
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

Chapter 34 Answer

Han Jin frowned and nodded, "I'm not stupid and naturally understand this truth. I'm just afraid that he really knows something."

Zhou Chengan slightly smiled, "Don't worry. If Uncle Han knows something, why does he need to call him over with great fanfare? I'm afraid if it's indeed true, then he should have already resolved it quietly a long time ago."

Whether Han Jin is a fan of the authorities or not, he instantly sobered up at what Zhou Chengan said. It was only after this incident that he also deeply realized something. At this moment, he must continue to strive further to improve his status within the Han family. Otherwise, no matter what he does in the future, he will be only controlled by others.

Han Jin took a large number of scriptures from Zhou Chengan and then left with satisfaction after Zhou Chengan was tossed badly enough. By the time Han Jin was finally sent out, the resentment in Zhou Chengan's eyes almost materialized into a concrete substance.


The next day's afternoon, Zheng Jue was a little late because of the company's affairs. As soon as he arrived at the door of the teahouse, he saw Han Jin wandering around the door anxiously, and when he saw him coming, there was a hint of surprise on his face before he hurriedly greeted him.

Zheng Jue frowned slightly. His expression slightly changed as he whispered, "Why is Young Master Han here?"

A hint of embarrassment flashed across Han Jin's face, who smiled a little embarrassedly and said, "Oh, you didn't say which room it was before, so I have no choice but to wait for you here."

Zheng Jue looked at Han Jin with a puzzled face, feeling a little weird in his heart

. Han Jin only needed to go to the front desk and say his name, so he would naturally know which private room it was, and yet, he still chose to wait there.

Just looking at Han Jin's stiff expression, Zheng Jue didn't want to say more, so he just smiled and said, "It's my fault. Let's go in together."

It was only then Han Jin breathed a sigh of relief before he walked with Zheng Jue inside the teahouse with a smile.

Zheng Jue was a frequent visitor of the Lu'an Teahouse, so this teahouse also kept reserved a private room for Zheng Jue all year round. That's why although it was full of customers now, Zheng Jue and Han Jin could enter the private room very smoothly.

As soon as he entered the room, the room was full of tea aroma. It turned out that someone had already made tea. Zheng Jue raised his eyes and glanced at Han Jin. Although Han Jin looked a little stiff, he still maintained his demeanor and invited Zheng Jue with a smile. Zheng Jue sat down, never mentioning the cup of tea that had been half drunk, and just pretended that he didn't know it. He took the opportunity to sit down and even smiled at Han Jin.

In fact, his mood at this time was also a little uneasy. The decision he is making now is a decision related to his life. It may take him to a higher level, or it may make him fall into the whirlpool completely. Zheng Jue didn't know what happened in the past, but in the face of the current situation, he can only choose the path that is most beneficial to him, even if it means selling his soul.

Seeing that Zheng Jue was very gentle to him today, which was completely different from the previous cold expression he had in the past, Han Jin couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart. First, he diligently ordered the tea that Zheng Jue likes to drink and then helped him to make it himself. These are the results he observed when he went out with Zheng Jue on weekdays, and then, he racked his brains to find a topic to chat about with Zheng Jue. He was aware that they had completely different backgrounds and experiences and that they could only talk about things in the circle.

Although the topic was poor, it was just right for Zheng Jue. At first, Zheng Jue himself was a little embarrassed. Even though he already made up his mind, he was still apprehensive in the end. Since Han Jin could adjust the atmosphere, then he would naturally be happy to see it happen.

It's just that the life circles of the two of them are different. Even if they talk over and over again, there will always be a day when they will finish talking and inevitably be cold in the end.

For a while, the whole tea room fell silent.

Han Jin was a little anxious in his heart, but he had to pretend to be calm. While making tea for Zheng Jue, he searched for topics.

However, at this time, Zheng Jue had already completely calmed down. He looked at the tea bowl with the dissipating smoke in front of him. For some reason, he suddenly calmed down. He looked up at Han Jin's extremely handsome face, only to feel that all the sounds in his ears disappeared, leaving only the sound of his heartbeat echoing in his ears.

"Han Jin, the answer you asked me last time, I'll tell you now," As if through the layers of clouds and mists, Zheng Jue finally heard his calm and somewhat icy voice.

On the other hand, Han Jin seemed to be holding down the pause button, and the whole person froze for a moment. He looked at Zheng Jue almost in a trance with a trace of doubt on his face, as if he didn't hear what Zheng Jue said clearly.

But the next moment, a smear of blood rushed to Han Jin's face. He almost used all his strength to restrain his emotions and put down the teapot in his hand tremblingly. His voice was a little unstable when he spoke, "You… You can think about it again. I'm not in a hurry."

Obviously, he had been forcing Zheng Jue to make a decision before, but he actually said such a thing at this time.

Zheng Jue shook his head expressionlessly, then lowered his head again, looking at his slightly calloused palms that were not as flawless as Han Jin's. Despite that, he knew that all of his hard work in his two lifetimes came from these hands.

In his last life, his life was so easily ruined by Wen Huaan and Han Jin, as if all his struggles were worthless. These two people sitting at the top of the pyramid just waved their hands a little, but his life completely collapsed, and what is even more ridiculous is that his destruction was just cannon fodder for the war between these two people. Even Han Jin did not know of his existence until he died in that life.

He always thought he had forgotten it, but when he visited Wen Huaan yesterday, he found that he had never really forgotten about it. He had never forgotten the humiliation that he had been destroyed and the hatred that went deep into his bone marrow.

Now, Wen Huaan is about to pay the price and Han Jin…

Zheng Jue raised his head slowly. His face was no longer as indifferent as before. He looked at Han Jin and smiled slightly. Unlike before, his estranged and polite smile had a hint of softness.

Han Jin looked a little stunned. He knew that Zheng Jue was good-looking despite that he didn't look like the popular delicate and beautiful teenagers today. He has clear, gentle, and elegant eyebrows, his figure is slender and tall, and he has the style of a humble gentleman. It's just that his expression usually looks indifferent, even his smile has a hint of indifference and alienation, and his whole person has a sense of abstinence. Han Jin was also attracted by this characteristic of his at first.

But now, seeing Zheng Jue's soft smile, Han Jin suddenly realized that the man in front of him could smile so softly.

"Han Jin, I'm only going to say these words once, so please listen carefully. You asked me why I like to deceive myself before, so I'll tell you now. It's because I'm scared," Zheng Jue's smile flashed away, and his expression faintly became serious.

"Scared?" Han Jin looked at Zheng Jue with some doubt.

"Yes," Zheng Jue clenched his fists uncomfortably, and his expression returned to his previous indifference.

"For me, I have never been personally in contact with such feelings in my previous life, but then you broke into my world with such great fanfare, which has troubled me for a long time," Zheng Jue turned his head and looked at the wooden screen behind Han Jin, instead of looking directly into Han Jin's eyes.

Hearing what he said, Han Jin was a little scared for a while. He looked at Zheng Jue in a panic and hurriedly said, "Don't worry. I won't be so reckless in the future. Aaron, it was all my fault before."

With him being clumsy and reckless, Zheng Jue almost couldn't help laughing, "Vi, don't say that." Zheng Jue called his English name very rarely, "Actually, I think what you said before is completely correct."

"Huh? "Han Jin was a little stunned for a while and looked at Zheng Jue in confusion.

Zheng Jue withdrew his gaze from the screen, then looked straight at Han Jin, and said word by word, "I said, I think what you said is completely correct. I don't want to face your feelings towards me because I'm deceiving myself, and now…" Zheng Jue took a deep breath and whispered, "I think it's necessary for me to look directly at this relationship. Han Jin, why don't we give it a try?"

Han Jin's entire expression suddenly turned blank for a moment. He looked at Zheng Jue and listened to what he had just said, but he didn't seem to have understood it at all as he didn't give out any reaction. It was only after a while that Han Jin reacted.

He almost stumbled onto Zheng Jue as he abruptly grabbed his neckline and said in a panic, "You… what you said is what I understand, right? Aaron? Aaron?"

His rhetorical questions seemed to hit Zheng Jue's heart, and for some reason, his heart became heavier and heavier.

Zheng Jue brushed away Han Jin's hand that was pulling on his neckline and lowered his head to look at Han Jin. His eyes were slightly red, like a wounded little beast. Although it was fierce on the outside, it was vulnerable inside.

"I think… we can give it a try," Zheng Jue lowered his head slightly and whispered in Han Jin's ear.

Hearing this answer, Han Jin's whole person seemed to be in a trance. He took a few steps back unconsciously until his whole body hit the table, and the tea set on the table made a harsh sound.

Han Jin looked at Zheng Jue directly. The emotions in his eyes were churning, and it was so deep that Zheng Jue felt terrible.

"You… why did you suddenly change your mind?" Han Jin's voice trembled slightly.

Zheng Jue squinted at the man in front of him. To tell the truth, sometimes, he would easily underestimate this man because he would behave recklessly and childishly in front of him, but at this time, he suddenly realized that he was actually the only heir of the Han family, the largest family business in Hong Kong. How could such a person be reckless?

Just like now, he hadn't thought that Han Jin would question his confession, but he did.

Zheng Jue covered up the excess emotion in his eyes, then walked slowly to Han Jin, lowered his head, and kissed Han Jin's cheek lightly.

He raised his head and looked at Han Jin's blank eyes, then curled up his lips, and said softly, "Well… it feels pretty good."

The string called rationality in Han Jin's heart suddenly snapped.



1. Great fanfare means a short ceremonial tune or flourish played on brass instruments, typically to introduce something or someone important . But in this case, it was used as a metaphor to describe the momentum and scale of the attack; it also describes the momentum and scale of mass activities .

2. Took a large number of scriptures is probably a metaphor for heeding advice.