robin-chan, I have no way to make you trust us, nor I know your past , but what I do know , that if we want to hurt you we would , but since we didn't, we would never do , why retort to schemes when the other party is weaker than you... whatever secret you hold , tai-chan didn't care ,

since he didn't , neither we will, so I what I ask you is to at least give us a chance..if you wish , we will take you in our humble household..if you didn't, you are free to go.."

Lona finishs with a smile while patting robin's hair which the latter finally broke his last barrier and begin to fell tears "I ...I don't know...I *sob* I kept running and hiding for a decade *sob* I ... don't know who can I ...*sob* trust without getting betrayed.." robin says while sobbing, her mother died early on in her life, and she carved for motherly love...so when Lona held her hands and hugs her , her facade broke and let her emotions go wild

"hush child, don't speak , let it all out, you are safe now.." Lona continue to whisper to her sweet words while caressing her head

"mom , can you stay with her? me and Bonney will check the Treasury" he asks lona

"of course, sweetheart, be careful" Lona nods with kind smile

"come on Bonney" he says

"mhm" she just nods while looking the crying robin with pity and thought 'could be my fate be similar to hers had I not met Taiger and mother? I don't like to imagine that' Taiger notices her gaze on robin , smile and hold her hand while saying "come on" which the latter happily nods






that arrived at the large safe , swiftly with a kick the safe door burst open, the scene infront of nothing short of Richy

gold,money, weapons, spacial exiers and exotic plants in addition to few devil fruits and more , but what stand out the most is cage where two cuffed girls can be seen , the girls had a bag on their face with small opening to breath

"what a horrible scums!" Bonney spat

"damn right" Taiger nods and says "Bonney , can you take a bag and hold all the money , gold and weapons? leave the rest, I will deal with the girls"

"alright" she took a bag from a ground and begin to collect , while doing so , Taiger didn't waste time and make finger claw in his hand in move it a few time

<< claw blade >> dozen of small air blade comes out of his fingers and cut the iron cages , the cuffed girls noticed the noise and begin to screams

"HMMM!" but since they had bags their words are uncomprehendible , Taiger throw another few air blades to cut the bags and cuffs of course without hurt them , the first thing they do the old sister stand in front the younger one and says with plea "please great sir! you can do anything to me! but please let my sister go! please!" she said while crying and shaking but strong willed nonetheless

Taiger had to command the girl courage even the one in question is shivering in fear

"Wawa , onee-chan no! don't do it! onii-chan just take me but don't hurt onee-chan!" the young we cried but didn't want to abandone her sister

'what a pair of loyal and caring sisters' Taiger though




they kept back and forth until they felt a calming feel that made them relax , they look around to find the source and white pure aura coming from a handsome young man

'handome! it would not so bad if I were to taken by him..but no matter I what, I won't hands over her younger sister to anyone!' while the young sister was pure and didn't have such though and said "wow! onii-chan is so pretty!" the girl said with joy

"pffft, HAHAHA" Bonney who was collecting valuables gives a laugh

"fft" even the elder sister tried to hold her chuckle

but this combine with the calming aura , they become much relaxed

Taiger had his eyebrows twitch for good moment there but didn't mind the girl Innocence and took the compliment like a Chad

"thank you , you look cute too, now can I ask your names , my name is Taiger , what's yours?" Taiger ask with smile

"umu , my name is sugar! can I call you onii-chan , tai-onii-chan?" sugar asked with big eyes which made Taiger smile bigger "of course you can , sugar-chan , can I call you that?"

"umu , tai-onii-chan can!" sugar says happily

the older one notices their interactions and visibly relaxed but didn't let her guard down and said " Taiger-san , you can call me Monet, nice to meet you , and thank you for freeing us from this horrible cage.. I don't know what well happen if you don't shows up.." she says while having tears , she tries to hold them but in the end she is a teenager and have herself and sister kidnapped and possibly sold...

"it's alright now , you both fine and safe, do you wish to come with us to our home, or do you a place or family you can go to?" Taiger asks

"we don't..we were orphans living in harsh environment , and when it can't be worse , these pieces of trash caught us and imprison us here...we have only ourselves..if it's not bother we will accept your offer Taiger-san, I promise you we will not be freeloaders and we will do anything" Monet says with sad face

"oh? anything?" Taiger smiles teasingly

Monet face became red but nonetheless nodded

"y-yes , if Taiger-san wishes .." her face become even more redder but didn't continue her sentence..

"onee-chan , why your face is red?" sugar asks innocently which made Monet stutter "n-nothing , sugar , I'm just cold.."

"oh" sugar just nods

Taiger just rubs both of her heads and smiles "I'm just teasing you , I won't force you on anything you dislikes , that is not that kind of man I want to be.."

Monet then smiles brightly and said "thank you.." while feeling comfortable under his gentle caresses , both sisters do ..

"hnnn, onee-chan I'm sleepy..." sugar suddenly said ,Taiger then pulls a solution in bottle and asks sugar "sugar-chan , take this and think of your favorite flavor" sugar do as she told and drink it

"hmm! , it tastes like grape! so.. del..ici..ous" she doze off and fell a sleep , and before monet panic he says "worry not , this is a sleeping potion I made , the little girl suffered a lot , she deserves a soundless sleep" Monet says in relief after hearing the explanation

"what about you Monet, do you need sleep I can carry you both?" but Monet shakes her head and smiles "thank you , but I not that sleepy."

"then take this , this a stamina potion , it won't relieve your hunger , but is should give you the necessary energy until we reach home, like sugar think of your favorite flavor" Taiger says

"then thanks" she took it and says "hmm, it's taste like vanilla ice cream~" she then felt energy come within and feel she could continue without sleep for more few hours

it was the moment Bonney finished collecting valuables and Walk towards them with a smirk

"did this beast do anything to you? be careful he might eat you~, I'm Bonney BTW" Bonney introduced herself while slandering Taiger

"nice to meet you , I'm Monet and this my little sister sugar, I hope we don't impose upon you while we living with you" monet does the same

"meh , Taiger is the man of house, and his words are golds , besides our members are little , so we would be happy to have more members of the family ,and mother would be more happy to have more daughters , but I will have to warn you , we are unusual family so don't get surprised when we do the normal families don't do~" Bonney says with a smile and wink

this statement made Monet think 'it can't be like the novels I read in the past... right?' Monet had a promotion she enter a wild ride...

"can you go out for a bit , I need to take the rest of things her" Taiger said suddenly

"alright" x2

they got out from the Treasury and after 10 seconds Taiger got out empty handed but the safe was empty "where..?" Monet asks absent mindly which made Bonney smirks and says "this one of his tricks , don't think too much..~"

Monet can only nods dumbly...

then the group went upstairs where the main deck is...



