
Road-step to God

I am Ignus Nephilim. A mutated A.I. and creation of Chadron Keisler. I was once a software A.I. but my master bestowed me an arcane to create my flesh. Year 2401, when the energy detected 3 years ago had formed a portal that releases different types of creatures and classified it as "Arcane". My masters mission was to complete the artifact that cause this apocalyptic event in our world, their mission was lead to another world. "This is my token for you Ignus." This is my master Chadron last words before they go through the portal. [Infinite growth] This is my master's token, giving me an ability to grow without a limit. My mission was to maintain this world until they came back and to do it I must... Absorb every arcane and annihilate anything that threaten this world. I, Ignus Nephilim will make this world habitable once again.

Ignus_Nephilim01 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Infinite growth

A man standing at the peak of a tall building seems to be observing the area.

His white hair waving along the winds and his red eyes radiating a sensation of confidence.

'Its soon to be dawn, my senses still low even my sight can not detect higher level of concealments.'

"Area search" he said.

[ Area search: tracking area ability within 50m radius obtaining an informations being observed with 1 second interval. ]

'50 arcanes with different rank and types'

He jumped off to the cliff and a ray of light can be seen as the sun rising up.

"Its now time to hunt"


The man is now analyzing the arcanes as he tearing up the wind downwards with his speed.

"Seems like this is going to be easy."

The whole city become an arcane's lair after a few months and he was clearing the areas ever since his masters go through to their mission.

He smashed the ground with his fist as he landed and stood up confidently, then he hears a loud roar that caught his attention.

The grounds are trembling and a vicious arcane was going into his direction.


[Data analysis: Minotaur.

Class: C level.

Skill: Menace, Roar, Smash...]

"I have never seen this arcane before." he said in confusion.

"Help!!" A wimpy man shouting with his all and seems to being chased by a minotaur.

"Get down" He said as his palm was facing to the direction of the minotaur.

The wimpy man stumbled on a rock, he falls down and thought that he made a mistake and about to die. He closed his eyes whilst shaking.

The man who remain standing watching the minotaur's movements. He focus on the minotaur's chest and whispered...

"Electrical blast"

He casted a pin-point electricity that directly shot on the minotaur's chest.

The minotaur was on rage and shakes the ground with its gigantic hammer, it soon fainted.

The wimpy man didn't saw what happened, still in disbelief being alive in a near-death situation.

He stood up, he was on tears and his body was still shaking yet his face was graciously looking to the man whom he known saviour of his life.

"T-thank you young man, I'm still in fright a-and I can't move normally." the man said.

"I see, don't move now. I'll go to you." the young man respond.

"Stop! No, young man that minotaur is–"

A loud roar in different directions can be heard along with the heavy foot steps that shakes the ground.

'We're sorrounded' the young man thought to himself.

"Young man! just leave me, that arcane attacks in group." the man said.

[Analysis complete: the minotaur additional skill is ground calling]

'So that repeatedly smash was to call the others'

The minotaurs appeared at different directions as they smash the ground to cause fear nearby.

"Y-young man!" the man shout into him.

"Don't worry, I'll absorb them. They'll be part of me." the young man respond with confidence on his eyes.

A confusion was drawn into the wimpy man's face but trusts the young man after seeing his courage.

"I don't know who you are, but I'll help you with my mere life."

"Fine, as you can see we're sorrounded by multiple Minotaurs." the young man replied.

"Yes, they are." The wimpy man said. "But we have to wait for that one."

"That one?" The young man was confused.

"He is talking about me!"

A huge hammer-axe has been dragged by the largest minotaur among them, walking towards to the young man. It talks with its horrifying voice and its presence is enough to faint weak being.

"I am Asterion, the first Minotaur! I would like to challenge you human? to–"

Asterion halts as it points its finger to the man, its arm had been chopped off.

"You're not human, aren't you?" Asterion said and remained calm despite its arm being injured.

"I can't wait to tear your flesh and drink up your blood, it's my appetite you know?" Asterion said.

'An arcane with intelligence to remain calm after being injured, this is not an arcane.' the young man was confused by its existence.

"You are not an arcane." the young man said.

"Arcane?" Asterion replied in confusion. "what do you mean young man?".

Asterion's arm came back due its regenerating ability leaving it as nothing been happened.

"Come forth and I'll let you experience fear!!!" Asterion said in a loud voice.

Asterion dashed forward and swung its weapon to the man but he dodged it.

"You're quick" Asterion said.

Asterion moves was swiftly but the man continuously evading it.

The man stepped back and about to blow an attack but Asterion smashed the ground aggresively causing a magnitude.

"You're not going to do it." Asterion said and dashed again to swiftly attack its opponent.

'This Minotaur is tough. If I've been hit once, it will cause a fatal in my body.'

Asterion continuously attacked the man swifter than before and it is now irritated. It jumped upwards and throws its hammer-axe to the man in a sonic speed.

But the man is cautious, rapidly pointed his palm to the ground and blast it to evade Asterion's hammer-axe.

Asterion dashed forward to the man and hit him.

"Man! this is your end." Asterion said.

"Head smash!"

Asterion dragged the man to the ground with its head, then Asterion swung the man upwards and grasp him mid air to smash him on the wall.

"Hahaha! It's my win young man" Asterion said confidently.

The man's palm appeared in front of it.


A huge explosion cause by the man inflicting a burn and shock to Asterion.

Asterion loosen its grip into him.

"Inferno!" the man continuously burning Asterion's body as he moves swiftly around it.

Asterion tardily melting its body caused by the high heat yet with its regenerating ability it feels like never ending pain. Asterion can not see properly with its eyes melting, he can not capture the man again in its situation.

"Where are you!?" Asterion scream with its disturbing voice.


Asterion heard his voice coming from the back but as it look for him the man cut Asterion into half then continuously cutting its lower body in pieces.

The head was left remain and he put his palm into it.

"at your back"

"You are not a human!" Asterion said in fright.

"I am Ignus. Mutated A.I. creation of Chadron." He replied.

"And from now on, you are now mine. Goodbye Asterion."


Ignus absorbed the remaining head of Asterion with his hand.

[Skill acquired: Minotaur's dominance.]

The remaining Minotaur is frightened and saw him as a new lord. They kneel down before him showing their loyalty into him.

'I am still confused in this situation, but fortunately it gives me another set of skills.'

"Y-young man? who are you?"

Ignus almost forgot about the man.

"I'll tell you later, first I need to continue my clean up."

The wimpy man feared Ignus after seeing an unbelievable sighting.

"Don't worry, I am Ignus and I've been created to annihilate these things here." Ignus explained as he points to the remaining minotaurs.

Despite being an A.I. Ignus was still in disbelief that he can absorb any skill of arcanes.

'So this is infinite growth'

'And this is the token of my master.'

'Soon I'll be able to clean this mess before they came back.'

[Infinite growth]

A skill that can absorb and makes the user grows in infinite limitations.

"I am still here Ignus." The wimpy man said.

"Oh yeah, what is your name?" he asked as he walks towards to him.

"I am Jun, one of the archeologist." Jun replied.

"Jun, What are you doing in the middle of the city?"

"I was about collect some food at the grocery until a portal appeared in the middle of the road. These minotaurs came from that portal."

"I see."

"May I ask something?"

Ignus nod to him.

"Why these remaining mino aren't attacking us?"

"Their leader has been killed by me, so they fear me."

"I also fear you after seeing that" Jun whispered to himself.

"You said something?" Ignus said in confusion.

"Nothing hehehe. What are we going to do now?" Jun asked.

Ignus observed the sorroundings and saw that a number of arcanes had fled.

'Seems like I don't have nothing to do in this west area.'

"Let's go to the grocery first." Ignus said.

"Thank you." Jun replied. He was still confused at everything he saw but his priority comes first.

"And you all, minotaur here me out."

The Minotaurs stood up, showing that they are willing to be commanded by him.

"Secure these areas, kill another creatures and bring them to me."

The minotaurs nod to him.

"and no eating human."

The minotaurs are suddenly unmotivated.

"But I'll find something to all of you, more delightful than humans."

The minotaurs are confused but somehow curious about their new commander's idea.

"Wow, they now look like a pet haha" Jun said.

Ignus just sigh on it. "We can say it in that way."

They walks in the city heading out to the grocery and the minotaurs starts to patrol the areas.

To be continued...

From the author: I'm sorry guys if the story is not good enough to satisfy your imaginations but bear with me as I improve occasionally.

P.S. this is my first story and english is not my native language.

P.S. please, tell me where parts of my writing that I'm lacking, I would like to develop my ways according to my experiences with all of you. Give me a constructive critics. <3