
Rising to Fame (Pokemon fic)

Lots of people aim to be famous. Ordinary people, entrepreneurs, models, influencers, etc. It's a struggle where everybody competes for the love and admiration of the world. A competition where you'll meet fake friends, betrayals, criticisms and suffering. The path to fame is faced with a lot of negatives but Andrew doesn't care and he will rise through it all. _____________________________________ What to expect? -Progression -Training -Awesome fights -Nice bonding moments -Smug MC -Spoiled pokemon

_Shylo_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
17 Chs

Chapter 5- Signing up


[Name] : (Nickname can be used)

[Age] :

[Trainer ID number] :

[Contact number] :

[Number of pokemon that would participate] :

[Name of pokemon that would participate] :

[Additional info] :

I wonder what would be a good nickname?

Tapping the application form with a pen, I glanced up at the receptionist. She was handling some other guy and it would seem to be rude to interrupt them for a suggestion

I look back at the form with a frow I can't just use my own name, that would just be so basic

I need a name that sounds flashy but not too flashy, easy on the tongue and satisfying to pronounce

I got all those requirements but my head is coming up blank

Wish Ralts was here but he's back in my room at the Pokemon Center still practicing how to recognize a rock and a pile of sand as one single thing

"How funny would it be to just put my name as Ralts's trainer..." I mumbled

Deciding that making a nickname is hard, I answered all the other questions first while I thought about it

What about Psychic Guy?

No, it has the same kind of vibe as Ralts's trainer

I wrote my name onto my palm, could I just put some twist into it and make it special?My name doesn't really have much into it

"Andrew... An...drew, A drew, Sandshrew?" I groaned

Who knew making a nickname is hard. Let's just stick to simple but memorable names or maybe one word ones?

Kid, boy, man, power, psychic

I craned my neck to the ceiling and groaned once again. This is really taking me a long time to think

As I groaned, my eyes narrowed a bit as I stared directly at the light sitting above the ceiling


A literal flashy name. I like it. Now let's get out of here

I quickly wrote down the name and checked if the reception desk was clear and it was. The person the receptionist was handling was gone and I'm free to consult her

"I finished writing the form you'd handed me" I went up to the lady and handed her the application form

She took one look at the form and took it from me

"Perfect! If you still didn't know, the contest would start a week from now and you're free to prepare the things you need by then, if you don't show up on the time you'd present your act, we'd have to disqualify you from the contest" She said, taking a glance at me to see if I'm listening

I nodded

"Since it's your first time joining a contest, would you like to know how it all works?" She asked

I've already done my research but hearing it from someone with experience couldn't hurt


"First, you'd be assigned a random number which would be given to you by a staff member a week from now, just ask someone that works here and then let them guide you to the backstage"

The lady scrambled around her desk and grabbed a button pin lying around, it showed the number one on it

"This is what they will give you, it shows you when you'll be performing"

"Moving on, you'll wait backstage until an announcer calls out your number and make sure to prepare your own music and ask one of the staff to play out the song for you in advance"

"After you've done your act. The judges would rate it and after that, leave through where you entered from the backstage"

She coughed a bit before continuing

"Then the next contestant would go in after a bit of cleanup and when all the contestants got their turn, the judges would evaluate their scores and the top four would advance to the next stage"

I grunted to show that I was paying attention

"The next stage is the last stage, the four last contestants would battle each other with one of their pokemon on their team"

"Do note that knocking out the opponent's pokemon doesn't guarantee victory, how well your pokemon would execute their moves and how you reacted would be factors to your victory as well, a screen would show your points during that time and it would show it decreasing based on the number of points the judges deducted during your battle, the contestant with the highest point would be the winner"

The lady exhaled and inhaled after saying that lengthy explanation

In short, we'd be performing after being called to act by an announcer, get judged, get rated and fight a few battles then get rated again and win

Simple enough

I thanked the receptionist and she told me to ask her if I had any questions, I didn't and I left the Contest hall without any problems

All that's left to do is gather some inspiration and I knew the perfect place for it! I grinned