
Road to be a ( GOAT )

Raphinha alves a boy from the poorest areas in this world reincarnates and is back from where he began his football career where in the end he failed . But now it's different he will get alot of opportunities it's up to him to climb his way up to the top while he is assisted by a Great system . will he rise and become a (GOAT) respected in football world or he will be a looser again and watch as his most loved person in this world die becouse of him not having money . thank you for reading this book and if you liked it please share it with your friends . thank you again i hope to write this book till the end so please help me by supporting it . THANK YOU AGAIN first time writing and english is not my first language so guys i appologies if you see a wrong or shit grammer Updates *( 2 CHAPTER A WEEK )

kakashideligtt · กีฬา
28 Chs

Preparation for the TRAILS II

After while Raphinha went to the bed and slept while he was excited for tomorrow's trail .

Early in the morning he woked up looked around and that's when he hit by ray of golden light he looked at the window where the rays came from he couldn't help but stand up and look at the streets from the window , th birds were singing and the view was beautiful.

he couldn't help but think " morning sure is beautiful " .

then he looked a the system menu which was upgraded last time . he didn't have time this whole week so he couldn't see the new features . but now he had time to look around so asked the system .

Raphinha : system what is the new features ?

system : host can use bronze card point to upgrade his attributes. this points will be given to the host after completing mission or achievements . you can only use this point on attributes that are lower than 40 . and now that you are a bronze player you will only get bronze points so you can't use them on your luck or your strength attributes. and the other way to get this points to improve your stats is to exercise .

like when you want to improve your strength you will do 100 push ups or 100 pull ups they will give you each of them 5 points streangth enhancing bronze cards.

And if you complete 45 sessions of yoga you will get 5 points of ENDUARENCE and mentality awareness enhancing bronze points.

And if you complete 200 miles of running you will get each time 5 point of stamina enhancing BRONZE CARDS.


when he saw the notice that he cannot enhance his luck using points he was disappointed becouse luck is very crucial part of football.

but he didn't stay that for long becouse he can now enhance his attributes so he was excited.

now he can't enhance his strength becouse he is at the peak of bronze point card.

and for his lack he can only improve it after he becomes gold card player and that's when his all atributes reach peak silver he will break through this bottleneck through special means and that's for another time.

And after taking some refreshing air he sat dawn beside the window and started some yoga and stretching sessions . after doing 2 sessions of yoga of 1 hour he hurriedly stood up went to his locker and wore his track suit and grabbed his sport gear which was inside small bag that was normal hand bag .

After tha he left directly and rented a small motor cycle with his small pocket money he had after shoping his sport gears .

He wanted to go with the old man but he chose against becouse the old man is sleepy like sleeping much so he didn't wake him up .

By the time he arrived at the sau paulo youth academy studium there were many youth players coming for the trail . infact it's not only this year but every year the brazilian players are many so the race to the top is fierce if you don't work hard you may be left in the dust early in the game so you must be serious all the time to get the fruits you planted earlier .

Raphinha noticed two key players who were LUCAS PAQUETA AND RAPHINHA DIAS .

they were both average looking teenagers came for a trail but he knew that one of them will play in the premier league the fiercest league in Europe while the other will play in the France league . so the must be tough nuts to crack .

I tried to use my scout tool to see their attributes but was disappointed to see only their card grade which both of them were bronze but the had different bronze colored cards , when i asked the system it told me that Raphinha ( NOT THE MC ) is more better than Paqueta.

Then i began to concentrate the task infront of me which was the trail . so without dilly dallying i wore my kit which was tight and pair of good quality boots with chin guards .

with that i was ready for my trails .

Then i entered the pitch and wanted to register my name to participants so went to a man who was sitting at the corner of the pitch in a chair and table infront of him .

POV* ( caio de santon )

my name is caio de santos . my job is to register the participants of the trail an give them an ID . so after a whole 2 hours i registared upto 100 youth players which was many according to my experience as a registre man . so after i thought that my work was done i wanted to go and have a date with my with we hadn't a date in last 5 years so anyway as i was closing the file and preparing to leave i saw a youth at age of early 20's or so i thought. caio : hey boy how can i help you ? i asked him with a puzzled face questioning him . he answered me without any delay " mr i want to register for the trails so can you help me with it ? .

I was tacken aback and said with a serious face " boy didnt you read the poster it said under 16 only so how are you here didn't you understand the language ? .

he said " mr I'm 15 years old and nearing my 16 birthday so i understand the language if you don't believe me you can test me .

I didn't saw any dishonest in his eyes he was direct so i proposed we go to the lab to test him and know his age . after some time the result came and he was right so i gave him his ID an apologized to him for the inconvenience i caused to him .


After i came back from the register man i went directly to the pitch to do some stretching. after entering the pitch i was like a human entering a place with group of dwarfs the youth around looked at me with suprised eyes . i saw Lucas Paqueta coming near me and said " man you sure tall as hell "

i looked at him with a smile and said " thank you " .

After looking at me for a while he extended his arm and said " nice to meet you bro my name is LUCAS PAQUETA. i also extended my hand to shake his hand and said " my name is RAPHINHA ALVES nice to meet you too .

Paqueta : man after the trail can we go togather to paly plastation in the game store "

i said " sure i am okay with it "

And after some stretches the pitch suddenly became quite after seeing the three people that were walking toward us i was not suprised becouse the man in the front is the head academy coach of sau paulo fc his assistant and fitness coach .

so nobody dared to take infront of him .

He voice came bellowing " good morning to you all " said Gilberto silva the head academy coach.

he said " I persume every has registered him self and has an ID so if you don't have one that means you are trying to disrupt our trail so you will be punched heavely so i sugest if you don't have any ID get out now before you are caught . after some time i saw some people been drugged away by security guards . Gilberto " now that the waste is cleansed i persume you are ready for you trails becouse if you complete this trail successfully you will fly high so work hard and scure high position.

Raphinha knew that in this trail there some scouts who came from france and germany two of the five leagues in Europe so he was excited and determined to go to Europe.

Coach Gilberto : Now we don't need to know your names becouse many of you are going to be eliminated by today evening so what's the use of knowing your name if your not gonna be here by tomorrow it's only wasting time so i sugest you concentrate in the trails ( less talking much working ) ".

After hearing what the coach said many youth became nervous and started babbling with noise .

That's when the heard the fitness coach bellowing " Quite "

And the noise died down suddenly .

" You heared what the coach said less talking and much working and you are still babbling like babies . do you all whant to be a professional with this attitudes .

we are going to start the first trail which is fitness . we want to see if you are able to complete this trail . the trail is to run 33 laps in this pitch so be ready".

He said " we are going to divide you all into groups each group 30 person so be ready and if you hear your name be ready at the line understood ? ".

UNDERSOOD said the youth players in unison.

Raphinha thought " here it begins my journy to the top " he was full of anticipation .

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chapter 6 coming soon

kakashideligttcreators' thoughts