
Road to Valhalla

My name is Seraph. In a world that is filled with magic, science and arts of unbelievable kinds, I'm relatively ordinary. But then I met them. A group of assassins that work the machines of the world behind closed curtains. And the most striking is their leader, the woman which is the greatest mystery in the world. Though to the world we are all dead, each of us has a story of their own. I wonder if I can find myself a home among these people who call themselves Valkyries and more importantly can I solve all the riddles that surround them?

Yuri_1784 · แฟนตาซี
217 Chs

Dreaming Dangerous

"Felix, how long is it going to take?", I grew restless with every passing moment.

"I'm trying my best. Well, actually...", he removed his hand from the door.

"Wha...Felix! What are you doing?"

"Seraph, we probably shouldn't remove this barrier", he answered calmly.

"Well, we have to go ahead, don't we? Are you chickening out or what?"

"That's not the point. Look, thing is-"

He didn't have to explain as we were able to witness a rather violent demonstration of what he wanted to say. The door swung open all of a sudden and an explosion ensued which wrung us pretty far back. We were saved by the door itself, else we'd have been scorched. Felix and I fixed ourselves up and looked at the doorway where clouds of smoke rose, blinding our vision.

"What...", I cleared my throat, I think I tasted blood...or guts, "was that?!"

"Seraph, you alright?", Felix got up, helping me as well.

"Oh?", we heard a voice from beyond the smoke, "Boy?!!!"

That sure was a familiar voice. He appeared out of the smoke and walked up to us.

"Sight?!", I answered back.

He laughed, "Aha! So you made it, boy!"

"Sight, you are here too? Ah, was it you who brought Chopper-san here?"

"Hmm? Naturally! Where is he, boy?"

"He'll be catching up, but...what were you...?", I tried to look inside, though it was still not very visible.

"Don't worry, boy. Just some nice seductive bat ladies, they kept coming, stole baguette and tried to lure me and then trap me. But I trapped them instead with my magnificent barrier. They sure got worried after that. Oh, and your little lover here was trying to break in. Pardon me, your efforts were hilarious as ever."

This wasn't the first time I had noticed the strange tension between Felix and Sight. They never saw eye-to-eye to begin with but I tried not to be bothered by it.

Felix refrained from giving any answer but the look he wore gave it all away. It was a similar cold look I had witnessed before with Nosferatu.

"Well, anyways, we have to get going, Sight", I broke the tension, "Are you coming along?"

"Oh no, my boy! But I'll guide you where you need to go. See, boy, there're two routes. The big boss is watching everyone from the highest place. The center of this castle, up there", he pointed up, "Or you'll have to go the exact opposite, the shit hole down there."

"We don't even know where we are in the castle to begin with, Sight. Or do you have an idea?"

"None! But, you see boy, my eyes have never betrayed me. Your choice will lead your path. So, what's it gonna be? You take the big boss out and Deli would be free. If you take the roundabout way though...well, the choice is yours to make, boy! We got your back", he gave me a satisfactory grin. Of course, he had to mention his eyes, the irony was always strong with that guy.

"I promised Deli I'll get her kids. Sight, I'm going down. Take care of the rest, please", I answered.

"You got it!", he placed his hand on my shoulder before the ground in the middle of the room broke and opened a huge chasm that went perhaps into the depths of the underworld.


He kept grinning before giving my poor soul and body away to that terrifying abysm. As I flapped my non existent wings to stay afloat, forgetting my humanity and power of speech, I screamed not the smallest squealed and helplessly exercised my arms in all odd ways possible, trying to resist the inevitable impending, crushing death that I faced.

Sight had the oddest sense of humor and all other senses were unbelievably twisted, that is, if he had any other. Still, I couldn't believe I trusted him again. In any case, it meant little now that I was done for. I did keep wishing that fall would finally end before I had a heart attack but indeed, it never did end. For years and years, I was suspended in that bottomless pit, apparently falling but really just flailing around because I was that bored.

After a while, I was convinced that I wasn't falling. Though, it was the hardest convincing battle I had to fight with me, I decided that was it, I was neither falling nor was I going to die. Then I suddenly remembered Felix. It was probably a bad idea to leave Felix and Sight alone. I was just thinking that when Felix appeared beside me.

"Oh, hey Felix", I supposed Sight had kicked him in the hole too. Well, at least, it wouldn't be half as boring now.

But then Felix pointed downwards which meant straight ahead for me, and I saw the ground or should I say my death. In any case, before I could scream, I was already a red pulp sticking to the muddy ground with most of my organs transformed into mush and those that remained were straying too far away from the mush.

"Oi, boy!", I opened my eyes suddenly, with a mortified expression on my face.

Sight was standing right in front of me with his hand on my shoulder. I quickly pulled back, jerking his hand off, reflexively.

"Eh?", he gave me a questioning look.

"What the hell were you thinking?!", I snapped.

"Hmm, about baguette, I suppose. Why do you ask, boy?"

I was freaking right out of my brain but Sight seemed as clueless as ever.

"Seraph, we should get going...don't you think?", I suddenly remembered Felix and that he had fallen down with me but he seemed alright. I figured I had been dreaming. But that was even more concerning. Still, I decided to keep that to myself and agreed with Felix with a slight nod.

"Oh, boy! Don't fall asleep on your way", Sight grinned at me and then with a wave of his hand, bid his farewell again as we left through a door that led outside.