
Rivals of Rebirth

There is always such a person in the world, his family background is better than yours, his status is higher than yours, while you work hard and think all the way up, but with just a wave of his hand, you are wiped out. What is even more sad is that he doesn’t even know who you are. Zheng Jue met Han Jin like this but he didn’t realize this truth until he died. In the end, he had found the wrong opponent and ultimately lost his life.

supadmo_soro · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs

Chapter 20 Situation (To Catch Bugs)

With a smile in the corner of Zheng Jue's eyes, he smiled and looked at Zhou Chengan who had a dark expression in front of him. He was finally certain in his heart that the failure of his career in the previous life, the chaos of the Zhou family, and Han Jin's pursuits of himself, this person in front of him was probably deeply involved.

"Mr. Zheng, do you have any connection with Wen Huaan?" Zhou Chengan's expression was serious, no longer as gentle and relaxed as before.

The corners of Zheng Jue's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a sarcastic smile, "Didn't Young Master Zhou already know about me and Mr. Wen? He is one of my uncles, and he takes care of me very well."

Zhou Chengan frowned slightly, with a few hints of disapproval, "Aaron, I take you as a friend. You are a smart person. You told me about Lin Ai before. I believe you should know something about Wen Huaan."

Zheng Jue raised his eyebrows, "Oh? I know something? What can I know?"

Zhou Chengan's expression became more and more impatient: "Zheng Jue, don't seek skin with a tiger!"

"Seek skin with a tiger?" Zheng Jue suddenly stood up, " Young Master Zhou, I don't care what you do with Wen Huaan. But you must remember, don't mess with me!"

Zheng Jue's tone was cruel, Zhou Chengan was also taken aback, and he glanced at Zheng Jue with some hesitation, "Aaron, how could I provoke you? I really don't know about Lin Su. I only learned about her relationship with Lin Ai after you reminded me. After learning about Wen Huaan's wolf ambitions, I contacted you in a moment of anger because I didn't expect that he would dare touch the Zhou's patriarch in the end. I'm in a dilemma now, so I came to discuss it with you."

Zheng Jue also noticed his unusual anger. Perhaps, for the sake of his innocent self in his previous life, or because of the resentment from the bottom of his heart towards the children of the noble family such as Zhou Chengan and Han Jin, this made him unable to let go even when he was reborn.

He suppressed the inexplicable emotions in his heart, sat back on his seat again, reluctantly curled up the corners of his mouth, and whispered, "You mean… you have been caught by Wen Huaan?"

To let the arrogant Zhou Chengan of the Zhou family be used by Wen Huaan like this, that he would even come to discuss this matter with himself, he was probably being threatened.

Zhou Chengan smiled a little embarrassedly, he really didn't expect Zheng Jue to be so sharp. He was silent for a moment, then said, "Yes, since I came to you. Naturally, I won't lie to you. I did something wrong because of a dispute with Zhou Chengyuan for a while, and it was caught by Wen Huaan. If it broke out at this time, not only would I be ruined, but the Zhou family would also be in trouble. I really don't want such a thing to happen."

Zhou Chengan was showing unexpected weakness that made Zheng Jue a little uncomfortable. He glanced at Zhou Chengan carefully, and there was a trace of doubt in his heart.

Zhou Chengan could see Zheng Jue's doubts, so he laughed, "Aaron, I really believe in you. At the same time, you should know that I'm really desperate, I don't want Wen Huaan to mess up the Zhou family, I don't want to have an accident myself. Now that you can remind me, it means that you and Wen Huaan are not on the same side. When your father had an accident, I'm afraid Wen Huaan played a big role in it. You want revenge, I want to get rid of him. It's the best alliance. I can't let it go for nothing."

Hearing Zhou Chengan talking about his father, Zheng Jue couldn't help clenching his fists, but the emotion on his face didn't change at all, he just smiled coldly, "Young Master Zhou really has great powers."

Zhou Chengan's face became a little pale. He glanced at Zheng Jue meaningfully and whispered, "It seems that you already know, but I dare not accept your compliment, it is not mine. The credits are all found by Vi. Aaron, he is sincere to you."

Zheng Jue's tone stagnated when he heard this and couldn't help but get a little furious, "I didn't know that Young Master Zhou is also a part-time matchmaker! In this kind of situation, you still have the heart to think about these things."

Zhou Chengan sighed slightly, "Zheng Jue, I am really optimistic about you. Vi is also my best friend. I know his thoughts about you best, and It's absolutely not just for fun. For example, in this Wen Huaan incident, he found out but he was embarrassed to tell you, so he could only ask me to tell you. He was afraid that you didn't know the person well, so he didn't want to provide you with a bridge with him. Wen Huaan is not a good person to deal with. You are alone and you are a newcomer. You must have no way right now to take him down, but Vi and I can help you."

Zheng Jue's face was a little ugly. Zhou Chengan's speech was indeed shameless, but it really disturbed his mind.

In Zheng Jue's view, Han Jin has a very strong sense of existence. Even if he didn't meet him, he seemed to be surrounded by his aura. This feeling makes Zheng Jue very resistant.

"I see. I will consider this matter carefully. Young Master Zhou, please go back first," Zheng Jue waved his hands indiscriminately, not wanting to pay attention to Zhou Chengan.

Zhou Chengan looked at his distraught appearance. For some reason, he felt more pleasing to the eye than the calm and relaxed appearance before. He smiled and nodded, then turned and left Zheng Jue's office.

Zheng Jue looked at Zhou Chengan's back with a gloomy look in his eyes. This person is indeed not a simple person as a few words from him have already shaken his original firm belief. Back then, he was just a small cannon fodder. Even if he was sacrificed, they wouldn't blink for him and naturally, they wouldn't bother to care. Now, in this life, when he finally had a little weight, they would come to him to cooperate. Although it is human nature, Zheng Jue's heart felt unpleasant.

The most unexpected person was Han Jin. He originally thought that Han Jin was bewitched by Lin Su before targeting him. Now, it seemed that there was still an inside story. Zhou Chengan was his closest friend. The Han and Zhou families are also close partners, and they have a lot of overlapping industries with the Wen family. They have probably teamed up to pit Wen Huaan, which is probably the real reason. Even if he seemed to like Lin Su, it is probably all fake. Thinking of this, Zheng Jue's eyes became darker and darker.


Zhou Chengan walked out of Zheng's building with ease. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Han Jin's car parked in front of him. Zhou Chengan smiled secretly and showed a bit of teasing on his face, "It's really an honor to have Young Master Han pick me up in person."

Han Jin frowned, with a little impatience on his face, but in the end, he suppressed his emotions and whispered, "Did he agree?"

Zhou Chengan opened the door with a smile and sat on the co-pilot, then said, "He didn't directly agree and just said that he would think about it."

"Consider? What else is there to consider? A person like Wen Huaan, if he didn't kill him directly, then will he keep him for the New Year?" Han Jin's face became more and more difficult to look at.

Zhou Chengan sneered, "You have put it nicely. How can someone as vigilant as Zheng Jue really trust me? Vi, I still advise you, if you just want to play, it's fine. However, if you really want to be wholehearted to him, then don't just get caught on Zheng Jue. Otherwise, you will be hard to turn over in your life."

Han Jin glanced at Zhou Chengan with some contempt, "What do you know about the relationship between me and him? You will go to him tomorrow. He is a smart person and naturally knows what to do best."

Zhou Chengan looked at him like this, and really wanted to kick him out. He was a dog-head military adviser and a matchmaker, so he finally reminded him with kindness. It was really embarrassing to be despised like this once, and still be despised by a heinous person with low EQ.

Zhou Chengan wiped his face and pressed back the self-esteem that suddenly jumped out. People had to bow their heads under the eaves. Now, this is the master, so he should be his matchmaker honestly.

"You don't know Zheng Jue. Your approach will only arouse his vigilance. He needs to think about it now. We need to give him some space. He'll just figure it out," Zhou Chengan said bitterly.

Han Jin frowned and thought for a while and finally nodded reluctantly, then glared at Zhou Chengan for some reason, "You don't know him. Do you know what kind of person Zheng Jue is? There is no one in this world who knows better than I do!"

The tone was sonorous and powerful, and the expression was very stubborn.

Zhou Chengan was really about to collapse, thinking to himself, if you really knew Zheng Jue best in the world, then you would be scared away now, even so, he was still able to make a bit of flattering expression on his face, "Yes, yes, you are the best. You and Zheng Jue are really a natural pair. I'm talking nonsense, don't take it seriously."

Hearing Zhou Cheng'an say this, Han Jin's face softened a lot, and there was a slight hint of pride on the corners of his eyes and brows. He nodded triumphantly and said with a smile, "Of course."

Looking at Han Jin's smile, Zhou Chengan was stunned for a while. He and Han Jin have known each other since childhood, but a smile rarely appeared on his handsome and indifferent face. Even if he smiled, under normal circumstances, they were all sneers or sarcastic smiles. Such a soft and relaxed smile, he hadn't seen it since he was fifteen years old. Now that it suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Zhou Chengan's emotions were very complicated.

Maybe, it might be true as Han Jin said. The two of them are really a natural couple.

Zhou Chengan was frightened by this thought of his own and shivered. It was awkward to be a black-bellied person. It really is harming people.


Although Zheng Jue didn't know Zhou Chengan's analysis of himself, he actually did what Zhou Chengan said. After the irritability, he finally calmed down. He thought about the matter from beginning to end and finally admitted that what Zhou Chengan proposed was the most reasonable. His current strength and resources are not enough to provoke Wen Huaan, and cooperation with the Zhou and Han is the most effective way.

It's just that even if this conclusion is the most rational option in his mind, Zheng Jue is still a little angry. Zhou Chengan is fine, as apart from being shrewd, this person is not difficult to get along with. However, the shameful thing is that he has to continue facing Han Jin, which is very important for the current Zheng Jue. It was like a sharp thorn in his heart, and it was a bit unpleasant in any way.



1. Black-bellied refers to people who are kind and gentle on the surface, but dark and evil on the inside. It also refers to people who are gentle on the outside but are actually evil .

2. I'm going high first… is probably an expression for excitement, I guess? There's not much info about it online.