
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · แฟนตาซี
217 Chs

The Man Carrying the World

I was in a daze for what seemed like a billion centuries after that. I thought my soul had been sucked away and I was making my way into the demon's belly but then I noticed I could see Chopper crashed on the ground. He had managed to push me away and prevented my soul from being devoured. Chopper was on the ground and bleeding heavily but he was still conscious, I believe, at least way more than I was.

I think I tried to call out to Chopper at the best of my ability but it probably only came out as a mumble because he didn't even look my way. I noticed at some point that Azag was talking with him about something. I tried to focus my vision, sharpen my hearing, gain control of my senses, all the while looking at Chopper. If only he wasn't hurt this bad...if I had done something...no if only...if only I was stronger. I wished Chopper wasn't hurt this bad.

And then I closed my eyes because I knew he wasn't gonna make it and the thought of it made me terribly sad. I felt like something unknown was tugging at my heart. I didn't recognize it or rather, I couldn't remember it. But I didn't want him to die in this suffering. I would soon follow him but still, I wished he wouldn't die.

My senses had begun to return slightly now. I could hear and the numbing sensation was beginning to fade too. But I still couldn't move.

I could hear Chopper. He was screaming in pain. I didn't think I would ever get to witness something like that about him. I opened my eyes quickly, only to find the most terrifying thing I've seen in my entire life. There are no words that can describe how hideous Azag was. I felt like I could throw up right there. If I had any strength to do so, I would have.

What seemed like a tentacle had gotten Chopper by his left arm and it was devouring him, puncturing his arm and penetrating like a leech. Azag's body began to move, transferring himself into Chopper's body through that arm.

"A soul eater."

"He is looking to obtain his original form."

That's what Chopper had told me. Now I understood what it meant. He wanted a new vessel, a younger vessel and he had found that in Chopper. If I killed Chopper right now, it would save him from Azag. But I might just become the next vessel. Is that why he told me to just keep watching? Or did Chopper want me to make a decision? He let Halen be destroyed, he plunged Ildia into a war that is sure to come very soon. And I always stood there watching. What am I to do now? What would Lady want me to do?

I was tormented by these thoughts when I noticed Chopper's black blade to my side. I could only think of that as a signal from the unknown. I regret letting that thought come to my mind. Maybe if I had been more patient, things wouldn't have turned out like this.

I picked up the blade and forgot all about my injury. I don't know if it was adrenaline or a calling to perform my duty, but I managed to get up. I clutched the blade tightly in my right hand, I would end this in one blow. Chopper won't have to suffer anymore.

I closed the distance between us slowly, limping because my legs were terribly numb. The single word that ran through my head infinitely was 'sorry' but I didn't stop walking. More than half of Azag's body had already been transferred into his arm and Chopper was already out of his mind due to the excruciating pain. He struggled to get his arm free but it was futile.

"Please forgive me, Chopper-san", I said calmly as I stood on top of his head, with a blade drawn at his life, "And rest in peace."

"No, Seraph!", before I swung it, something extremely forceful knocked me off my feet and I was thrown back. It was another tentacle and without delay, it was heading right for me.

I looked at Chopper, who held his white blade in his hand. Before that tentacle could reach me, Chopper pierced his own arm with it. Azag screeched in the most terrifying of voices and retreated his tentacle. I looked at Chopper's right arm which was no more than shreds of meat now. Azag's body was destroyed along with it.

Chopper immediately got up, as if forgetting the mind numbing pain he was in just a moment ago and taking hold of his blade, headed towards Azag. Azag noticed him and wasted no time in shooting the tentacle right back at me. He wanted to take my soul and recover himself. I only barely managed to dodge that, thanks to Chopper's intervention.

Once again, I was on the ground and Azag was looking for chances to take hold of me. However, he realized Chopper wouldn't let him get away the next time.

And then Azag began to laugh. I was petrified at the sight I got to look at next.

"I knew...you would be trouble", Azag said in his terrible voice as he pulled out another tentacle from somewhere, holding a familiar figure by his head.

The figure was unconscious but he was alive. At least, he looked 'fresh'. I could tell he had put up an intense fight by the way his body looked. His white long hair were drenched in blood, perhaps his very own.

And looking at him, all I thought was why. But one look at Chopper answered that question for me. The way his face looked was the definition of pain. Even the pain of losing his arm paled in comparison to how he looked now.

"Chopper-san, please don't cry", that's what I wanted to say. But he wasn't crying, he was breaking apart so very silently. And he was shattering so intensely, I felt like closing myself up in a dark place, never to be found again. I didn't want to see him like that.

"Don't hurt him anymore", I think I heard Chopper say that as he looked at Wolfe's helpless condition.

I had been meaning to ask him about Wolfe but that name would never be taken again between the two of us. Azag had succeeded in distracting Chopper enough that I was just a sitting duck now. He didn't let this chance slip.

He made a final attempt of claiming my soul as I watched, frozen in my place. Chopper moved so fast, I didn't think it was possible. He almost teleported, severed the tentacle, completely destroying it and repelling Azag as he screeched and shriveled away.

"You'll regret this", Azag seized Wolfe completely. Not even a husk of Fennerick was left behind. Wolfe was torn apart from inside and Azag fused himself into Wolfe's body.

And I looked at Chopper's helpless eyes. Something was ending for him. Though, he had saved me...but why? Why did he save me? He knows I was about to kill him...and there was someone else there he wanted to protect more than anyone. And yet, he threw himself over that tentacle and protected me. Why did he do that?

Azag didn't stay to fight anymore. I think he needed some time to become accustomed to Wolfe's body. Chopper was in no position to fight either. He let Wolfe go.

"Seraph", after a million years of silence between us, he spoke, "let's go. We have to...go."

Chopper was still looking his way. If he could, he would have followed Wolfe without a second thought but what was gone, was just gone and no matter how hard he tried, Chopper couldn't reach it.

"Lady, I kept watching him, like you told me to. And I'm still watching but this is only tormenting me more and more", I was thinking.

"Chopper-san", I spoke, "Why did you choose me?"

I regretted asking this after hearing his answer.

"Why? Isn't it obvious, Seraph?", he looked at me with a pitiful look, "Its an obligation to that old hag."

Lady. That's it. That's the center of everything. I could almost see her conceited grin as I closed my eyes after hearing that.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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