
Finding the Artifacts.

After dodging all the arrows, now Ekansh is facing 10 puppets that came from deep inside the Treasury.

The 10 puppets were in the formation of 4, 3, 2, and 1 at the front were the 4 puppets with the strength of genin back of these puppets were 3 puppets with the strength of chunin.

And at the further back, there are 3 puppets which are further divided at 2 front and 1 at the rear.

Ekansh swiftly runs at the first four genin leveled puppets and breaks them easily after the 4 puppets now it's the turn of the 3 puppets with chunin level power.

The role of these puppets was not to kill the intruder but to stall him so the kingdom's guard and the army would come and capture the intruder.

In normal times this would work but now all the army and kingdom's fighting force was annihilated, so no one came to capture Ekansh.

He easily attacked the 3 puppets at their joints making the puppets immovable and breaking them down into pieces.

Now came puppets from further back, 2 puppets came with the power level of special jounin.

It took around 15 minutes to deal with the 2 puppets as both strengths of puppets and Ekansh were the same.

He would stab the kunai at locations of joints like the elbows of the puppets making its hands immovable, then he would go near the puppets to separate all its body parts by dealing with a heavy blow at the connections of body parts.

In normal time by now Ekansh would have been captured by the kingdom's force, but now there was nobody to capture him so he started the fight with the last remaining puppet with the strength of jounin.

At starting the fight was disadvantaged to the Ekansh as the raw power and speed of the puppet was higher than him but he managed to fight it because it was not using any techniques.

After fighting for a few minutes Ekansh came to know that the puppet was fighting in a set pattern, after another 5 minutes of the fight he figured out all the patterns of the puppet with the help of Sharingan.

knowing its fighting pattern made fighting it easier and Ekansh was easily able to dispose of it.

After breaking all the puppets Ekansh went into the Treasury there he found tonnes of gold and silver and other valuable gems laying all over the place, he went further inside the Treasury to see all the important treasures kept in an organized manner.

He went to the section of artifacts to find any useful in fighting and trapping the King.

The purpose of Ekansh coming to the Treasury room was to find artifacts that could produce barriers, so he can trap the King inside the barrier with the hogs.

So the King won't be able to escape from his certain death with the hands of the pigs.

If you want to kill an opponent with a higher power level than you, you have 2 ways to kill him that are-

1st to assassinate him with a sneak attack with all the power of yours in a single attack.

2nd to kill him with more numbers that are "quantity over quality".

When you opt for the 2nd option then you have to make sure that the enemy won't be able to escape from your encirclement, you have to make sure that all of his escape paths are sealed.

If the enemy flees then you won't be getting 2nd chance to kill him and the enemy may retaliate against your group separately one at a time making your group live in his fear that when he will come for your head.

So when you go for " quantity over quality " you have to make sure that he won't be able to flee from your encirclement.

For this reason, Ekansh was finding the artifacts with property to produce barriers that could help him trap the King with the hogs.

When Ekansh checked the artifacts section he found around 25 artifacts with properties to produce attacking force, 15 artifacts with defensive property, 12 other artifacts with all other miscellaneous property, and 4 artifacts with the ability to produce barriers.

After finding the artifacts Ekansh becomes happy but after checking their ability he was not that much happy as before because the barrier would collapse after 3 continuous strikes from the Hokage level.

At this time system message comes and Ekansh sees what it is about.

{ host system would help you with this one time}

{on a condition applied that you would submit all artifacts to the system}

Ekansh asks what type of help are you going to provide to the system.

{system would help you in erecting the Four Violet Flames Formation with the help of the 4 barriers producing artifacts}

{ and you have to submit all the remaining artifacts to the system}

Ekansh asks the system why does it need the artifacts of virtual reality that it has created.

{virtual reality is not created by the system at present the system is not that powerful}

{ it needs to upgrade to provide a virtual reality with the time difference of 1 hour: 1 year}

Then where are we at present now Ekansh asks the system?

{ we present in virtual reality which moves in the space-time ocean}