
Prologue: Day one... (The calm before the Storm)

~Izuku Pov~

*Today started like most days. I woke up to my Alarm clock piercing my ears, causing me to let out a low prolonged groan "mmmmnn..!" before putting It on snooze once, and with a tired, raspy shallow tone I'd groan out "One more minute..!" Before burying my face back Into my pillow, with one arm underneath It for support. Closing my eyes I'd once again slowly drift back off Into my sleep. Little did I know Instead of pressing snooze I turned It off completely.

When I'd eventually wake back up, I'd find myself slowly sit up, moving the covers from off my legs, and up against the wall next to my bed. All while rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand just below the wrist, and eventually stretching. When suddenly something would click In the back of my mind, and my head would swing, eyes locking on my Alarm clock the time making my heart sink. Now physically Jumping out of bed I'd make a b line straight to my wardrobe sliding the closet door open with haste, I'd quickly grab me a set of clothes being School Attire of course. Dropping my boxers<—(All might boxers btw) on the floor. I'd quickly slip into a new pair one leg at a time, doing the same with my pants, I'd then pull my arm through my plain white T-shirt, as well as my head before tossing It to the floor then sliding into my button up collared shirt. Now Panicking. I'd decided to leave my buttons alone, and instead buckle my pants, drop to the floor, and slide my socks on before grabbing my white bottomed, red shoes with black laces Quickly putting them on I'd tie my shoes as fast as I could. Before hopping back to my feet running to my door I'd grab my backpack along the way, and hall ass down the stairs Jumping the last couple since they weren't too far from the floor, but just as I'd reached the door*

I'd hear a Soft voice that'd have me turn around "Yes Mom..?!" I'd say In an obvious hurry "Aren't you forgetting something..?" Inko would say with soft tone making me think to myself. 'Did I forget something' when then I'd noticed the soft smile on my mothers face, and It'd clicked In my head she wanted a hug, and a kiss hurrying to my mother I'd practically Jump Into her arms at her surprise Inko would say with a excitement In her voice "Wow.. how my babies grown God I'm so lucky to have a son like you Izuku.. my little Zukubear..!" She'd began to sob, and grip tightly

at my shirt my eyes widening I'd ask with a soft, but worried tone. "What's wrong mom..?! Why are you crying..?!" Her grip loosening she'd cry out "Y-You're getting older.. w-way too quick f-for me.. I don't wanna lose my baby boy..!"

Tears would begin to flood my eyes, and roll down my cheeks as I tightened, and hugged my arms around my mother like it'd be the 'last time' and then I'd cry out "Y-You'll n-ever.. I mean n-ever have to w-orry about something like that.. m-mom okay I'll always b-be your baby boy.. j-just because I'm graduating Junior High d-doesn't mean y-you won't see me anymore..!"

Inko would be nodding her head in agreement as she'd eventually pull away from the hug, and chuckle through her tears as she said "I know.. I know It's Just a mothers worry Is all.. I'm fine..!" She'd then softly smiled, and dried her tears with her forearm, causing me to do the same before I felt my shirt being tugged on, and I'd look down to see my mom buttoning my shirt, and normally I'd say I've got It, but I just decided to let her do It this time. Once done she'd say with a soft tone since we'd both finally stopped crying. "Alright I think I've held you long enough.. You're already late go, go..!" And just like that I'd be off, and on my way to school<—(Aldera Junior High)

Time Skip

(Rain comes In waves)

~Still Izukus Pov~


*Entering campus* I'd be out of breath, my heart racing, and sweat just dripping off my body as I'd finally made my way through the halls, and eventually to my class I'd be huffing, and puffing at this point as I'd opened the door. Then Anxiety Struck because as soon as I opened that door everyone In the entire class looked at me It'd be so Silent you could hear a needle drop, but then a familiar raspy, but angry tone would blurt out from the students "HEY!!! Moron you mind taking a seat..!" The sudden yell would make me Jump take my notebook to my chest hugging it with both arms, and rush to my seat with my head to the ground this reaction would cause another reaction from the crowd laughing, tons, and tons of laughter. I'd wanted to ball up, and die right there the embarrassment was drowning me, but everyone would shut up when they'd hear The Blonde haired male blurt out "What the hell are you Extras all laughing about..?! Morons you're just as weak as he Is If not weaker for being bystanders..!" They'd all get riled up, and they'd start to freak out when "he" the boy I've known since birth my childhood "friend" otherwise known as "Kacchan" would stand up at his desk slamming his hands down on It as he'd blurted out "OH SHUT UP!!! I SAID WEAK.. NOT QUIRKLESS..!!!" Letting out a annoyed tsk he'd turn his sights towards me, and he'd point me out "like that nerd over there.. Deku..!" Tears Immediately filling my eyes, and just as I'm in the mist of crying out under my breath "Kacchan-..!" Every one In the class begins laughing, and calling me names as Bakugou with a nonchalant expression turns his attention back to the front of the class leans back In his seat, and sets his feet up at his desk in front of him.

Meanwhile I'm In the mist of a panic attack, tears are flooding my eyes, and streaming down my cheeks my chest feels as If it's being crushed, and my ribs are puncturing my lungs as it's becoming harder, and harder to breathe I feel myself mentally clawing at my throat since It feels as if it's closing up on me causing me to cover my ears, and burry my face into my desk as I try my hardest to block out any, and all sound around me

Major Time Skip (U-A High)

"Midoriya, Midoriya..?!?!" Coming to realization of my surroundings I'd freak out, and start crying "no, no please stop calling me names please..!!" Flailing my arms about I'd feel someone grab onto me trying to subdue my arms to my waist again the soft voice calling out to me "Midoriya?! Hey, Hey Calm down It's Me.. It's Kirishima..!"

My body suddenly stopped In place, and my eyes shuddered as I looked up to to see the Red headed male through my watery eyes he'd have a worried expression on his face that'd only make my tears start streaming even more as he loosened his grip enough for me to wrap my arms around him burying my face into his shoulder Kirishima would wrap his arms around me assuring me that it was okay over, and over again. 15 minutes would pass, and I'd finally calmed down enough to explain what happened. "I had a flash back to my days In Junior high.. I had It really rough back then...a lot of bullies I didn't know why though since I was an easy going kid.. I never really did anything wrong to anybody..!"

Kirishima would sigh, and shake his head before softly saying with a assuring Expression written on his face. "You didn't do anything wrong Midoriya.. So don't beat yourself up about that. Some people just take things out on others since It's the easiest way to cope.. and bystanders become, bystanders because they don't wanna be targeted themselves..!" I'd nod In agreement, but little did Kirishima, and I know how 'right' we truly were... Eventually letting go of each other I'd softly say "Thank you so much for the support Kirishima.. It means the world, but we should probably get ready for our next class Since lunch Is nearly over..!"

Kirishima would nod his head In agreement, and we'd both find our seat -Five Minutes would pass- and the bell eventually ring, and within another Five minutes. Kids would start flooding the room one after, the other all taking their seats all except 'one'. I'd be confused since he'd never been late before, and so did some other students. As this desk that was empty belonged to no other than 'Kacchan'. It Also seemed that Mr. Aizawa noticed this as well since he'd be. Staring down the desk with slightly squinted eyes as If he was thinking "where could he possibly be..?!", but Just as he'd be about to walk over to Phone the office.

The Spikey haired Blonde would come 'stumbling' Into class limping with what seemed to be a baggy hoodie his body having tremors with each step. The whole class fell silent, and Bakugou seemed to notice keeping his head to the floor he'd just whisper. "Continue with what you were doooing b-astereds..!" Looking at me he'd wink, and for the first time ever in my entire life It had seemed as If Bakugou was being his true self since for the first time ever I'd see a little smile, but not even a second later, and a single warning his head would lean back, his eyes would roll, and he'd fall backwards. Falling unconscious my eyes would widen In utter shock as he'd be caught by Mr. Aizawa. The whole class In shock, but soon brought back to reality as Mr. Aizawa would yell out with pain In the back of his throat. "SOMEONE.. GO GET RECOVERY GIRL NOW..!!!"