
RR Alliance - Rin Riser!

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(Pov. Rin Tohsaka.)

She couldn't process what was happening in front of her. Her servant, who had bragged about everything before, was fighting a Lancer and was getting badly beaten. It was so bad that not even a mother's love could save him. There was a moment when my servant looked desperate. Until the other servant became completely disinterested in the fight, almost disappointed.

Well, my servant was swept off the floor. It almost seemed like my servant was used as a broom to sweep him off the floor.

The scene before me was desolate, a cruel reminder of the relentless reality of the Holy Grail War. My servant, once full of bravado and confidence, now lay defeated, a shadow of his former self. The power difference was abyssal, and the expression of disappointment on the Lancer's face only served to deepen the wound in my pride.

I was paralyzed, unable to process the humiliating defeat. After all, I, Rin Tohsaka, a descendant of a long line of mages, should not be in this situation. But the reality was undeniable, and the pain of defeat was a bitter companion.

"Thud," my servant fell to the ground, the sound echoing in my heart like the hammer of final judgment. I knelt beside him, my mind a storm of emotions - anger, despair, and above all, a fierce determination to reverse this situation.

"You may go." The servant turned and murmured before astralizing. "What a disappointment."

"I won't let it end like this," I whispered, more to myself than to him. "We will rise from this defeat, and I will prove that Rin Tohsaka is not someone who easily gives up."

With a determined look, I began to devise a plan. I knew I needed more power, more knowledge, and perhaps, an unexpected alliance. The Holy Grail War is a deadly chess game, and I was ready to make my next move.


I didn't even know that a servant, after taking a beating, was not able to move. My servant was so beaten that he couldn't get up. I was sure that the servant we faced was extremely powerful. He was probably a demigod.

What can I do? This servant defeated mine in every way. It didn't matter that my servant summoned swords and threw them at him. Each sword was easily stopped in the palm of the servant's hand. The swords were not able to wound the skin of the rival servant. Almost as if he was made of the most resistant magical metal.

The rival servant maintained a serene face throughout the fight. And he was totally calm, almost as if he didn't even try to defeat my servant. And my servant murmured. ["not in the face. Not in the face. It will ruin the funeral."] my disappointment was extreme.


(a few hours later)

The night had fallen, and I found myself in one of the many dark alleys of Fuyuki, a place where secrets hide in the shadows. I was lost in thought when I happened to find someone, an individual who had a lot of power emanating from his body, could be the key to turning the game in my favor.

"Click," the sound of approaching footsteps broke the night's silence. I turned to see a hooded figure emerging from the shadows, their presence almost as silent as the night itself.

"Are you Rin Tohsaka?" the figure asked, their voice a whisper that barely disturbed the air.

"Yes, I am," I responded, trying to hide the anxiety in my voice. "And you are?"

The figure removed the hood, revealing the face of a young man, with eyes that seemed to see through the soul. "My name is irrelevant. But what I can offer might be exactly what you're looking for."

"The question is, are you willing to sign an agreement? A Geas?" said the voice while holding a contract. I bit my lips with many thoughts running loose in my mind. What could be in this contract? All I want is to win. This war! Not complicated things.

"Can I read the contract first?" I asked, not so confident in myself. My confidence wasn't good. So I tried to stay composed and have an image of nobility. But the truth is that I'm just a girl alone in the world.

"Alright." Said the voice while floating the contract to my hand. When I read it, I even thought I was seeing an illusion. I cast several spells to detect if there was any trick, but nothing. It couldn't be. I had to leave my servant at home lying in a bed. Because he had taken a beating. My confidence was down low.

I had no choice but to sign the agreement. The moment I did, I felt something. Even a tingling of a shiver running through my body. I felt a connection. This is abnormal, well. In the contract, I would become an ally of a master named Riser, and that both could not harm each other, whether directly or indirectly.

"Now. You will come with me. Let's go, I will take you to my master. But just know. If you try anything... I will end you." Whispered the voice dangerously. Almost as if promising a world of pain to anyone who hurt his servant.

"By the way. You and your servant lost badly, and we saw you lose." Said the woman who made a magic circle for the two of us.

The revelation hit me like a punch in the stomach. Not only had we been defeated, but our defeat had been witnessed. The humiliation burned in my veins, but it also ignited a flame of determination. I was not ready to give up, not while there was a chance to turn the game around.

I followed the hooded figure, each step echoing my renewed commitment. The dark and cold night of Fuyuki seemed less oppressive now that I had a new purpose. The possibility of an alliance, even with a stranger, was a ray of hope in the despair of defeat.

"Zwoosh," the soft sound of the magic circle activating under our feet enveloped us, and in the blink of an eye, we were transported to a new location. The magic of instant travel always left me slightly disoriented, but I quickly regained my balance.

We were in a spacious area, clearly prepared for the practice of magic. Runes and magical symbols were inscribed on the walls and floor, pulsing with energy. In the center of the room, a man waited. His presence was imposing, and even without saying a word, I knew this was Riser, the master with whom I had just formed an alliance.

Riser evaluated me with a look that seemed to penetrate my soul. "Rin Tohsaka," he began, his voice deep and calm, "welcome. Your arrival marks the beginning of a new phase in this war. Together, we will be invincible."

I wanted to believe his words, wanted to feel the confidence his voice conveyed. But doubt still haunted me. "And if we fail?" The question escaped my lips before I could contain it.

Riser smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "Failure is not an option, Rin. With the resources and knowledge we have, and now with our alliance, we have everything we need to win. But we must be prepared to do whatever is necessary, without hesitation."

The gravity of his words hit me. This alliance was not just a means to gain power; it was a commitment to victory at any cost. I knew I would have to face moral and ethical challenges, but the desire to win, to claim the Holy Grail, was stronger.

The determination in his gaze was contagious. I felt my own resolve strengthening as I absorbed his words. This would not be an easy or peaceful alliance, but rather a pact destined for ultimate conquest.

"I'm ready," I declared, my voice not betraying the doubts that still lingered. "I'll do whatever it takes."

Riser nodded solemnly, as if my words sealed a destiny already outlined in the stars. In his demeanor, there was gravity, but also expectation; the anxiety of someone who glimpses a great work about to be realized.

"Excellent. Soon, our plans will bear fruit."

(A/N: I forgot to mention more, now. We can say he is stuck in the Fate universe. Until he gets something to return.)

Author's note:

Well, folks decide to post around 1k words again. why 2.5k - 4k was not working, chapters will be 800 - 1.8k words. Okay?


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I have my patron to thanks:


Ben Phillips


Nicholas Berenguer

jose torres

clinton fraley



Tom Oni

Edwin Xot

Aaron Gurrola


adithya padmakumar




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