
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

Chapter 22

Han Jin's words are very sincere. Although the Wen family is powerful, he is still ranked behind the Zhou and Han families in Hong Kong. Now, watching Wen Huaan's actions who messed up with the Zhou's and wanted to kill Zheng Jue, it would finally be the Han's turn to be in the limelight.

The Wen and Han families have a high degree of overlap in their industries, and the only difference between them is only a breadth in the scale of the capital. If he could put Zheng's golden pastry in the bag and let the Zhou's infighting unfold so they could not have time to take care of themselves, then the Han's and Zhou's cooperation will naturally be affected. Won't it be the Wen's who will benefit at that time?

The three people present are all smart people, so it was easy for them to see the point through twists and turns. Zheng Jue's face became expressionless, while Zhou Chengan smiled to reassure Han Jin, "Vi, don't worry. Since Uncle Wen has done the first day of the new year, then we naturally have to be the fifteenth. Otherwise, the old man kindly set up the stage, but he wouldn't be able to sing. Wouldn't it be a disappointment to him?"

Han Jin, who had a dark expression, did not speak, but his tightly pursed lips explained his attitude.

Zheng Jue carefully observed the two from the side. He had heard about Han Jin in his last life that his methods were cold-blooded and ruthless, while Zhou Chengan only had been praised with the words of a gentleman, such that he was elegant and modest. However, now that he looked at them, it was Zhou Chengan's shrewdness whose deeper, as his joy and anger are really well-hidden. He was really finely cultivated. It seemed that the Zhou's infighting was more serious than he imagined.

"Young Master Zhou, this approach of Mr. Wen is indeed a bit inappropriate. Everyone is a serious businessman. I didn't want to say that integrity should be the foundation of business, but at least, he should also pay attention to some morals. My father regarded him as a brother back then, but he was reduced to that point. For that, I would never let him go. I wonder if Young Master Zhou has other ideas?" Since cooperation is important, some things must be made clear at the beginning.

Zhou Chengan was stunned for a moment before he smiled. He could understand Zheng Jue's thoughts very well. The Hong Kong city was very xenophobic. Zheng Jue was afraid that they would be soft-hearted to that man.

"Mr. Zheng can rest assured. Mr. Wen's approach is absolutely unacceptable in Hong Kong," They are businessmen and not philanthropists. No matter how they should pay attention to seniority, they will not joke about their own interests.

Zheng Jue nodded. Although he somewhat believed it in his heart, he still had some reservations. After all, he still couldn't see what Zhou Chengan was thinking.

Seeing that the two of them were talking meaningfully, Han Jin couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly said, "Since this is the case, if we want to hit the Wen family, then we have to set their own city gates on fire."

Zhou Chengan glanced at Han Jin with a smile before withdrawing kindness from his eyes. At the same time, Zheng Jue frowned in embarrassment. Han Jin really didn't talk about any normal routines at all.

"Vi is right. The Wen family is not one piece of iron in the present. Wen Huaan's two nephews are still closely watching him, so he himself should not be faring well," Zhou Chengan raised his eyebrows.

Zheng Jue also remembered Wen Huaan's efforts to clean up his two nephews in his previous life, so he whispered, "This is easy to handle. Wen Huaan made two companies outside in order to deal with his two nephews. I'm afraid it is to prepare for the recovery of equity at that time. We can make use of it."

Han Jin was a little surprised when he heard this, "Two companies?"

Zheng Jue naturally knew that it was impossible for Han Jin to have noticed this. Even in his previous life, Han Jin failed to notice this matter. In the end, Wen Huaan successfully consolidated the Wen family and became very powerful for a while.

"It's true. This is news from a special channel of mine," Zheng Jue pursed her lips slightly and said no more.

Han Jin wanted to ask again after reading it, but Zhou Chengan was an understanding person. He understood that Zheng Jue didn't want to say more about it, so he moved on the topic with a smile, "Mr. Zheng has a good way. I don't know which two companies are they?"

"Wenli Fund and Zhaoyang Real Estate," Zheng Jue's voice was indifferent.

Zhou Chengan glanced at Zheng Jue thoughtfully, then smiled in a low voice, "No wonder…"

Zheng Jue glanced at Zhou Chengan inexplicably. Zhou Chengan was probably already aware of it, as he couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth, "I was also able to pay attention to it before. These two companies have risen very quickly. I have a very close relationship with Wen Huaan's nephew. I thought it was his nephew who gave me help before. I didn't expect Wen Huaan to hide it so deeply."

Zheng Jue He raised his eyebrows and didn't speak, but Han Jin's expression sank, "I also have impressions of these two companies, as they have cooperated with the Han several times."

Zheng Jue couldn't help but smile when he heard it, " Hong Kong is a big city, so this kind of thing is common. But still, we still need to check it out carefully so nothing will go wrong."

Zhou Chengan nodded, "It's better to be cautious."

Zheng Jue glanced at Zhou Chengan and his expression changed slightly.


The three kept talking until noon when Zheng Jue finally left.

Looking at the cars coming and going outside the window, he silently reminded himself that he must not provoke Zhou Chengan in the future. The dog who bites does not bark, which is really vividly reflected in Zhou Chengan.

Zheng Jue returned to the Zheng residence. Tomorrow was the day when the cooperation of the film with Lu Yunxing would be completed. As the main investor, Zheng Jue naturally couldn't miss it.

On the second day of the banquet, Zheng Jue went to Huaxing's restaurant again according to Lu Yunxing's instructions. This time, the service was much better than the last time. Zheng Jue was surprised. It seemed that the noble person whom Lu Yunxing met was very good. In just a few months, there were already subtle changes to such a place.

Lu Yunxing was very happy when he saw Zheng Jue and welcomed him personally, "Mr. Zheng, it's really not easy to invite you over today."

Zheng Jue knew what he was saying was that he hadn't left home these days because of the recently reported events. He knew in my heart that it was actually his fault, so he didn't get angry. He just smiled and apologized, "It's my fault, truly my fault. The company has been busy these days, so I couldn't make an appointment. I will definitely invite Mr. Lu back in the future."

This attitude made Lu Yunxing satisfied, so he finally turned the conversation away with a smile and instead welcomed Zheng Jue into the private room.

As soon as Zheng Jue entered the private room, he was stunned by the handsome men and beauties in his eyes. He turned around to look at Lu Yunxing, but he saw a meaningful smile on his face and whispered in Zheng Jue's ear, "Mr. Zheng, I know that you hurt your face a few days ago because of Lin Su's incident. There are so many people here today. You can choose whomever you want, they won't treat you badly."

Zheng Jue didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while. He knew that Lu Yunxing was doing things boldly, but he never imagined that he would do the pimping so unruly. Zheng Jue couldn't help laughing a few times and begged for mercy, "Mr. Lu, can you let me go? I'm not a hungry ghost. I have no luck. Let's talk about it in private. I'm not good at this."

Lu Yunxing Xu felt that Zheng Jue was shy, so he chuckled a few times and waved his hand to let the group of people sit down. Despite that, there was no shortage of the teasing look in his eyes.

Zheng Jue only felt that his scalp was numb, but he couldn't say anything more, so he sat down and pretended not to see it.

The other investors present all surrounded Lu Yunxing. When they talked, the sound of flattery was flying all over the place. Zheng Jue felt that his mouth turned dry. None of these old fritters said a word of truth, but Lu Yunxing still had a radiant appearance. Zheng Jue felt that Lu Sheng, who seemed to be unruly and informal, was probably the person with the deepest scheming here.

The group of people was eating, drinking, playing, and laughing around. Among them, there were few female stars who sent a few ambiguous glances at Zheng Jue. However, Zheng Jue didn't respond to their glances from beginning to end. These people didn't mind it and naturally won't force him. When they turned around to look for another target, Zheng Jue was relieved. Although he was not a gentleman in this regard, he still had a little bit of integrity.

When Zheng Jue finished dealing with this mess and returned to the apartment where he recently moved in, it was already half past eleven at night. Zheng Jue felt as if he had been fixed and reassembled all over again. Thus, he didn't want to get up again and just wanted to fall asleep.

But sometimes, some people just don't want to let Zheng Jue realize his ideas. Just a few minutes after Zheng Jue lay down, the doorbell rang. Zheng Jue rubbed his aching temples and went to open the door. He was still a little confused, but looking at Han Jin's face in front of him, he instantly woke up.

"Zheng Jue, what's wrong with you?" Han Jin frowned slightly.

Zheng Jue knew that she was in a very bad state at this time, but after hearing Han Jin's natural questioning, he felt a little uncomfortable, "What's the matter with Young Master Han?" Zheng Jue said coldly with a stern face.

Han Jin looked at him but couldn't help but laugh, "You look so weird. I want to come and see you, but you're not here all day today. I've been waiting downstairs for a day, and I just saw the lights in your room turned on, so I came to take a look."

Zheng Jue only felt that his brain was not enough as he frowned and stared at Han Jin. For a while, he didn't know what to say.

Seeing him like this, Han Jin had no reason not to hurry up and take advantage of it, so he immediately said, "I've been waiting for you for a day. Why don't you let me go in and sit first?"

Zheng Jue's temples were beating violently, and his head hurt like there was a pot of porridge being stirred in it. He couldn't have bothered to care and talk to Han Jin, so he turned around first and entered the room without closing the door.

Seeing his actions, Han Jin was stunned for a while. He stared at Zheng Jue's back for a long time, and then he came to his senses. He immediately entered the room, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Zheng Jue entered the room and collapsed on the sofa. Seeing his appearance, Han Jin felt a little distressed in his heart and quickly poured a glass of hot water on the table, then whispered, "Zheng Jue, drink some water. You can sleep like this if you drink too much wine, or else, you will have a headache tomorrow morning. Do you have any hangover medicine at home? Just take one."

Although Han Jin is the eldest young master with a five-body that hadn't much toiled on, he had a lot of painful experiences after getting drunk, especially when there were quite a few people coming to him for a conversation.

Zheng Jue frowned and got up. Han Jin saw that he was so uncomfortable, so he couldn't help but step forward to help him, but Zheng Jue struggled away, so his face became a little bad for a while.

Zheng Jue didn't notice Han Jin's face. He pressed his temple slightly, pointed to a cabinet in the corner, and said in a low voice, "The hangover medicine is in the second compartment. You can help me get it."

In an instant, his answer made Han Jin's gloomy expression turn bright.