
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · แฟนตาซี
217 Chs

The Treasure

At the end of that nightmare, I was able to find the light which had been so absent in that storm. Even though, night had already fallen, it was still brighter than that storm which had left me so bruised and battered. I felt as if I had been in there for years and years. When I noticed that I could now see the ground, I dropped to my knees. I was exhausted, physically and mentally. I kept wondering if I had conveyed my thoughts to grandfather properly, if he was really able to listen and I also thought about Deli. Maybe I had been wrong about that storm...that was what I wanted to believe.

I sat there helplessly, looking at my hands, covered in cuts and scrapes. I kept imagining how everything had been so utterly useless. Deli was right after all, if only I had listened. I closed my eyes as if reliving my life in that storm. It was heartbreaking even though I didn't know why it was so. But I was so out of energy that I couldn't think at all.

I wonder how long I stayed like that before the neighing of the horse broke my meditation. I immediately opened my eyes and looked up to find it standing right in front of me. I really wanted to kick it to the heavens in that moment but knowing he was way better at sending to heaven than I was, I refrained from displeasing it.

"Man, what the hell do you want?", I asked with contempt.

The horse remained silent. He did keep on eyeing me for whatever reason. Though I can't deny that I looked pathetic and that nasty horse might have gotten a kick out of my miserable appearance. In any case, I just let my head hang on my chest and closed my eyes.

"No time...", I was reminding myself but couldn't move at all.

The horse neighed over and over again until I was annoyed out of my wits. It was a grand struggle but I opened my eyes somehow and was about to blast away at the nasty horse (I later named it Nasty), when I noticed a little glimmer around my feet. I looked closely and realized there really was something in the dirt there. I used my hands to dig through the ground around that strangely shaped object. The horse shut his tantrums as I busied myself with this treasure. It didn't take me long to unearth that object.

"Ankh...it's that...right?", I asked myself as I held a dagger in my hand with its hilt formed like a vampire ankh, with its grip made of glass and hollow inside.

"The grail...", I realized I had found the thing I was supposed to be looking for. For it to have been lying around so randomly, I suppose walking through the nightmares for millions of those painful years wasn't entirely futile.

In the end, the fact that I held that grail in my hands and with utmost surety that this was the treasure I was sent out to find, I concluded that this had been a victory. I turned around so I could announce this successful venture to Granny but there were no signs of Wallach anywhere. I stood in a wasteland, though I had a feeling Versailles was near. I immediately secured the dagger with me and got on the damned horse which rode the wind like it had never done before.